Atleast, I can take it, unlike Teaguy.
He will steep into a new low level each time.
So, low, that no one will respond to his last words.
But, we got to make that kid happy, and give him his last words.
Only then, will a thread come to rest.
by the way genius you posted your poll under the under the wrong thread.
Don't lump sum the "don't care" with the "like me". They are 2 completely different things. I said don't care because I am to politically correct to say I DON'T LIKE YOU. OOOOOOH did I just say that? oooops my bad.It is "life after brown" for me.
But super genious, I'll teach you some good old german math :
You take the number "6" (people that want me off), then times (X) that by 100 (for percentage), and divide that by the people that don't care or like me (27)
So: 6 x 100 : 27 = 22.22 %
Thanks to you, that percentage actually went up today. Earlier it was over 30+ %.
But, you got it going again.
So, need to thank-you
Oh, and just to add some arrogance (fun - kind) - it's a higher approval rating then both Obahma and Bush ever had ! LOL
I'm not the guy running a "do you like me" poll.
I'm thinking that years ago if the village idiot had been able to run the same type of poll then those results would also have been favorable since people loved to have the village idiot around to laugh at.
An honest poll result would show that people do not like the arrogance with which you attack this country.
an honest poll may show that people actually consider you on par with the village idiot here.
the problem with displaying such honesty is that you are generally too stupid to realize that you are being laughed at or dispised by posters here.
Therefore please do continue to amuse us.
Don't lump sum the "don't care" with the "like me". They are 2 completely different things. I said don't care because I am to politically correct to say I DON'T LIKE YOU. OOOOOOH did I just say that? oooops my bad.
then that only makes 18.18%. Thats even works out better for me.
But, I'm not that bad.
As teaguy thinks I am.
His arrogance makes me counter act..... thats the problem I have.
Because , then all of you feel it.
But, trust me, I just let a lot of his posts, go by me.
Because, I can't be bothered
The end-result would only be more people disliking me, and Teaguys gain.
Because, of the counter-act, I would need to do.
Anyways, taking a 5 week break off here, anyways.
So, no biggie.
I have a few buddies I like to chat with on here.
And therefor I'll be back.... maybe even inbetween... I shall see.
Thanks Dilli.
(OH, and I guess there goes my theory on the 6 votes.. got to find the another one to replace you ) LOL
I got to admit, I'm addicted to all you guys and gals.
But, the poll, shall teach me.
I do realize, some have more then 1 identity, which kinda sucks. (they can vote twice, or maybe even more often).
But, I'll take it.
Hoping to be back myself. We shall see.
No one else thinks you're important enough to create multiple ID's against you.
Just how many different ID's did you vote under?
Way too honest for that, and actually uncaring to boot.
Wouldn't bother me either way.
But, it's nice to have a 64.7% approval ratiare ng.
Still wondering if you would get that Tie !
And, thanking all, that don't mind me.
I just bring a different opinion into BC.
Sometimes , you need to look accross borders, to see how things are done there, or if any improvements can be made.
Or , even which mistakes, not to make.
Thanks again, everybody.
Like I said, I'm gonzo for another 5 weeks.
Have fun all, and for those that haven't decided on the cruise yet.
Go for it. Seems like a nice darn group to be with !
So we expected to believe that the though of posting under multiple Id's did not enter your mind yet you somehow raised the issue?
I heard that some of Bernie Madoff's assets have been found in Canada........Klein, is that how you're paying for your travels??
Is it just me, or has it been Klein-quiet the last little while ????????![]()
That song was released in the year I graduated ('65) it!