Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Well-Known Member
People dying all over the country.
People not seeing their families trying to fix up the very individuals who INTENTIONALLY put themselves at risk; without one shred of consideration for the consequences of your actions
It’s all about your rights. My rights! My rights!
Meanwhile, people everywhere are sick and dying.
People dying

yes they are. Who cares. People die. 80% + of Covid patents who die are obese. Over 80% of Covid parents hospitalized with severe symptoms have a chronic bvitamin d deficiency.

how about those fat unhealthy people take some credit?


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member
42% of Americans are obese.
You don’t care about 42% of Americans?
You sound like a great American 🙄
No I don’t. They don’t care about them selves or their family, or the general public they put at risk, or the health care costs/insurance that is drastically more expensive to offset them?

I take personal responsibility in every aspect of my life. I eat as healthy as possible, exercise, and in general put in effort to live as healthy as possible

but people like me are at fault because we feel we don’t need the a vaccine? Not the people who saw them selves get obese, do nothing about it, and are the reason for the vast majority of America’s health issues?

we can play blame games all day, I don’t give a poo about Covid, or chronically unhealthy people dying. What do they expect to happen?

i don’t give a poo about people well beyond average life expectancy who died from covid.

Netsua 3:16

No I don’t. They don’t care about them selves or their family, or the general public they put at risk, or the health care costs/insurance that is drastically more expensive to offset them?

I take personal responsibility in every aspect of my life. I eat as healthy as possible, exercise, and in general put in effort to live as healthy as possible

but people like me are at fault because we feel we don’t need the a vaccine? Not the people who saw them selves get obese, do nothing about it, and are the reason for the vast majority of America’s health issues?
You CHOOSE to live here among a 42% fat population.
You sound like you don’t like Americans. You should move
OR. Just get the shot!
It’s not going to hurt you.
It will improve our country.
Our health.
Our jobs.
But seriously. I think you should just move. You sound like you want your cake and to eat it too; you wanna live in the best country in the world and not contribute to its success.
You should really consider moving. Far, far away


Well-Known Member
You CHOOSE to live here among a 42% fat population.
You sound like you don’t like Americans. You should move
OR. Just get the shot!
It’s not going to hurt you.
It will improve our country.
Our health.
Our jobs.
But seriously. I think you should just move. You sound like you want your cake and to eat it too; you wanna live in the best country and the world and not contribute to its success.
You should really consider moving. Far, far away
First off you should be the one moving. The constitution aka the law of the land protects freedoms. You want to give them up, people died for our right to be idiots, jump out of planes, or do any other high risk activities.

I just don’t care.

my family literally saw war first hand, real :censored2:, death at its most evil and animalistic ways… my family had fled their respected countries and regions to get away from totalitarian governments. Totalitarian regimes always use your safety as a way to remove rights and freedoms

just as I don’t care about anybody’s life choices you shouldn’t either.

these problems solve them selves, unhealthy people will die. Heroin addicts od, the natural balance of the universe works in mysterious ways.

nothing out of my immediate control bothers me. Stop living in fear and worry.

Netsua 3:16

I just don’t care.
nothing out of my immediate control bothers me. Stop living in fear and worry.
Out of your control? You have plenty control. You can go get a prick on the shoulder and progress society. Literally!!!
But your liberty is more important than your countrymen.
And you’re more worried about rebelling against the government that enables your opportunities in life; rather than the health of your countrymen.


Well-Known Member
Any empathy for the REAL front line workers like my nurse girlfriend? Who’s back to one day off per week on call 24/7?
Hell no there’s not!
None! Nobody freaking cares about those actually sick with this crap and the healthcare workers working their asses off just to save your stubborn, unvaxed life
We should be ashamed. I know I am
Interesting, Florida is sending nurses all over the USA, a good friend is in Philly right now.

why is your girlfriend working so much? Staffing issues due to covid positive tests from employees with 0 symptoms? How is your girlfriend on call? Does she not work shift work? Nurses work 12 hours, or are on call.

are you saying she works her 3 or 4 12 hour shifts in a week, and can be called in anytime when not scheduled. Is she being paid for her on call hours?

sorry but your girlfriend, my wife, and any doctor know what they are signing up for. They don’t deserve a pitty party for doing their job.
You still did not reply to my questions. I’m asking exactly what your girlfriend does, her schedule, if she is getting paid to be on call ect.

