Las Vegas Massacre - 58 killed, 515 hurt


Nine Lives
or movies yeah

think about it though: the vast vast majority of people live in cities, these people only experience guns when they get robbed, play video games, watch a movie, or experience a massacre

maybe if you're lucky they were in the military, except the military tightly controls guns so even if they like them they still accept and are used to restrictions

if they have no idea what it's like to grow up with them in a non-violent setting, or just to go out on some open land or a range and fire some shots, can you really blame them for reacting like this?
That's a well thought out post!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

This picture really gets to me. The word hero is thrown around way too loosely, but this is what true heroism looks like. Whether he’s shielding his wife, girlfriend or a stranger is irrelevant. The fact that he was willing to die for someone else is amazing. I’ve read multiple stories where women have said random men protected them from the massacre, as well as boyfriends or husbands. And they say chivalry is dead.....


I’m full of it
View attachment 158658

This picture really gets to me. The word hero is thrown around way too loosely, but this is what true heroism looks like. Whether he’s shielding his wife, girlfriend or a stranger is irrelevant. The fact that he was willing to die for someone else is amazing. I’ve read multiple stories where women have said random men protected them from the massacre, as well as boyfriends or husbands. And they say chivalry is dead.....
My wife is suppose to go to a concert in November,she really doesn’t want to go and I don’t blame her.It’s getting to the point now where I do not want to be in a crowd you never know when somebody’s gonna snap.


Strength through joy
My wife is suppose to go to a concert in November,she really doesn’t want to go and I don’t blame her.It’s getting to the point now where I do not want to be in a crowd you never know when somebody’s gonna snap.
Give her some body armor and a helmet and she'll be fine .


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
My wife is suppose to go to a concert in November,she really doesn’t want to go and I don’t blame her.It’s getting to the point now where I do not want to be in a crowd you never know when somebody’s gonna snap.
Every time I get on my bike I go knowing I could end up with my innards spread a mile down the road, far more likely than being in any kind of shooting. But I'd rather die while living than live a long, sheltered life, bro. At some point you just gotta say friend* it.


Retired 23 years
Every time I get on my bike I go knowing I could end up with my innards spread a mile down the road, far more likely than being in any kind of shooting. But I'd rather die while living than live a long, sheltered life, bro. At some point you just gotta say friend* it.

get busy living or get busy dying (Shawshank)

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Bumpfire has been around for a long time.

No need for any special stock.

I've only seen guys hip firing without bump stocks. Could be wrong. Seems like being able to shoulder the rifle and take aim with the scope when using a bump stock would make it a far more dangerous gun when firing from the 32nd floor of a hotel.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
View attachment 158658

This picture really gets to me. The word hero is thrown around way too loosely, but this is what true heroism looks like. Whether he’s shielding his wife, girlfriend or a stranger is irrelevant. The fact that he was willing to die for someone else is amazing. I’ve read multiple stories where women have said random men protected them from the massacre, as well as boyfriends or husbands. And they say chivalry is dead.....

It is true heroism. And we're gonna have a lot more heroes to come. The mass killings will continue.


Well-Known Member
I've only seen guys hip firing without bump stocks. Could be wrong. Seems like being able to shoulder the rifle and take aim with the scope when using a bump stock would make it a far more dangerous gun when firing from the 32nd floor of a hotel.

Several of guns had a bipod or Tripod attached to them. They make the gun stable to fire automatic with huge clips, discharging at such a high rate their is barrel rise/ muzzle movement, making gun not accurate if aiming for a single target at a great distance. Given he shot into a crowd of

If congress made silencers legal the shooter could done way more damage. It would take longer for police to figure out where the shots are coming. Specially if he shot from the back room so people can’t see his silhouette in the window.


Well-Known Member
that jimmy kimmel video got me...:(

obviously the west has major problems treating all lives equally meaning a Palestinian life has the same value as an israeli life which has the same value as a north korean life or italian life.

as much as i dislike alot of modern law enforcement, on the other hand i feel bad for them that they have to deal with this :censored2: and the products of bad social policy.

it'd be nice if america could actually reform itself.

these record modern massacres happening every year reminds me of the climate records that are being set every year.


nowhere special
Several of guns had a bipod or Tripod attached to them. They make the gun stable to fire automatic with huge clips, discharging at such a high rate their is barrel rise/ muzzle movement, making gun not accurate if aiming for a single target at a great distance. Given he shot into a crowd of

If congress made silencers legal the shooter could done way more damage. It would take longer for police to figure out where the shots are coming. Specially if he shot from the back room so people can’t see his silhouette in the window.

Silencers would have made no difference. All they do is quiet the sound a bit but always impossible to be silent with a supersonic crack which is why they are more properly called suppressors. Muzzle flashes showed where he was and firing downward at the crowd would have been impossible from farther inside the room. If the shooter used bump stocks those can't be used with a bipod or tripod.