LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And you seem to forget that you CANT WIN with 14 million votes. IT TAKES 65 MILLION votes to win...

Man, are you this dense?

It doesnt matter how many votes DRUMPF got in the primaries... Getting to 65 million is miles away from 14 million. Even if all 14 million showed up and voted for DRUMPF, it wont be enough for him to win.

The general election is a larger animal, and unlike a primary, where all you have to do is convince the dumbest of the dumb in the republican party to vote for you, now you have to convince EVERYBODY to vote for you, and as we see daily, DRUMPF is digging himself a bigger and bigger hole every week.

How you hold out for some miraculous victory despite all of DRUMPFS problems is really comical.

His campaign is self destructing as we speak, he is firing more and more advisors, Yes, he can pull in a ton of rednecks into rallies, but they are all white, and you cant win with WHITE VOTERS alone.

Thats a great strategy for finishing second, but not to win.

Today, DRUMPF is trailing outside the margins of error in all polls, and in key swing states, DRUMPF is losing those as well.

Three RED states may turn BLUE for the first time in over 40 years.

Now, if you knew anything about the general election, you would know that DRUMPF needs EVERY state that Romney won, plus a TON more in order to win, but he CANT afford to LOSE ONE SINGLE STATE to Hillary that Romney won.

I know you have hope, and you and brett will probably need some counseling after this election is over, but maybe you could start a "I VOTED FOR DRUMPF" support page and you could start consoling each other. (just a thought)

You left out that Hillary only got just over 15 million votes.

And she only had 1 main opponent most of the primary.

Trumps campaign is only self destructing in the eyes of the Trump haters aka the Democrats and the MSM.

Look at the rallies each candidate has.

Trump wins those hands down.

Look at the legal problems each candidate might face.

Again, Trump is in a much stronger position since Hillary is facing felony charged for lying to congress and may face jail time.

Look at each candidates health.

Hillary is falling apart, and looks like a weekend with Bernie candidate where others have to prop her up.

Trump is in excellent shape.

Trump in a landslide.


Staff member
You left out that Hillary only got just over 15 million votes.

And she only had 1 main opponent most of the primary.

Trumps campaign is only self destructing in the eyes of the Trump haters aka the Democrats and the MSM.

Look at the rallies each candidate has.

Trump wins those hands down.

Look at the legal problems each candidate might face.

Again, Trump is in a much stronger position since Hillary is facing felony charged for lying to congress and may face jail time.

Look at each candidates health.

Hillary is falling apart, and looks like a weekend with Bernie candidate where others have to prop her up.

Trump is in excellent shape.

Trump in a landslide.
Holy cow! Do you really believe that?!

Crowd size at rallies?! That's the polling you believe in? I guess if that's all ya got to believe in...


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Holy cow! Do you really believe that?!

Crowd size at rallies?! That's the polling you believe in? I guess if that's all ya got to believe in...
You are so right.

15,000 to 20,000 people each at 2 or 3 rallies a day mean nothing.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Multiple million dollar polling operations just all have it off by 10 to 15 points. Yeah right.

If you think polling companies can't be bought off or bribed to get the desired results, you are naive.

They are over sampling Democrats.

And which candidate are those Democrats most likely to choose Republican Trump or Democrat Hillary.

Right now, they are over sampling Democrats by 50% and the polls are tightening.

You wait, if the polls get tighter, they will over sample Democrats by more than 50%.

It's how the DNC and MSM operate with the polling companies.


Well-Known Member

If you think polling companies can't be bought off or bribed to get the desired results, you are naive.

They are over sampling Democrats.

And which candidate are those Democrats most likely to choose Republican Trump or Democrat Hillary.

Right now, they are over sampling Democrats by 50% and the polls are tightening.

You wait, if the polls get tighter, they will over sample Democrats by more than 50%.

It's how the DNC and MSM operate with the polling companies.

Are you high?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Absolutely. Con-man as in "confidence man". Doesn't tell you how he's going to do anything just "believe me", "you know it's true", etc.
Then where are all of his victims?

MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS would have them on 24/7 if there were any.

Wouldn't they?


Inordinately Right
Absolutely. Con-man as in "confidence man". Doesn't tell you how he's going to do anything just "believe me", "you know it's true", etc.
He's already started to make excuses for his loss.
If he loses it's because the election was rigged lol.
Those are not the words of someone who thinks they're going to win, they're the words of someone who is trying to get ahead of the game and protect his brand, which is really all he has.


Well-Known Member
Then where are all of his victims?

MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS would have them on 24/7 if there were any.

Wouldn't they?

I've posted many articles about Trumps shady business practices.

You won't acknowledge them.

The Trump-aid flows strong in you...your lips are orange!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I've posted many articles about Trumps shady business practices.

You won't acknowledge them.

The Trump-aid flows strong in you...your lips are orange!
When you make thousands and maybe tens of thousands of business deals, it is impossible to not have a few people crying foul or a few business failures.

Have you made that many business deals or hired tens of thousands of employees?

The law is not investigating even 1 alligation of wrong doing on Trump's part.

But Hillary is another matter.

She is a monster.

Makes the choice between Trump and Hillary a very easy decision.

It's Trump all the way.


Well-Known Member
The uneducated white guys that back Trump can climb out of bed at noon, go to his rally and then sit on their porch and drink beer.

we used to call them blue collar when they backed the democrats. I actually approve of you liberals calling them names like this. it pisses them off and gets them to the polls to vote trump . please keep up the insults.
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