LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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Well-Known Member
Another week of polling, another week of averages...

Lets see how the first weekend in June played out..

CLINTON leading again.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Even with the Rassmussen and Fox polls trying to skew the average, even Rassmussens samples had Clinton leading.

Its only going to get worse for Trump from this point on.

The race hasn't even started yet. Trump will win. The bubble will burst. We can all party like its 1999.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The race hasn't even started yet. Trump will win. The bubble will burst. We can all party like its 1999.

The race is over bub.

You people are just suffering from "morelock" syndrome and will cheer for the next 6 months until you have to turn off the television at 7pm when you see DRUMPF getting creamed in the general election.

Then, like after McLame and Romney, you will turn on DRUMPF and call him a loser as well.

I know you have hope, but thats just symptom of "morelock"



Well-Known Member
The race is over bub.

You people are just suffering from "morelock" syndrome and will cheer for the next 6 months until you have to turn off the television at 7pm when you see DRUMPF getting creamed in the general election.

Then, like after McLame and Romney, you will turn on DRUMPF and call him a loser as well.

I know you have hope, but thats just symptom of "morelock"

Ok, Hillary will win (if she stays out of jail). But the race hasn't even started yet. The bubble will burst . We can all party like its 1999. Don't you have wieners to roast or something?


Inordinately Right
Either way the bubble will burst.
The race hasn't even started yet. Trump will win. The bubble will burst. We can all party like its 1999.
Ok, Hillary will win (if she stays out of jail). But the race hasn't even started yet. The bubble will burst . We can all party like its 1999. Don't you have wieners to roast or something?
And the word of the day is: "BUBBLE".
Lmao. You're hilarious.


Inordinately Right


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As in both 2008 and 2012, Rassmussen and Fox news tried to skew the polls for the White House, but they were short lived as Donald Drumpf continues to run his campaign into the ground with his mouth.

The man with zero substance, zero message other than hate is seeing his worst week of the summer so far , with more to come as GOP leaders all across this country abandon his presidential run.

One after another have blasted Drumpf for his stupidity and it appears all that drumpf has left is the lowest common denominator supporting him. Even Paul Ryan has come out today and said "vote your conscience" on Drumpf...

Not exactly something you want to EVER hear about the GOP nominee.

But at the end of the day, the weekly poll averages are out by the RCP, and surprisingly enough, even Rassmussen and Fox cant toss Drumpf a bone...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

And please, spare me the "its early"..."these polls dont mean a thing"..."these are liberal polls"....etc etc etc garbage.

The same polling sources have been used for the last 8 election cycles and they have NEVER been wrong.

This aint the early twenties.

Read em and weap you people.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Wrong again...

But what else would we expect from you?

You know, and I know, living in California that every newspaper headline and TV news proclaimed Hillary the Democratic Nominee THE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION.

Nothing fishy or crooked there, right?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You know, and I know, living in California that every newspaper headline and TV news proclaimed Hillary the Democratic Nominee THE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION.

Nothing fishy or crooked there, right?

This entire paragraph means nothing.

Did you spring an air leak? Better check your redline.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You know, and I know, living in California that every newspaper headline and TV news proclaimed Hillary the Democratic Nominee THE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION.

Nothing fishy or crooked there, right?

And by the way...

SHE WAS, after winning puerto rico and the virgin islands.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And by the way...

SHE WAS, after winning puerto rico and the virgin islands.

Sort of made California for the Democrats unnecessary wouldn't to say?

So why would Bernie supporters go spend hours in line when the race was over?

At least according to the Hillary friends at the AP.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
DRUMPF continues to lose ground to Hillary Clinton in the polls!

the DRUMPF campaign going into panic mode, fires campaign manager lewendowski.

The polls are taking a toll on the DRUMPF campaign, unfortunately, its too late. DRUMPF is finished. Its just a matter of time passing.



Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
DRUMPF continues to lose ground to Hillary Clinton in the polls!

the DRUMPF campaign going into panic mode, fires campaign manager lewendowski.

The polls are taking a toll on the DRUMPF campaign, unfortunately, its too late. DRUMPF is finished. Its just a matter of time passing.

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