lA times is not fluctuating its pretty consistent trump.
did you see the Reuters nonsense. 1/2 point difference between the two.
did you see the fox news poll nonsense two point difference there.
polls are closing while Hillary naps.
The LA Times/USC poll is not recognized scientific poll.. We have already covered this poll. Its not recognized, because it samples the same 3200 people every three days... depending on "who" and "how" many of the original 3200 they poll, the sample fluctuates..
The latest LATIMES/USC, in order going backwards...
LA Times/USCLA Times 8/26 - 9/1 2576 LV 4.5 43 44 Trump +1
LA Times/USCLA Times/USC 8/22 - 8/28 2460 LV 4.5 44 44 Tie
LA Times/USCLA Times/USC 8/6 - 8/12 2325 LV -- 46 42 Clinton +4
LA Times/USCLA Times/USC 7/30 - 8/5 2175 LV -- 45 44 Clinton +1
LA Times/USCLA Times/USC 7/20 - 7/26 2150 LV -- 40 47 Trump +7
LA Times/USCLA Times/USC 8/14 - 8/20 2385 LV -- 43 45 Trump +2
The LA TIMES/USC poll uses 1600 republicans and 1600 democrats who are "Eligible Voters" not registered or likely... like the other polls.
Depending on which sample of party makes up the majority when sampled, the data is skewed that way. One week more dems are polled than repubs, so the polling comes out favoring clinton, then vice versa.
This isnt scientific. Thats why there is no margin of error.. its ALL WRONG.