Las Vegas Massacre - 58 killed, 515 hurt


nowhere special


Staff member
Here's the difference a 'bump stock' makes when firing a rifle

"He first shot the semi-automatic rifle without activating the "bump." Standing next to him, I was jolted a little."

"When he engaged the bump stock for the first time, my mind blanked and my body shook. Even after he stopped shooting, I was stunned for about 30 seconds."

lol who are these people.
I'm sure a guy firing off thousands of rounds into thousands of people doesn't care about any of that. The bump stock just makes it easier for him to do it.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'm sure a guy firing off thousands of rounds into thousands of people doesn't care about any of that. The bump stock just makes it easier for him to do it.
Actually in the article the gun store owner said it didn't really change anything.

I'm talking about the reporter who said my mind went blank
And my body froze for 30 seconds.

Seriously? From watching a guy shoot a gun?


Strength through joy
One does not need a bump stock to achieve rapid fire , you could also use the belt loop on your jeans .
Will Congress next outlaw blue jeans ?


Strength through joy
From the height of his room , he could have just fired into the air and let gravity decide where the rounds would fall .