Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'll answer that with an equally paralleled question.

Without destroying anything and yet examining earlier races and groups of people you can see that science wasn't their main focus but in almost every civilization known to man the people earnestly yearned to worship a god or multiple gods.

Why is that?

Because there's a yearning inside most people to know and be known by the creator of the beauty around them. There's many atheists who cry out to a God they don't believe in when they are on the battlefield or on a death bed.
Why is that?

Inside a person's "heart" lies the answer. It is a very personal matter and only you can answer for yourself.
No matter what you do, how far you run, God seeks after you because He desires your fellowship.

Science doesn't trump faith. It broadens it.

Wisdom is not infinite for us because we're always being schooled and the only thing we can't explore with science is where you go when your body is dead.

Science can't answer that and never will.

Only faith remains in that arena and that, my friend, is your answer.

The real answer 10 point, is that religion is only a "belief" and not a proven fact. Regardless of what ancient people thought or did, the intelligence level of those people was that of a 2 year old and "they" could believe anything placed in front of them, just like todays Christians.

Science on the other hand, has existed long before man ever walked this earth or took his first breath. Science built this world and science maintains itself.

Without any written "stories" religion is simply a fairytale. Something to control people with.

Hard hard was it to convince a stupid society, that a space god made the sun? The trees? The ocean? Earthquakes? Floods? Rain? The Stars? etc etc.. you could pretty much tell them anything, and why would they question it?

They knew no better.

So this story grew legs, and changed over the years as it controlled people across many lands. Each time people questioned the legitimacy of the story, the more they were burned, tortured, killed and placed as examples to keep the rest in check.

The spaniards did it the best as they took over many countries using this torture method of "converting" to Christianity.

But the fact remains, if everything was wiped out, and mankind eliminated from the earth along with all the writings of religion, NOT A SINGLE piece of proof of religion would exist, nor could it ever be proven again.

Science on the other hand, would be just like it was from day one. Gravity, the earths rotation around the sun, our solar system, the eco systems of animals, the plants, trees and fruits and such would all be a part of science and not some SPACE GOD floating around in outer space.

The concept of some space god impregnating a middle eastern woman in the desert would seem just as laughble to a future people as it is to me today.


10 point

Well-Known Member
I believe you have no idea "what Jesus claimed", or "talked about".
You have a book written by men and you believe it's the word of god.
People like to say faith is hard, I'm just saying I believe it's the easy way out.
See, that wasn't so hard after all.

Having faith isn't hard.
Counting the cost is.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about what Jesus claimed time and time again.

Do you believe that His death and resurrection paid once and for all the price to nullify condemnation of a believer's soul to the place called Hell that Jesus talked about?

That's the question.
It's not about church history or the dead sea scrolls or when dinosaurs roamed in Detroit Michigan.

That's pretty easily understood.

Yes or no.

I have the same belief in regards to Jesus death and resurrection as I do about the death and resurrection of Tammuz, Osirus, Dionysis, Adonis, Attis or Baal among many others.

And which Jesus?

Jesus ben Sirach. This Jesus was reputedly the author of the Book of Sirach (aka 'Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach'), part of Old Testament Apocrypha. Ben Sirach, writing in Greek about 180 BC, brought together Jewish 'wisdom' and Homeric-style heroes.

Jesus ben Pandira. A wonder-worker during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus (106-79 BC), one of the most ruthless of the Maccabean kings. Imprudently, this Jesus launched into a career of end-time prophecy and agitation which upset the king. He met his own premature end-time by being hung on a tree – and on the eve of a Passover. Scholars have speculated this Jesus founded the Essene sect.

Jesus ben Ananias. Beginning in 62AD, this Jesus had caused disquiet in Jerusalem with a non-stop doom-laden mantra of ‘Woe to the city’. He prophesied rather vaguely:

"A voice from the east, a voice from the west, a voice from the four winds, a voice against Jerusalem and the holy house, a voice against the bridegrooms and the brides, and a voice against the whole people."

– Josephus, Wars 6.3.

Arrested and flogged by the Romans, Jesus ben Ananias was released as nothing more dangerous than a mad man. He died during the siege of Jerusalem from a rock hurled by a Roman catapult.

