Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks


Well-Known Member
Without Photon, there would be no life!

Without Jupiter - the planet, not the Roman god- there would likely be no life on this planet.

Again, the fact that we're having this conversation isn't proof positive of anything - and it certainly doesn't presuppose a creator.

It's in our nature as animals to look for patterns, but that doesn't mean all patterns have relevance.


Well-Known Member
Without Jupiter - the planet, not the Roman god- there would likely be no life on this planet.

Again, the fact that we're having this conversation isn't proof positive of anything - and it certainly doesn't presuppose a creator.

It's in our nature as animals to look for patterns, but that doesn't mean all patterns have relevance.

What if the universe itself by its own natural forces was the creator of itself and all matter and thus life that exists within it?

Being that all matter and all that exists is made up at the most fundamental level by electrical currents and what if electricity itself is the fundamental creator and animator of all that exists in our known universe?

What if.......?


Well-Known Member
I resent your rejection of the second movie. However, I think we can find common ground in our love for the first.
Now as for those wackos who like the third movie, death to them! :biggrin:

Don't misunderstand me - I simply said we could reject the parts of the second and third movies that we find objectionable.

The parts we like however, let us incorporate them.

We can always blame the discrepancies in the canon on different gaffers, different lighting persons, different caterers, different grips, or more importantly, the STUDIO.


Inordinately Right
Don't misunderstand me - I simply said we could reject the parts of the second and third movies that we find objectionable.

The parts we like however, let us incorporate them.

We can always blame the discrepancies in the canon on different gaffers, different lighting persons, different caterers, different grips, or more importantly, the STUDIO.
Well we can certainly agree the studio is evil.


Well-Known Member
What if the universe itself by its own natural forces was the creator of itself and all matter and thus life that exists within it?

That's pretty close to what scientists think, in absence of any other evidence.

The only evidence we can gather is what we can see with our telescopes, and outside of that, all we have is conjecture.

There may not be an Alpha or an Omega, at least in the Universe as we know it.

In this Hubble deep-field long exposure, there are hundreds of galaxies.

The last best approximation: 250,000,000,000 galaxies in our Universe - but that's just what we extrapolate from what we can actually see.

Science can only show us where we are. Unfortunately, it can't show us where we came from.

And yes, Photon.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty close to what scientists think, in absence of any other evidence.

The only evidence we can gather is what we can see with our telescopes, and outside of that, all we have is conjecture.

There may not be an Alpha or an Omega, at least in the Universe as we know it.

In this Hubble deep-field long exposure, there are hundreds of galaxies.

The last best approximation: 250,000,000,000 galaxies in our Universe - but that's just what we extrapolate from what we can actually see.

Science can only show us where we are. Unfortunately, it can't show us where we came from.

And yes, Photon.

Jesus is quoting as saying, "on earth as it is in heaven" and this saying is most often considered in its exoteric understanding but in gnostic and esoteric traditions his is understood in the hermetic "as above, so below" or "microcosm/macrocosm."

Once we dare to look out and then to look in, maybe the answers we seek might begin to point us into areas we never considered or even dared too.

And there is Arthur C. Clarke and the infinity of Fractuals


Well-Known Member
Just to put this into perspective, our own galaxy, the Milky Way has, plus or minus, 100,000,000,000 stars.

The nearest star to our own Sun is Proxima Centauri (part of a triple star system called Alpha Centauri), and it's 4.22 light years away.

If you wanted to get there, it would take 81,000 years, using theoretical technology.

That's the nearest star of 100,000,000,000 stars, in our galaxy.

In one galaxy, out of 250,000,000,000 galaxies in the Universe, as far as we can tell.

10 point

Well-Known Member
How convenient.
Convenient for some. Very inconvenient for many.

At that point, in our known existence, "reality" will with be set into eternal motion.

No one in this forum has explained where the spirit, or also called "life", of any live animal, human, or organism originated from and no one can, with scientific "facts", tell us where it goes when the body ceases to function.

The hand is removed from the glove.

In that moment, when your spirit leaves your body, the speculation will cease.

It is appointed for man(kind) to die and then judgement.

It is a fearful thing to stand guilty before a righteous judge with no representation.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This crazy psycho is scheduled to be released from jail, now that the judge has proof that all the same sex couples in the original plaintiffs case recieved licenses to be married. This religious nutball has been ordered NOT to interfere directly or indirectly in the issuance of those licenses. Any attempt by her to interfere with those licenses directly or indirectly will result in her RE JAILING...

Look for her to be behind bars in less than a week.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Her new religious "handlers" will force her to make more bad decisions.

I cant wait for her to be back in handcuffs.

In a side note, is it any wonder that all these religious fanatics are mostly white?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Yeah, these are the faces of "Sanity".. LOL

Convenient for some. Very inconvenient for many.

At that point, in our known existence, "reality" will with be set into eternal motion.

No one in this forum has explained where the spirit, or also called "life", of any live animal, human, or organism originated from and no one can, with scientific "facts", tell us where it goes when the body ceases to function.

The hand is removed from the glove.

In that moment, when your spirit leaves your body, the speculation will cease.

It is appointed for man(kind) to die and then judgement.

It is a fearful thing to stand guilty before a righteous judge with no representation.
Do you take LSD before you post?

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
... is it any wonder that all these religious fanatics are mostly white?

This crazy psycho is scheduled to be released from jail, now that the judge has proof that all the same sex couples in the original plaintiffs case received licenses to be married. This religious nutball has been ordered NOT to interfere directly or indirectly in the issuance of those licenses. Any attempt by her to interfere with those licenses directly or indirectly will result in her RE JAILING...

Look for her to be behind bars in less than a week.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Her new religious "handlers" will force her to make more bad decisions.

I cant wait for her to be back in handcuffs.

In a side note, is it any wonder that all these religious fanatics are mostly white?


Why are you bringing a persons race into this discussion? The color of her skin and the color of your skin and the color my skin have nothing to do with the situation she put herself in.

Keep skin color out of this!
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Staff member
Why are you bringing a persons race into this discussion? The color of her skin and the color of your skin and the color my skin have nothing to do with the situation she put herself in.

Keep skin color out of this!
That's rich.