Inordinately Right
Typical fascist Democrat.They should have special facilities where they can be treated by folks who did all their medical research on youtube and facebook.
Typical fascist Democrat.They should have special facilities where they can be treated by folks who did all their medical research on youtube and facebook.
Would you find it hilarious if I mocked the death of someone who praised the idea of vaccine passports, who had a reaction to the vaccine and died as a result?I have some sympathy for regular folks who don't get vaccinated because they have been misinformed and end up suffering the consequences. When a toolbag like this uses his elected position to spread that same misinformation I find his demise to be both poetic justice and hilarious.
Would you find it hilarious if I mocked the death of someone who praised the idea of vaccine passports, who had a reaction to the vaccine and died as a result?
You do realize this virus or some form of it is here forever. No matter what. Right?* you will cause this thing to go on forever!
They should have special facilities where they can be treated by folks who did all their medical research on youtube and facebook.
Lmao. Yes.Would you find it hilarious if I mocked the death of someone who praised the idea of vaccine passports, who had a reaction to the vaccine and died as a result?
Look, everyone thinks that they're right and that people who disagree are idiots, but really, there is at least a little validity to most points of view. When a news reporter accuses somebody of spreading disinformation, they could be spreading disinformation in that very article. Or who knows, maybe it is complete disinformation. Right now it is a matter of opinion. But I can disagree with someone without hoping for their death. We gotta find common ground and remember we are all Americans.Lmao. Yes.
Wouldn't bother me at all tbh.Would you find it hilarious if I mocked the death of someone who praised the idea of vaccine passports, who had a reaction to the vaccine and died as a result?
These people that are promoting vaccine passports are not Americans.I can disagree with someone without hoping for their death. We gotta find common ground and remember we are all Americans.
Is that meant to be ironic intentionally?
Your entire life is FDA approved.Are they prescribing Ivermectin there? Sign me up! I bet this place would have a waaaaay better track record than the one run by people who do their medical research in WAPO and NYTimes headlines. Lol.
Nice propaganda.
It's worth some dignityYou could quit? How much is being a non-nazi worth? 100k? free health insurance? I get your point and masks are a joke, but how much is it worth to ya to stand firm in your freedoms? We all have to go through this and we all know this has everything to do with political blowback. If the maskholes in the company went to the press to tell the world that UPS isnt requiring its employees to wear masks, not only do you deal with maskholes but the president thats become buddy buddy with our CEO. If you want government contracts and money, you play by their rules.
Good lord. What is the deal? I’m simply presenting you with extensive sources contrary to what you believe, and you counter with this?
This is my crusadeYou are not “fighting evil” by not getting a shot