Las Vegas Massacre - 58 killed, 515 hurt


IE boogeyman
So why isn't the media calling it Domestic Terrorism?
can't be terrorism without a political motive

Bumpfire is a gimmick and not really practical. Good chance they will go away as a convenient scapegoat whether the shooter used them or not.
that sounds logical at first but the fact is if you want to increase your ROF into a crowd of a few thousand people, it's not a gimmick anymore

if they aren't banned, every single nutjob trying to hit the high score now knows about it and will use it themselves next time


nowhere special
can't be terrorism without a political motive

that sounds logical at first but the fact is if you want to increase your ROF into a crowd of a few thousand people, it's not a gimmick anymore

if they aren't banned, every single nutjob trying to hit the high score now knows about it and will use it themselves next time

Bumpfire was hardly a secret before. Liberal media who knew little about guns may have been clueless but otherwise well known to the public.


IE boogeyman
Bumpfire was hardly a secret before. Liberal media who knew little about guns may have been clueless but otherwise well known to the public.
i think you underestimate how uninformed the majority of the country is to the weapons-world

nobody i know, besides my "gun friends" knew a thing about this kinda stuff

most of them are totally shocked it's legal, so infer from that as you will

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
i think you underestimate how uninformed the majority of the country is to the weapons-world

nobody i know, besides my "gun friends" knew a thing about this kinda stuff

most of them are totally shocked it's legal, so infer from that as you will
All I know about guns I’ve learned on here.


nowhere special
i think you underestimate how uninformed the majority of the country is to the weapons-world

nobody i know, besides my "gun friends" knew a thing about this kinda stuff

most of them are totally shocked it's legal, so infer from that as you will

Your fellow cubicle dwellers only know what they learned in videogames?


IE boogeyman
Your fellow cubicle dwellers only know what they learned in videogames?
or movies yeah

think about it though: the vast vast majority of people live in cities, these people only experience guns when they get robbed, play video games, watch a movie, or experience a massacre

maybe if you're lucky they were in the military, except the military tightly controls guns so even if they like them they still accept and are used to restrictions

if they have no idea what it's like to grow up with them in a non-violent setting, or just to go out on some open land or a range and fire some shots, can you really blame them for reacting like this?


Nine Lives
or movies yeah

think about it though: the vast vast majority of people live in cities, these people only experience guns when they get robbed, play video games, watch a movie, or experience a massacre

maybe if you're lucky they were in the military, except the military tightly controls guns so even if they like them they still accept and are used to restrictions

if they have no idea what it's like to grow up with them in a non-violent setting, or just to go out on some open land or a range and fire some shots, can you really blame them for reacting like this?
I understand ... ignorance is their problem.