Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Well-Known Member
Our union steward was running around “enforcing” masks yesterday. His reasoning is at his wife’s work they wear masks all day and have a “V” on the employee ID for “vaccinated”. Sounds to me like they should just start handing out gold stars.
Sounds like your union steward is a :censored2:.

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
Sounds like your union steward is a :censored2:.
Not sure what word you were trying to use there, but he’s not my steward anymore for several reasons. He’s not a bad guy but he doesn’t stand up for the members like he should. IMO a good steward should have some fire in him. This guy doesn’t.


I'm a star


Just a dog
Covid death rate 0-17 <0.1%
COVID deaths last 7 days 1 in 100,000
COVID cases last 7 days 240.8 per 100,000

The CDC is lying to you.
Mainstream media is lying to you.
Federal, State and local politicians are lying to you. There is absolutely no reason to lockdown, vaccinate or mask.



@soberups Systemic review of all available randomized control studies on masks showed that there is no difference in masked and umasked viral transfer. Sorry it's not in meme form ...


@soberups Systemic review of all available randomized control studies on masks showed that there is no difference in masked and umasked viral transfer. Sorry it's not in meme form ...
But but but…maybe the mask will work this time?🤷‍♂️


Pees in the brown Koolaid
@soberups Systemic review of all available randomized control studies on masks showed that there is no difference in masked and umasked viral transfer. Sorry it's not in meme form ...
You should try reading the crap you post. Thats not what it says at all. My mask doesn’t keep me from getting sick. My mask helps to keep me from making you sick. Are masks perfect? No. Do they make a huge difference? Probably no. But pandemic response is a numbers game. If masks are 3% effective that doesn’t sound like much until you do the math on 3% of 335 million people. Right now there are exactly zero available ICU beds in my county. Zero. They are all currently occupied, and a lot of the occupants are people with Covid who refused to get vaccinated or wear masks.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You should try reading the crap you post. Thats not what it says at all. My mask doesn’t keep me from getting sick. My mask helps to keep me from making you sick. Are masks perfect? No. Do they make a huge difference? Probably no. But pandemic response is a numbers game. If masks are 3% effective that doesn’t sound like much until you do the math on 3% of 335 million people. Right now there are exactly zero available ICU beds in my county. Zero. They are all currently occupied, and a lot of the occupants are people with Covid who refused to get vaccinated or wear masks.
Oh got here we go again with the terrible math.


I'm a star
Oh got here we go again with the terrible math.

At least they're moving in the right direction. Once they realize that the actual amount masks seem to help is less than the margin of error, then we can talk about the possibility that they might make the spread worse. Also, they might also finally admit that there is no reason to wear a mask in general, but particularly when you don't have symptoms. That has been the biggest head scratcher for me, how people came to think that masks help prevent the spread in situations where the spread almost never happens

Netsua 3:16

At least they're moving in the right direction. Once they realize that the actual amount masks seem to help is less than the margin of error, then we can talk about the possibility that they might make the spread worse. Also, they might also finally admit that there is no reason to wear a mask in general, but particularly when you don't have symptoms. That has been the biggest head scratcher for me, how people came to think that masks help prevent the spread in situations where the spread almost never happens
Here’s some pictures for you to look at
Put your advanced scientific knowledge away and watch these pictures
Then add 1 + 1 together, and you BETTER tell me it’s 2 😎


Not if the company framed it under safety. Since most Union members have already been vaccinated, who would grieve it? A few right wing wackos?
Almost our entire center. But mostly left
Wing nut jobs. But they aren’t lining up for this science experiment. After you brotha