Jesus ben Saphat. In the insurrection of 68AD that wrought havoc in Galilee, this Jesus had led the rebels in Tiberias ("the leader of a seditious tumult of mariners and poor people" – Josephus, Life 12.66). When the city was about to fall to Vespasian’s legionaries he fled north to Tarichea on the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus ben Gamala. During 68/69 AD this Jesus was a leader of the ‘peace party’ in the civil war wrecking Judaea. From the walls of Jerusalem he had remonstrated with the besieging Idumeans (led by ‘James and John, sons of Susa’). It did him no good. When the Idumeans breached the walls he was put to death and his body thrown to the dogs and carrion birds.

Jesus ben Thebuth. A priest who, in the final capitulation of the upper city in 69AD, saved his own skin by surrendering the treasures of the Temple, which included two holy candlesticks, goblets of pure gold, sacred curtains and robes of the high priests. The booty figured prominently in the Triumph held for Vespasian and his son Titus.

Now never let it be said that a historical Jesus outside the bible is never recorded by history. So which one is yours?


Well-Known Member



Inordinately Right
See, that wasn't so hard after all.

Having faith isn't hard.
Counting the cost is.
No it's not hard to answer.
You asked me if I believe people can only get to heaven through Jesus.
The answer is simple. No.

Religious exclusivity is arrogant, and usually ignorant.
Every religion is valid within it's own culture, if that doesn't tell you something about your own beliefs I don't know what will. Knowledge is a mirror. It'd serve you well to look into it.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I have the same belief in regards to Jesus death and resurrection as I do about the death and resurrection of Tammuz, Osirus, Dionysis, Adonis, Attis or Baal among many others.

And which Jesus?

Jesus ben Sirach. This Jesus was reputedly the author of the Book of Sirach (aka 'Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach'), part of Old Testament Apocrypha. Ben Sirach, writing in Greek about 180 BC, brought together Jewish 'wisdom' and Homeric-style heroes.

Jesus ben Pandira. A wonder-worker during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus (106-79 BC), one of the most ruthless of the Maccabean kings. Imprudently, this Jesus launched into a career of end-time prophecy and agitation which upset the king. He met his own premature end-time by being hung on a tree – and on the eve of a Passover. Scholars have speculated this Jesus founded the Essene sect.

Jesus ben Ananias. Beginning in 62AD, this Jesus had caused disquiet in Jerusalem with a non-stop doom-laden mantra of ‘Woe to the city’. He prophesied rather vaguely:

"A voice from the east, a voice from the west, a voice from the four winds, a voice against Jerusalem and the holy house, a voice against the bridegrooms and the brides, and a voice against the whole people."

– Josephus, Wars 6.3.

Arrested and flogged by the Romans, Jesus ben Ananias was released as nothing more dangerous than a mad man. He died during the siege of Jerusalem from a rock hurled by a Roman catapult.

Jesus ben Saphat. In the insurrection of 68AD that wrought havoc in Galilee, this Jesus had led the rebels in Tiberias ("the leader of a seditious tumult of mariners and poor people" – Josephus, Life 12.66). When the city was about to fall to Vespasian’s legionaries he fled north to Tarichea on the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus ben Gamala. During 68/69 AD this Jesus was a leader of the ‘peace party’ in the civil war wrecking Judaea. From the walls of Jerusalem he had remonstrated with the besieging Idumeans (led by ‘James and John, sons of Susa’). It did him no good. When the Idumeans breached the walls he was put to death and his body thrown to the dogs and carrion birds.

Jesus ben Thebuth. A priest who, in the final capitulation of the upper city in 69AD, saved his own skin by surrendering the treasures of the Temple, which included two holy candlesticks, goblets of pure gold, sacred curtains and robes of the high priests. The booty figured prominently in the Triumph held for Vespasian and his son Titus.

Now never let it be said that a historical Jesus outside the bible is never recorded by history. So which one is yours?
The son of Mary, conceived of the Holy Spirit, crucified, buried, raised from the dead and sits at the right side of God the Father.

His birthday is commemorated and counted forward from at the top of every newspaper, magazine, and calendar.