Netsua 3:16

You still did not reply to my questions. I’m asking exactly what your girlfriend does, her schedule, if she is getting paid to be on call ect.
Yeah she makes more on call.
She works at one of the biggest hospitals in the world, Harborview in Seattle. She had a nice break from April to beginning of July and since then things have progressively gotten worse. We’re back to mask mandates
Come check it out sometime, maybe before you move to Timbuktu; you could use some visual perspective


Well-Known Member
Out of your control? You have plenty control. You can go get a prick on the shoulder and progress society. Literally!!!
But your liberty is more important than your countrymen.
And you’re more worried about rebelling against the government that enables your opportunities in life; rather than the health of your countrymen.
Notice how you call me a psychopath

when people loose arguments and can’t understand there is another side, they use names

freedoms above all, that’s what this country was founded on. I don’t care what anybody does. If you are so terrified of Covid nobody is stopping you, or the others from wearing hazmat suits. Nobody is stopping you from wearing goggles. Do wtf you want to do. Take your own life into your hands. Stop looking to government to protect you, they don’t give a poo about you.

Netsua 3:16

Notice how you call me a psychopath

when people loose arguments and can’t understand there is another side, they use names

freedoms above all, that’s what this country was founded on. I don’t care what anybody does. If you are so terrified of Covid nobody is stopping you, or the others from wearing hazmat suits. Nobody is stopping you from wearing goggles. Do wtf you want to do. Take your own life into your hands. Stop looking to government to protect you, they don’t give a poo about you.
No no. There’s no WINNER in this “argument,” we both lose.
I genuinely think that people like you have a screw loose. I mean, it’s not all your fault, a part of it is simple groupthink and forceful influence. it’s just really stirring how selfish people are.
“I don’t care about 45% of the population”

Websters definition of a psychopath:

Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls.

You convey 2/3 😎


Well-Known Member
Yeah she makes more on call.
She works at one of the biggest hospitals in the world, Harborview in Seattle. She had a nice break from April to beginning of July and since then things have progressively gotten worse. We’re back to mask mandates
Come check it out sometime, maybe before you move to Timbuktu; you could use some visual perspective
So how many 12 hour shifts does she work? Can she be called in after a shift during her designated rest period? Only on her days off?

Florida is wide open, and according to that exact article I posted still has hospital beds available. Your kuck state doesn’t though? Maybe Florida has the right idea?

maybe Sweden who did nothing from the get go of this Covid situation and is doing better than every other country in the western word has the right idea?

how anybody can ignore the only country in the west (Sweden) who did NOTHING and look at their numbers and realize all of these mask mandated and lock downs don’t work….. I don’t know. People are blind.

Netsua 3:16

So how many 12 hour shifts does she work? Can she be called in after a shift during her designated rest period? Only on her days off?

Florida is wide open, and according to that exact article I posted still has hospital beds available. Your kuck state doesn’t though? Maybe Florida has the right idea?

maybe Sweden who did nothing from the get go of this Covid situation and is doing better than every other country in the western word has the right idea?

how anybody can ignore the only country in the west (Sweden) who did NOTHING and look at their numbers and realize all of these mask mandated and lock downs don’t work….. I don’t know. People are blind.
Step one foot in her hospital and you’ll pee your pants.
Just because it’s not right in front of you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. There’s a whole big world outside of your information bubble


Well-Known Member
No no. There’s no WINNER in this “argument,” we both lose.
I genuinely think that people like you have a screw loose. I mean, it’s not all your fault, a part of it is simple groupthink and forceful influence. it’s just really stirring how selfish people are.
“I don’t care about 45% of the population”

Websters definition of a psychopath:

Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls.

You convey 2/3 😎
Group think….. coming from people who follow the group think narrative? The same narrative pushed by the media controlled by a small handful of powerful?

the same “group think” that technically can’t develop into group think because social media bans discussions?

people like me are outcasted, shunned, called names….. you need to read 1984, and watch yuri.


