LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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Active Member
Hildebeast has to have Obama, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Moochelle, Bernie, Machada, and Bill out stumping for her to essentially stay TIED with Trump. Trump has who? His wife? His sons?....IMO that speaks VOLUMES. She's just plain bad for us. Lies, corruption, 2 faced. If any other woman had ran (except Nancy Pelosi) it'd be a landslide right now. I'm not a huge trump fan, but he's definitely the lesser of 2 evils. She's had 30 years in politics, has done very little except grow her bank acct.
Can you imagine if Trump had stood in front of a crowd of African American's and said " I ain't in no ways tired" like she did? He'd have been crucified ....She seriously should be indicted and prosecuted for the mishandling of classified documents, allowing Amb. Stevens and the Marines there to be killed with NO retribution.
Just my.02
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Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Prediction: Hilary will win electoral vote and barely lose popular vote. She will go on to continue her corrupt establishment and weave and dodge indictment . .for awhile . But there will come a day, that she is given so much rope, that she will eventually hang herself by self inflicting stupidity. Thus, she will be impeached or on the verge of impeachment after only 4 years. Her supporters will still be in denial and keep their heads buried in the sand saying she is the greatest thing ever..


Well-Known Member
The best part of reading your crap, is the confirmation of idiocy that goes along with it.

Unemployment is now at 4.9% with growth still occuring in the USA. These next two months will see hiring at levels unseen in previous years...

As if you understand what is happening in the USA...

Hillary WINS, the country then continues to move forward, while republicans continue to try and move backwards in the life cycle.

probably not even worth talking to you but the 4.9 % stat is skewed because of the way they measure it. part time min wage work is considered employed, discouraged unemployed job seekers are considered employed, etc

you should work for msnbc. i mean even they arent that deluded they said something similiar about the jobs report yesterday when i was listening at work.

btw your polls are skewed as well because they are averages not median.

your houses are the oldest theyve been since the 1930s and i think the same was true for your workplaces.


Bad Moon Risen'
you guys are easily poked. it was clear the question was not one expecting an answer but one reminding you that there is a margin of error.
...and the margin of error is right there in the poll results for all to see. Reading comprehension must not be his strong suit, and thus the reference to uneducated.


Strength through joy
you guys are easily poked. it was clear the question was not one expecting an answer but one reminding you that there is a margin of error.
newfie , you weren't supposed to let TOS know about the joke.
It kinda spoiled the fun of his/her/it scolding reply.


Strength through joy
...and the margin of error is right there in the poll results for all to see. Reading comprehension must not be his strong suit, and thus the reference to uneducated.
No, I'm just undereducated .
UPS didn't need a political analyst to handle packages and to be able to drive a standard shift truck.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hildebeast has to have Obama, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Moochelle, Bernie, Machada, and Bill out stumping for her to essentially stay TIED with Trump. Trump has who? His wife? His sons?....IMO that speaks VOLUMES. She's just plain bad for us. Lies, corruption, 2 faced. If any other woman had ran (except Nancy Pelosi) it'd be a landslide right now. I'm not a huge trump fan, but he's definitely the lesser of 2 evils. She's had 30 years in politics, has done very little except grow her bank acct.
Can you imagine if Trump had stood in front of a crowd of African American's and said " I ain't in no ways tired" like she did? He'd have been crucified ....She seriously should be indicted and prosecuted for the mishandling of classified documents, allowing Amb. Stevens and the Marines there to be killed with NO retribution.
Just my.02

Talk about simply reducing your intelligence to REPEATING debunked political rhetoric and calling it an actual thought.

The quote you cited, was already debunked, as Clinton was READING a passage from a book... sheesh man, pay attention if you are going to weigh in on politics.

Dont be a parrot, try having an actual thought you put together yourself.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Prediction: Hilary will win electoral vote and barely lose popular vote. She will go on to continue her corrupt establishment and weave and dodge indictment . .for awhile . But there will come a day, that she is given so much rope, that she will eventually hang herself by self inflicting stupidity. Thus, she will be impeached or on the verge of impeachment after only 4 years. Her supporters will still be in denial and keep their heads buried in the sand saying she is the greatest thing ever..

Here's the reality for you BAD GAS...

YES, Hillary wins, but she wins by +3%, not quite BARACK OBAMAS blowout of both GOP candidates, but it still will represent 48.3% of the popular vote.

NO, she will not be impeached, as the Dems will control the SENATE starting in 2017 and in this election, many republicans will lose thier seats in the house, and in the midterms, the remainder of republicans will lose their seats giving the DEMS total control of all three branches of government.

The do nothing congress under republican control will be sent a huge message this election, and during the midterms, they will feel the wrath of the American public for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the 7 years since they have had power.

So, impeaching Clinton will be next to IMPOSSIBLE.

Good luck with your next theory.



Well-Known Member
...and the margin of error is right there in the poll results for all to see. Reading comprehension must not be his strong suit, and thus the reference to uneducated.

newfie , you weren't supposed to let TOS know about the joke.
It kinda spoiled the fun of his/her/it scolding reply.

baba the good news is you can continue the joke because they are too stupid to know you hooked them. :)


Nine Lives
Prediction: Hilary will win electoral vote and barely lose popular vote. She will go on to continue her corrupt establishment and weave and dodge indictment . .for awhile . But there will come a day, that she is given so much rope, that she will eventually hang herself by self inflicting stupidity. Thus, she will be impeached or on the verge of impeachment after only 4 years. Her supporters will still be in denial and keep their heads buried in the sand saying she is the greatest thing ever..
At which time she will have a coughing fit and taken to the hospital where she dies ... but her body is never found.


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness---is there any chance that the electoral college could decide to ignore the majority vote in Trump's favor and hand the WH to Hillary? Or vice versa?


Staff member
In all seriousness---is there any chance that the electoral college could decide to ignore the majority vote in Trump's favor and hand the WH to Hillary? Or vice versa?
Of course. Nothing whatsoever illegal about it and Trump would only have himself to blame.

I doubt it will come to that though.


Strength through joy
On one hand you have a woman who entered politics to make money and only serve her best interests running against a man who has made money and is using it to run for an office where he'll have to take a pay cut and wants to serve his fellow countrymen .

Now its up to the people to decide which of the two is more worthy of the job.


Inordinately Right
On one hand you have a woman who entered politics to make money and only serve her best interests running against a man who has made money and is using it to run for an office where he'll have to take a pay cut and wants to serve his fellow countrymen .

Now its up to the people to decide which of the two is more worthy of the job.
Using his money to serve his fellow countrymen lmfao.
You're seriously delusional.
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