I didn't get His last Name and evidently it wasn't important but His Name is Holy One, Just, Wonderful Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Merciful, Judge, I Am, and Prince of Peace.

I call Him Jesus because He saved me and delivered me from the dominion of darkness. His power is limitless.

The scripture is accurate...
Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.

This Jesus you will meet eye to eye one day.
You can bring your questions up then and I'm sure He will get you up to speed.

10 point

Well-Known Member
The real answer 10 point, is that religion is only a "belief" and not a proven fact. Regardless of what ancient people thought or did, the intelligence level of those people was that of a 2 year old and "they" could believe anything placed in front of them, just like todays Christians.

Science on the other hand, has existed long before man ever walked this earth or took his first breath. Science built this world and science maintains itself.

Without any written "stories" religion is simply a fairytale. Something to control people with.

Hard hard was it to convince a stupid society, that a space god made the sun? The trees? The ocean? Earthquakes? Floods? Rain? The Stars? etc etc.. you could pretty much tell them anything, and why would they question it?

They knew no better.

So this story grew legs, and changed over the years as it controlled people across many lands. Each time people questioned the legitimacy of the story, the more they were burned, tortured, killed and placed as examples to keep the rest in check.

The spaniards did it the best as they took over many countries using this torture method of "converting" to Christianity.

But the fact remains, if everything was wiped out, and mankind eliminated from the earth along with all the writings of religion, NOT A SINGLE piece of proof of religion would exist, nor could it ever be proven again.

Science on the other hand, would be just like it was from day one. Gravity, the earths rotation around the sun, our solar system, the eco systems of animals, the plants, trees and fruits and such would all be a part of science and not some SPACE GOD floating around in outer space.

The concept of some space god impregnating a middle eastern woman in the desert would seem just as laughble to a future people as it is to me today.

Maybe I missed it but who, did you say created "science"?


Well-Known Member
I believe you have no idea "what Jesus claimed", or "talked about".
You have a book written by men and you believe it's the word of god.
People like to say faith is hard, I'm just saying I believe it's the easy way out.
and you never will understand faith Drive.... and that's ok.... your time will come... and you are ok with it... because you don't have faith.... you have "knowledge"and "facts"....
Easy way out? In a way yes.... but not the way you think..... Im ok with my friends that don't agree with me... it still doesn't change anything....


Engorged Member
See, that wasn't so hard after all.

Having faith isn't hard.
Counting the cost is.

Oh, man. "Truisms" like this one are what I see on church billboards every week, and they are meaningless. If one really thinks through religion(s) and looks at them rationally, logically, and realistically, there are so many flaws that faith seems more like ignorance than anything else. "Faith" fills in all of the gaping holes for which there is either no answer or a canned answer like the "truism" I quoted for you.

Marx said that "religion is the opiate of the masses", and although I disagree with Marxism, I'd have to say his observations on religion are right on the money.

Religion is for those who cannot think for themselves. You seem to be a textbook example, and so does Kim Davis.

No facts, no proof, and no logic. Pretty weak.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Oh, man. "Truisms" like this one are what I see on church billboards every week, and they are meaningless. If one really thinks through religion(s) and looks at them rationally, logically, and realistically, there are so many flaws that faith seems more like ignorance than anything else. "Faith" fills in all of the gaping holes for which there is either no answer or a canned answer like the "truism" I quoted for you.

Marx said that "religion is the opiate of the masses", and although I disagree with Marxism, I'd have to say his observations on religion are right on the money.

Religion is for those who cannot think for themselves. You seem to be a textbook example, and so does Kim Davis.

No facts, no proof, and no logic. Pretty weak.
Thank you.
When I'm weak, I'm strong.


Inordinately Right
and you never will understand faith Drive.... and that's ok.... your time will come... and you are ok with it... because you don't have faith.... you have "knowledge"and "facts"....
Easy way out? In a way yes.... but not the way you think..... Im ok with my friends that don't agree with me... it still doesn't change anything....
"My time will come" lol. I understand faith very well.
I had 13 years of Catholic school, an hour of religion class everyday, Mass twice a week.
I know far more than I need to thank you very much.