Netsua 3:16

Group think….. coming from people who follow the group think narrative? The same narrative pushed by the media controlled by a small handful of powerful?

the same “group think” that technically can’t develop into group think because social media bans discussions?

people like me are outcasted, shunned, called names….. you need to read 1984, and watch yuri.

This is a big problem.
You believe that because I took the vaccine, that I’m NOT critical of my government and elected officials 😂
Dude. If only you knew.
There is simply a line that I’m not willing to cross unless I get PROOF. Like, it’s not SENSIBLE that the government would give us this SLOW death via vaccines. If they wanted us dead, we’d be freaking dead man. You are NOT going to stop the “evil government” because you refuse to get a vaccine.
It’s like the greatest false equivalence in the HISTORY OF MANKIND


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Step one foot in her hospital and you’ll pee your pants.
Just because it’s not right in front of you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. There’s a whole big world outside of your information bubble
He could literally be on a ventilator dying and he would still be arguing with his doctor and claiming that it was all a big hoax and a liberal conspiracy. The willful, malevolent ignorance of these people is truly astounding.


Well-Known Member
Just because it’s not right in front of you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. There’s a whole big world outside of your information bubble

I’ll pee my pants because the hospital is full of sick people and people dying? Isn’t that what they are for? My wife seems to be handling her cases fine as do the surgeons/surgical techs/nurses ect

I don’t understand how medical professionals can become so soft after watching children die for years, see extreme visually horrific trauma’s…..

but fat people with diabetes on a vent is what gets to them?

my wife has lost more parents than I can count, that’s part of the job no? Having somebody die during a normal surgery for a Laminectomy, or having to see a child die because his family did not want the child to get a transfusion due to religious reasons?

people die dude. People in hospitals die. It’s part of life for people who work in hospitals.

Netsua 3:16

He could literally be on a ventilator dying and he would still be arguing with his doctor and claiming that it was all a big hoax and a liberal conspiracy. The willful, malevolent ignorance of these people is truly astounding.
I’ll pee my pants because the hospital is full of sick people and people dying? Isn’t that what they are for? My wife seems to be handling her cases fine as do the surgeons/surgical techs/nurses ect

I don’t understand how medical professionals can become so soft after watching children die for years, see extreme visually horrific trauma’s…..

but fat people with diabetes on a vent is what gets to them?

my wife has lost more parents than I can count, that’s part of the job no? Having somebody die during a normal surgery for a Laminectomy, or having to see a child die because his family did not want the child to get a transfusion due to religious reasons?
Wake your ass up man. You keep falling asleep to foxnews too much
Also, how many parents did your wife had? Is she a Jehova’s witness by chance?


Well-Known Member
This is a big problem.
You believe that because I took the vaccine, that I’m NOT critical of my government and elected officials 😂
Dude. If only you knew.
There is simply a line that I’m not willing to cross unless I get PROOF. Like, it’s not SENSIBLE that the government would give us this SLOW death via vaccines. If they wanted us dead, we’d be freaking dead man. You are NOT going to stop the “evil government” because you refuse to get a vaccine.
It’s like the greatest false equivalence in the HISTORY OF MANKIND
I literally don’t care what you do. Get the vax, don’t get it. That’s your own decision.

just like drinking mountain dews all day is
He could literally be on a ventilator dying and he would still be arguing with his doctor and claiming that it was all a big hoax and a liberal conspiracy. The willful, malevolent ignorance of these people is truly astounding.
Oh no, on a vent……dying….. I don’t live in fear. When it’s my time it’s my time.

you should post a couple news articles of the people mocking Covid who died to really prove your point.


Well-Known Member

Wake your ass up man. You keep falling asleep to foxnews too much
Also, how many parents did your wife had? Is she a Jehova’s witness by chance?
Kids blowing off half their heads doesn’t get to them? Covid fat people dying do

use some critical thinking man,

she works in the OR multiple times a week. She works in about 10 different hospitals in the region. Anything from normal hip replacements, to simple stem cell procedures at surgery centers, to multi level back surgeries, to emergencies which are usually johova witnesses that are either having a c section of had trauma.