Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Inordinately Right
If you're not scared of needles and you're truly just scared of vaccines then post a video of yourself getting some kind of injection that isn't a vaccine and I'll believe you.
Just to be clear.....

You're the Bernie Sanders supporter who wants our union health insurance to be cancelled and replaced by the government....



Inordinately Right
I prefer fascist, stalinist, or democrat, but they're all the same thing so it's okay I guess.
I don't care what you people call yourselves.
I know what you are, and I know how many millions have died because of your sick ideology.

Vulture reflecting Socialism.jpg

PCM Troll

Well-Known Member
Any empathy for the REAL front line workers like my nurse girlfriend? Who’s back to one day off per week on call 24/7?
Hell no there’s not!
None! Nobody freaking cares about those actually sick with this crap and the healthcare workers working their asses off just to save your stubborn, unvaxed life
We should be ashamed. I know I am
She's back to having 1 day off a week and being on call 24/7 because she's cheating on you...again.

PCM Troll

Well-Known Member
Any empathy for the REAL front line workers like my nurse girlfriend? Who’s back to one day off per week on call 24/7?
Hell no there’s not!
None! Nobody freaking cares about those actually sick with this crap and the healthcare workers working their asses off just to save your stubborn, unvaxed life
We should be ashamed. I know I am
She's back to having 1 day off a week and being on call 24/7 because she's cheating on you...
This was yesterday. Oregon Health Sciences University. Tell me more about how the vaccine is a hoax.View attachment 348972
They are creating fear by playing a numbers game.


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PCM Troll

Well-Known Member
You CHOOSE to live here among a 42% fat population.
You sound like you don’t like Americans. You should move
OR. Just get the shot!
It’s not going to hurt you.
It will improve our country.
Our health.
Our jobs.
But seriously. I think you should just move. You sound like you want your cake and to eat it too; you wanna live in the best country in the world and not contribute to its success.
You should really consider moving. Far, far away
Can you give him something in writing that guarantees the shot will never hurt him and if it does you will have to pay all medical expenses and supplement any lost income?


Well-Known Member
You guys are mocking 5G. Let me drop some info.

peer reviewed study that shows exposure to 50hz frequency can activate a virus in a human. This study goes against viral theory and is revolutionary, so what did they do to get more data? Nothing, all research on electro magnetic frequencies activating a virus were shot down

Studies have found that exposure to high intensity ultrasound at frequencies from 700 kHz to 3.6 MHz can cause lung and intestinal damage in mice. Heart rate patterns following vibroacoustic stimulation has resulted in serious negative consequences such as atrial flutter and bradycardia.[13][14]

There is a bunch of evidence that frequencies effect the human body. There is evidence of a virus being activated by an electro magnetic frequency.

I’m not saying 5G is making people sick, but I 100% believe the electromagnetic frequencies we are exposed to weaken our immune system.

Yeah and how do you think we're going to accomplish that? Mind control vaccines. Duhhhh.
Another funny joke…. That isn’t a joke.

Electromagnetic fields effecting nano particles

every study I posted is legit, peer reviewed clinical research. But you guys think it’s conspiracy theory because the people on faceberg mock any discussion on this topic as conspiracy. People mock/make fun of these facts while doing 0 research because they are npcs who cannot do research on their own and process this data.

PCM Troll

Well-Known Member
This is a big problem.
You believe that because I took the vaccine, that I’m NOT critical of my government and elected officials 😂
Dude. If only you knew.
There is simply a line that I’m not willing to cross unless I get PROOF. Like, it’s not SENSIBLE that the government would give us this SLOW death via vaccines. If they wanted us dead, we’d be freaking dead man. You are NOT going to stop the “evil government” because you refuse to get a vaccine.
It’s like the greatest false equivalence in the HISTORY OF MANKIND

Out of your control? You have plenty control. You can go get a prick on the shoulder and progress society. Literally!!!
But your liberty is more important than your countrymen.
And you’re more worried about rebelling against the government that enables your opportunities in life; rather than the health of your countrymen.

Dude what point are you making here? Looks like a HUGE part of the population has been infected and are still getting infected every day
What does this prove now? 😂
Help me help you
I don’t think IDEAS should ever be censored
But when you try to pass IDEA as FACT
Yeah, as a guy who went to school for journalism, I do have a HUGE problem with that. You can idea all you want, but when you believe it to be fact with NO EVIDENCE and then make a massive social decision personal?
You cross a big threshold into stupidity.
Everything you said in this post describes what you are doing. YOU have no evidence. You started off by saying "looks like a huge part" which means it's not fact and makes you look cocksure.

