Las Vegas Massacre - 58 killed, 515 hurt


Bad Moon Risen'
Quit posting Trump rallies... This :censored2: gets old. :teethy:

This would be more like it. Lots of open space.


Retired 23 years
Same could be said for drug laws and the war on drugs.

Damn--I knew if I was on BC long enough we could agree on something although I think gun laws are more useless. Drug laws probably tend to keep more people law abiding where as most gun owners are law abiding to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Damn--I knew if I was on BC long enough we could agree on something although I think gun laws are more useless. Drug laws probably tend to keep more people law abiding where as most gun owners are law abiding to begin with.
I think alcohol keeps " most " people law abiding. Drug laws just make more $ for drugs dealers.


Well-Known Member
I think alcohol makes people less law abiding----------------there--we are back to our normal disagreeing
Alcohol and now weed is all that " most " people need to escape the pressure and stress of life. Make those two illegal and then watch the number of other drugs use go up.