LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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Well-Known Member

My home is 10 years old..

WTF are you talking about?

i answered below regarding richard wolff. basically the money is leaving america and it reflects in your old housing / old workplaces modern record.

btw FOS i dong think your qualified to vote. i dont see how you can be so mislead.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
i answered below regarding richard wolff. basically the money is leaving america and it reflects in your old housing / old workplaces modern record.

btw FOS i dong think your qualified to vote. i dont see how you can be so mislead.

RICKY, I dont think you are qualified to "THINK"...

You dont know crap about AMERICA.

BUT, you must have stayed at a holiday inn, so I guess you think you do.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
New sunday polls show clinton climbing back into that +3% range where she will WIN!

.................... 241 DRUMPF

Clinton 48.3% of the popular vote



Strength through joy
Hillary’s Victory Fireworks Show CANCELED | Howie Carr Show

Hillary Clinton has canceled the fireworks show she had scheduled for Tuesday night.

Though the Democratic nominee was planning to celebrate the outcome of the election with two minutes of pyrotechnics over the Hudson River, the Coast Guard said her had campaign scrapped their plans Monday.

According to TMZ, “Clinton’s camp reached out on Thursday to say it wouldn’t be shooting off the 10″ aerial shells after all.”

The campaign did not give the Coast Guard a reason for the cancellation.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, the last day of polling, and ONCE again, CLINTON is in the lead in the National polls and hits the +3% margin in the averages....

The USC/LATIMES garbage experiment keeps the average down, but throwing that one straight into the toilet, Like I said, Clinton will WIN with a +3% margin nationally and recieve 297 electoral votes in her VICTORY on Tuesday night.

DRUMPF has failed to take the lead ALL YEAR, and in this last week, the spread has increased for Clinton.

Tomorrow is the last day for you to HOPE that DRUMPF can win the election.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
ON another note, I would like to explain to you people why you will continue to lose presidential elections, and at the end of the day, you can only blame yourselves for future losses.

Each state has a certain amount of ELECTORAL votes available and the states with the largest percentage of votes are now BLUE states.

Republicans in these blue states literally have only themselves to blame, and complaining about it does you NO GOOD.

AS WHITE Americans continue to refuse to accept people of color in your neighborhoods, you are making one fatal flawed mistake.

You are moving out of blue states and into RED states with practically no ELECTORAL VOTES. IN California, all we hear from white people is how they are moving to Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and such and leaving California firmly in the hands of the democrats.

The same is happening in Nevada, Arizona and soon Texas.

As "WHITE FLIGHT" may sound like an attractive idea, the repercussions of that move will ultimately leave control of the country in the hands of blue states.

Moving into RED states with 2,3 or 4 electoral votes may provide you with the majority WHITE neighborhoods you so desperately crave, but it wont win a presidential election.

As you will see on election day, minorities will dominate the electorate and be the deciding factor in this election.

204 electoral votes, as Romney recieved, is the biggest indicator of what I am saying is true. There is a chance that DRUMPF doesnt even come close to that number.

On the other hand, because of all the "FALSE" information spread by right wing sources and the DRUMPF campaign itself, DRUMPF may luck out and recieve a few more, but in upcoming elections, all that garbage will be old news....

So, if you ever want to "WIN" an election in the future, then maybe you should convince your bretheren to quit leaving blue states or moving out of RED states turning them BLUE as in arizona.

See you in Victory circle with HILLARY tomorrow night!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As for the election...

Once New Hampshire closes and Hillary is "Called" the winner, DRUMPFs chances diminish.. When Pennsylvania closes and Hillary is "CALLED" the winner, DRUMPFS chances are near ZERO, once North Carolina closes, and Hillary is "Called" the winner,

ITS OVER, the rest of the country doesnt matter.

RED will be RED and BLUE will be BLUE.

Others can go back to "that 70's show reruns" like in 2008 and 2012, and the C9 who have been practically silent in this election, will come on to say DRUMPF wasnt their candidate, and you defiant DRUMPF supporters will be the laughing stock of the country.


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Well-Known Member
As for the election...

Once New Hampshire closes and Hillary is "Called" the winner, DRUMPFs chances diminish.. When Pennsylvania closes and Hillary is "CALLED" the winner, DRUMPFS chances are near ZERO, once North Carolina closes, and Hillary is "Called" the winner,

ITS OVER, the rest of the country doesnt matter.

RED will be RED and BLUE will be BLUE.

Others can go back to "that 70's show reruns" like in 2008 and 2012, and the C9 who have been practically silent in this election, will come on to say DRUMPF wasnt their candidate, and you defiant DRUMPF supporters will be the laughing stock of the country.




No need to be a d about it.


Active Member
Talk about simply reducing your intelligence to REPEATING debunked political rhetoric and calling it an actual thought.

The quote you cited, was already debunked, as Clinton was READING a passage from a book... sheesh man, pay attention if you are going to weigh in on politics.

Dont be a parrot, try having an actual thought you put together yourself.


IDGAF if she WAS reading it... My point is...if Trump had read it, Lamestream media would crucify him as an insensitive racist...Deny it all you wish, but it IS the truth. She's got to be THE MOST corrupt politician in history. before you sling any more insults, no i'm not a "republican" imo there's so much of a blur between the 2 parties they're almost the same anymore. She'll say anything to get elected...Obama's words not mine. But then they all do...but we'll have to see tomorrow. If she is elected...say goodbye to our 2A rights.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I realize you're T. O. S., but you could be a little nicer.

No need to b slap all these Trump fans so mercilessly.

They'll be crying soon enough, no reason to rub salt into the wounds they don't know they have.

Play nice.

NAH, I got a bag of salt so big they have to moderate me, so ill use what I have available.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
IDGAF if she WAS reading it... My point is...if Trump had read it, Lamestream media would crucify him as an insensitive racist...Deny it all you wish, but it IS the truth. She's got to be THE MOST corrupt politician in history. before you sling any more insults, no i'm not a "republican" imo there's so much of a blur between the 2 parties they're almost the same anymore. She'll say anything to get elected...Obama's words not mine. But then they all do...but we'll have to see tomorrow. If she is elected...say goodbye to our 2A rights.

She is corrupt because "WHO" told you so??

And please, spare me, that you "KNOW"... You only know what you have heard.

So, be honest, "WHO" convinced you she was guilty of anything?

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