Netsua 3:16

Everything you said in this post describes what you are doing. YOU have no evidence. You started off by saying "looks like a huge part" which means it's not fact and makes you look cocksure.
No evidence?
Go ask 10 doctors about the vaccine and see what they say
Do it.
THEN. If you still wanna cling to “no evidence,” by all means, go for it.
YOU are the one that needs evidence to support YOUR crazy claims.
That’s YOU. If you wanna prove something, then prove it. Here’s your big chance

Netsua 3:16

You guys are mocking 5G. Let me drop some info.

peer reviewed study that shows exposure to 50hz frequency can activate a virus in a human. This study goes against viral theory and is revolutionary, so what did they do to get more data? Nothing, all research on electro magnetic frequencies activating a virus were shot down

Studies have found that exposure to high intensity ultrasound at frequencies from 700 kHz to 3.6 MHz can cause lung and intestinal damage in mice. Heart rate patterns following vibroacoustic stimulation has resulted in serious negative consequences such as atrial flutter and bradycardia.[13][14]

There is a bunch of evidence that frequencies effect the human body. There is evidence of a virus being activated by an electro magnetic frequency.

I’m not saying 5G is making people sick, but I 100% believe the electromagnetic frequencies we are exposed to weaken our immune system.

Another funny joke…. That isn’t a joke.

Electromagnetic fields effecting nano particles

every study I posted is legit, peer reviewed clinical research. But you guys think it’s conspiracy theory because the people on faceberg mock any discussion on this topic as conspiracy. People mock/make fun of these facts while doing 0 research because they are npcs who cannot do research on their own and process this data.
It’s because these studies don’t say anything that make me concerned.
“Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are recognized as one of the promising nanomaterials for applications in various field of nanomedicine such as targeted imaging/drug delivery, tissue engineering, hyperthermia, and gene therapy. Besides their suitable biocompatibility, SPIONs' unique magnetic properties make them an outstanding candidate for theranostic nanomedicine. Very recent progress in the field revealed that the presence of external magnetic fields may cause considerable amount of SPIONs' agglomeration in their colloidal suspension. As variation of physicochemical properties of colloidal nanoparticles has strong effect on their biological outcomes, one can expect that the SPIONs' agglomeration in the presence of external magnetic fields could change their well-recognized biological impacts. In this case, here, we probed the cellular uptake and toxicity of the SPIONs before and after exposure to external magnetic fields. We found that the external magnetic fields can affect the biological outcome of magnetic nanoparticles.“
Okey dokey 👍


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You guys are mocking 5G. Let me drop some info.

peer reviewed study that shows exposure to 50hz frequency can activate a virus in a human. This study goes against viral theory and is revolutionary, so what did they do to get more data? Nothing, all research on electro magnetic frequencies activating a virus were shot down

Studies have found that exposure to high intensity ultrasound at frequencies from 700 kHz to 3.6 MHz can cause lung and intestinal damage in mice. Heart rate patterns following vibroacoustic stimulation has resulted in serious negative consequences such as atrial flutter and bradycardia.[13][14]

There is a bunch of evidence that frequencies effect the human body. There is evidence of a virus being activated by an electro magnetic frequency.

I’m not saying 5G is making people sick, but I 100% believe the electromagnetic frequencies we are exposed to weaken our immune system.

Another funny joke…. That isn’t a joke.

Electromagnetic fields effecting nano particles

every study I posted is legit, peer reviewed clinical research. But you guys think it’s conspiracy theory because the people on faceberg mock any discussion on this topic as conspiracy. People mock/make fun of these facts while doing 0 research because they are npcs who cannot do research on their own and process this data.
The human research was done. It was just done without anyone’s knowledge. There wasn’t a significant uptick in child cancer rates so they gave 5G the green light.

At least with the vaccine we know we are lab rats lol


I'm a star

Yeah, I saw that. Pretty sad that the FDA would violate all of their procedures in rushing approval of a rushed vaccine that has been killing more people in a year than all other vaccines over the last 20 combined. It's almost as though you simply can't trust the government anymore. I realize that many of you are in denial of that fact because the government scares you. You should stop being big babies and stop doing everything the government tells you to.