Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks

10 point

Well-Known Member
I choose Odin.

Who are you, to tell me otherwise?[emoji6]
I don't judge anyone's choice.
I don't care if others don't agree with me.
It's everyone's free will to choose their own path.

One day, when we quit breathing, all the speculation will cease.

The finite will become infinite and the score will be settled.

On that day eternity begins.
The arguments will cease.
The scales are ready.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I would be curious to find out how closely the modern English word "image" actually conveys the intended meaning of the ancient Hebrew or Greek word that was used in the original manuscript. The phrase "His image", if taken literally, would indicate that God has male genitalia. I would tend to think that a God that made this universe and all things in it would transcend such earthly details, and that the phrase has more to do with the fact that (a) the English language simply lacks a gender-neutral pronoun and (b) women have been completely excluded from any sort of leadership or decision making in the Christian church ever since its inception. The Bible is a book written by men and for men.
Looking at man these days, I'm not sure that is a positive statement about god! ;)

God created man (Adam AND Eve) in his image (or likeness if you prefer) but gave them free will.........and they blew it. And their decedents continue to do so to this day. Christianity serves as a way to get right with God through repentance and forgiveness.

I don't think most Christian nay sayers understand the gist of the religion and therefore probably shouldn't be so quick to attempt to pick it apart. Its easy to get lost in all of the passages. And targeting anti Christian viewpoints and material only makes the confusion worse.


Staff member
“But Marge, what if we chose the wrong religion? Each week we just make God madder and madder.”

- Homer Simpson


Well-Known Member
Ken Hamm is essentially saying that if you don't believe all of it, why should you believe any of it? I don't agree with Hamm on much but I do agree with him about that.

Not just Hamm but so many fundamentalist christians understand the dilemma is an all or nothing proposition. If the Genesis story is undermined in any way, this throws doubt on the entire fall of man story and thus the need for any level of salvation become a moot point. The entire biblical narrative collapses and from their position, rightly so.

With fundamental literalism, there is no middle ground, no area of compromise. Not all christians are this way obviously but at the moment those christians appear a minority. But I do think the pressure is on with the rise of people identifying pertaining to religion as a none. There is a growing panic about this condition and as is grows, watch for the "War On" claims to multiply.

It's pretty obvious that a majority of the world's population feels compelled to believe in some sort of supernatural narrative so rather than cherry picking just the parts you like from an existing narrative that doesn't fully reflect your values why not just come up with your own belief system that really does reflect your values? It's how all these religions got started in the first place anyway.

People are at this point in their evolution hardwired for some form of belief, vast majority do and will continue and I see nothing that will change that. They may abandon dogma and doctrine but even in some form they come up with themselves, belief in some manner of higher power will continue.


Well-Known Member
People are at this point in their evolution hardwired for some form of belief, vast majority do and will continue and I see nothing that will change that. They may abandon dogma and doctrine but even in some form they come up with themselves, belief in some manner of higher power will continue.

Interested in joining my fledgling CHURCH OF THE WACHOWSKI SIBLINGS?

As far as I'm concerned, they're a higher power - I couldn't make those movies.

We can get tax-exempt status - I hear the IRS has only audited about half a dozen churches in the last several years.

The dogma is laid out -intact- in the first Matrix movie.

We can skip the parts in the second and third Matrix movies that we don't agree with.

Just because.

(If this doesn't grab you, can I interest you in the CHURCH OF THE RED SHIRT?...CHURCH OF THE BLOCKADE RUNNER?...CHURCH OF THE REPLICANT?)


Well-Known Member
Interested in joining my fledgling CHURCH OF THE WACHOWSKI SIBLINGS?

As far as I'm concerned, they're a higher power - I couldn't make those movies.

We can get tax-exempt status - I hear the IRS has only audited about half a dozen churches in the last several years.

The dogma is laid out -intact- in the first Matrix movie.

We can skip the parts in the second and third Matrix movies that we don't agree with.

Just because.

(If this doesn't grab you, can I interest you in the CHURCH OF THE RED SHIRT?...CHURCH OF THE BLOCKADE RUNNER?...CHURCH OF THE REPLICANT?)

Not interested as I've joined the Church of Photon. Our highest ideal is "is it a particle or a wave?"

This leads to the dilemma, if we are made in the image of photon, are we a particle or a wave?


Its all good.
For the evolutionists reading, just how did life start? When I was in school many years ago, we were taught that life was started by a lightning strike in a body of water that kick started single cell organisms. Kind of far fetched to me. What is the current theory? Many on BC are tearing down the Bible, but I haven't seen where anyone has offered a viable alternative to believe in.
It's easy to tear something down. Anyone can do that.
So, what's my alternative?


Well-Known Member
For the evolutionists reading, just how did life start?...

If life hadn't started, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

The fact that life started means only that - it did, one way or another, and here we are.

I know life is a big deal, but honestly, don't read too much into it.


Staff member
For the evolutionists reading, just how did life start? When I was in school many years ago, we were taught that life was started by a lightning strike in a body of water that kick started single cell organisms. Kind of far fetched to me. What is the current theory? Many on BC are tearing down the Bible, but I haven't seen where anyone has offered a viable alternative to believe in.
It's easy to tear something down. Anyone can do that.
So, what's my alternative?
Evolutionary theory doesn't address abiogenesis.


Staff member
Very convenient isn't it?
Not really, it just is what it is. Evolutionary theory is the scientific explanation of how life forms evolve, not how life first started. If you're interested in that I gave a link to Abiogenesis which summarizes the current hypotheses.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Just how do the dinosaurs fit into this Adam and Eve story?

How did "GOD" create the earth and solar system, then place dinosaurs here for hundreds of millions of years, then decide to create man in his own image??

Why, if he loved mankind so much, did he experiment with dinosaurs first?



Inordinately Right
Interested in joining my fledgling CHURCH OF THE WACHOWSKI SIBLINGS?

As far as I'm concerned, they're a higher power - I couldn't make those movies.

We can get tax-exempt status - I hear the IRS has only audited about half a dozen churches in the last several years.

The dogma is laid out -intact- in the first Matrix movie.

We can skip the parts in the second and third Matrix movies that we don't agree with.

Just because.

(If this doesn't grab you, can I interest you in the CHURCH OF THE RED SHIRT?...CHURCH OF THE BLOCKADE RUNNER?...CHURCH OF THE REPLICANT?)
I resent your rejection of the second movie. However, I think we can find common ground in our love for the first.
Now as for those wackos who like the third movie, death to them! :biggrin: