LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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Well-Known Member
Is that Trump's new campaign slogan? Might be his only shot.

I think its funny with the way this election has gone to see someone doing a victory dance with three weeks to go. Especially when that person is supporting the candidate (HRC) who is easily the most dishonest candidate to ever run for president.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think its funny with the way this election has gone to see someone doing a victory dance with three weeks to go. Especially when that person is supporting the candidate (HRC) who is easily the most dishonest candidate to ever run for president.

That message has been sold to you now for two years.

Why do YOU buy into it, and the rest of the thinking voting public are clearly going to elect Hillary Clinton as president.

Dont you feel left out?



Staff member
I think its funny with the way this election has gone to see someone doing a victory dance with three weeks to go. Especially when that person is supporting the candidate (HRC) who is easily the most dishonest candidate to ever run for president.
Are you kidding?! Gonna build a wall; Mexico is going to pay for it!

Trump has launched his Whitehouse bid on huge dishonesty. It's literally what his campaign is made of.


Inordinately Right
Especially when that person is supporting the candidate (HRC) who is easily the most dishonest candidate to ever run for president.
Or at least second most dishonest.
Not gonna debate which one takes the win, but we've probably got the two most dishonest candidates in history running at the same time.


Well-Known Member
That message has been sold to you now for two years.

Why do YOU buy into it, and the rest of the thinking voting public are clearly going to elect Hillary Clinton as president.

Dont you feel left out?


Left out because I wont support a criminal organization led by criminal lying Hillary. Left out of what? the jail cell she should occupy if this country did its job?


Well-Known Member
The difference of parties is so small. And usually the difference of candidates is even smaller. But this election cycle is moderately more interesting because you have the first women nominee, who just happens to have a Neocon track record for war. Versus a career businessman at least claiming he is willing to tackle illegal immigration and redefine our association with NATO.

But none of this actually matters. Because both parties have the same vested interest in replacing you. The more people the left imports, the more lifelong voters they cultivate. And the new wave of bodies provides a labor force for the right where the they can supress wages while simultaneously giving the image that you are living the American dream. And Republicans won't actually care about winning elections as long as corporations make profit.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The difference of parties is so small. And usually the difference of candidates is even smaller. But this election cycle is moderately more interesting because you have the first women nominee, who just happens to have a Neocon track record for war. Versus a career businessman at least claiming he is willing to tackle illegal immigration and redefine our association with NATO.

But none of this actually matters. Because both parties have the same vested interest in replacing you. The more people the left imports, the more lifelong voters they cultivate. And the new wave of bodies provides a labor force for the right where the they can supress wages while simultaneously giving the image that you are living the American dream. And Republicans won't actually care about winning elections as long as corporations make profit.

Your argument fell apart at this sentence.

I am not sure if you are keeping track, and by the looks of this sentence, you aren't, its not the LEFT thats importing people, but the REPUBLICANS in congress who continue to INCREASE the number of GUEST WORKERS each year into this country, who then become undocumented and never leave.

The last congressional bill pushed by the GOP in the house wanted to increase the number of guest workers to almost 300 thousand a YEAR.

Once they are here, and establish lives, get married and have kids, becomes the problem with kicking them out. They come in for anywhere from 90 days to a year under the republicans bills, then they never GO HOME.

They live here for YEARS, and its impossible to kick them out once they start having families.

This is where the LEFT steps in. They are "Americans" at that point. They have american kids, they hold jobs, they pay taxes and they contribute to the economy.

The left says, they have been here for decades, they need to be americans and not immigrants.

If YOU really want to limit the number of imported people into this country, you would NEVER vote for a republican EVER again in your voting life.

But of course, you will continue to vote for the GOP and then complain when a mexican takes your job.



Well-Known Member
Your argument fell apart at this sentence.

I am not sure if you are keeping track, and by the looks of this sentence, you aren't, its not the LEFT thats importing people, but the REPUBLICANS in congress who continue to INCREASE the number of GUEST WORKERS each year into this country, who then become undocumented and never leave.

The last congressional bill pushed by the GOP in the house wanted to increase the number of guest workers to almost 300 thousand a YEAR.

Once they are here, and establish lives, get married and have kids, becomes the problem with kicking them out. They come in for anywhere from 90 days to a year under the republicans bills, then they never GO HOME.

They live here for YEARS, and its impossible to kick them out once they start having families.

This is where the LEFT steps in. They are "Americans" at that point. They have american kids, they hold jobs, they pay taxes and they contribute to the economy.

The left says, they have been here for decades, they need to be americans and not immigrants.

If YOU really want to limit the number of imported people into this country, you would NEVER vote for a republican EVER again in your voting life.

But of course, you will continue to vote for the GOP and then complain when a mexican takes your job.

Why do both the Democrat and Republican establishments agree on immigration? For those backing the Democrats, this immigration is assured electoral victory forever. Immigrants from poor nations vote 4-to-1 Democrat. Republicans, love impoverished and uneducated masses. They are cheap and agreeable labor.
Sure, Republicans are treasonous bastards. How else would someone like Donald Trump gain so much popularity? Hillary Clinton is seemingly impervious to any controversy even while acknowledging that the Saudis and Qataris are backing ISIS while she is accepting their money and prattling about women’s rights.
Fast forward current and future; The phenomenon in which a non Caucasian population of a city reaches a proportion that causes "white flight" to increase to the point of eliminating the city's tax base. Democrats are elected, then non Caucasian democrats are elected, then, Mogadishu ensues. See: Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson, South Chicago, Paterson, NJ. Camden, NJ. Bronx, Garden City, NY. Compton, CA. Gary, IN, Outer D.C. Brockton, Dorchester, Mattapan, MA, Providence, RI, ETC.

Invade the world, then invite the world. This is the last election I will ever vote in. In the future the USA will be a 1 party nation.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why do both the Democrat and Republican establishments agree on immigration? For those backing the Democrats, this immigration is assured electoral victory forever. Immigrants from poor nations vote 4-to-1 Democrat. Republicans, love impoverished and uneducated masses. They are cheap and agreeable labor.
Sure, Republicans are treasonous bastards. How else would someone like Donald Trump gain so much popularity? Hillary Clinton is seemingly impervious to any controversy even while acknowledging that the Saudis and Qataris are backing ISIS while she is accepting their money and prattling about women’s rights.
Fast forward current and future; The phenomenon in which a non Caucasian population of a city reaches a proportion that causes "white flight" to increase to the point of eliminating the city's tax base. Democrats are elected, then non Caucasian democrats are elected, then, Mogadishu ensues. See: Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson, South Chicago, Paterson, NJ. Camden, NJ. Bronx, Garden City, NY. Compton, CA. Gary, IN, Outer D.C. Brockton, Dorchester, Mattapan, MA, Providence, RI, ETC.

Invade the world, then invite the world. This is the last election I will ever vote in. In the future the USA will be a 1 party nation.

Its this type of self destruction rhetoric that hurts this country.

Rather than believing that as a nation, we can bring all peoples together to form a better union, you still want to claim racial separatism, then blame the races when it fails.

Capitalism has been the reason inner cities fell apart, corporate greed is the reason all those cities you mentioned fell apart and social herding the tool to keep them there.

The issue you raised was incorrect. You claimed that the dems invited all these people here, and that is simply UNTRUE. BUT, they are here, they work hard and for less pay than american citizens and the companies that hire them take advantage of them without any penalties.

The republicans are treasonous bastards, this is true, but its people like newfie, baba, moreluck, brett, trickpony and the like that keep them in business of screwing the country.

22% of all the people considered to be undocumented in this country came here on GUEST WORKER visas, then disasppeared into the country when the visa expired, only to get married and have children, AMERICAN children.

So, 1/4 of the immigrant problem came here at the INVITATION of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, and those numbers continue to skyrocted as they work to increase guest workers EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

They have been doing this since the 60's, yet today, those same republitards want to complain about immigrants and welfare expenditures?


Now, to you claim to cities with mostly black populations turning into mogadishu.. Well, this RACIST style of banter is also what is wrong with this country.

Social Herding prior to the passage of the civil rights act, forced these "blacks" to live in only acceptable black neighborhoods, as no whites, and I am assuming people like YOU, didnt want blacks into your neighborhood.

So, blacks had to overwhelm some cities to the point where White Flight did take place, and the jobs flew with them, leaving those towns without any infrastructure for the blacks who had to live in those cities for decades.

Detroit was once an industrial giant, but thanks to Mitt Romneys father and Ronald Reagan, the corporate giants who once employed tens of thousands fled for mexico, canada or any other red state where wages could be lowered and benefits taken away legally.

While you IMPLY that the blacks ruined it themselves and turned it into a third world nation, this is untrue. But what is TRUE is that they had to survive, and whether that was selling drugs, guns, robbing or stealing and prostitution, they are still people who have to eat, who have to pay rent, who have to buy clothes and pay bills, and they did what anyone else would do when TRAPPED in one spot with no hope of escape, THEY SURVIVED.

Is it right? Of course not, but whites just dont understand what it is like to be TRAPPED with no place to go.

Of course, that is changing in this country as the demographics shift towards a minority based country and whites becoming the minority in less than 50 years.

Then, you will know what it feels like to be a minority.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The latest POLLS BEFORE last nights DEBACLE for Drumpf, I meant, DEBATE for DRUMPF...

Take note where it is, and in three days where it goes... HILLARY Should be up double digits by FRIDAY!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Its this type of self destruction rhetoric that hurts this country.

Rather than believing that as a nation, we can bring all peoples together to form a better union, you still want to claim racial separatism, then blame the races when it fails.

Capitalism has been the reason inner cities fell apart, corporate greed is the reason all those cities you mentioned fell apart and social herding the tool to keep them there.

The issue you raised was incorrect. You claimed that the dems invited all these people here, and that is simply UNTRUE. BUT, they are here, they work hard and for less pay than american citizens and the companies that hire them take advantage of them without any penalties.

The republicans are treasonous bastards, this is true, but its people like newfie, baba, moreluck, brett, trickpony and the like that keep them in business of screwing the country.

22% of all the people considered to be undocumented in this country came here on GUEST WORKER visas, then disasppeared into the country when the visa expired, only to get married and have children, AMERICAN children.

So, 1/4 of the immigrant problem came here at the INVITATION of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, and those numbers continue to skyrocted as they work to increase guest workers EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

They have been doing this since the 60's, yet today, those same republitards want to complain about immigrants and welfare expenditures?


Now, to you claim to cities with mostly black populations turning into mogadishu.. Well, this RACIST style of banter is also what is wrong with this country.

Social Herding prior to the passage of the civil rights act, forced these "blacks" to live in only acceptable black neighborhoods, as no whites, and I am assuming people like YOU, didnt want blacks into your neighborhood.

So, blacks had to overwhelm some cities to the point where White Flight did take place, and the jobs flew with them, leaving those towns without any infrastructure for the blacks who had to live in those cities for decades.

Detroit was once an industrial giant, but thanks to Mitt Romneys father and Ronald Reagan, the corporate giants who once employed tens of thousands fled for mexico, canada or any other red state where wages could be lowered and benefits taken away legally.

While you IMPLY that the blacks ruined it themselves and turned it into a third world nation, this is untrue. But what is TRUE is that they had to survive, and whether that was selling drugs, guns, robbing or stealing and prostitution, they are still people who have to eat, who have to pay rent, who have to buy clothes and pay bills, and they did what anyone else would do when TRAPPED in one spot with no hope of escape, THEY SURVIVED.

Is it right? Of course not, but whites just dont understand what it is like to be TRAPPED with no place to go.

Of course, that is changing in this country as the demographics shift towards a minority based country and whites becoming the minority in less than 50 years.

Then, you will know what it feels like to be a minority.

I feel like we are getting somewhere with this. Mainly because you are keenly aware that current democracy over the last 50 years has been flawed. Albeit, you are in the far left corner. Somewhat apologetic, and when white people do become the minority perhaps we will have better data and examples of poor policies, increased corruption, etc. People such as yourself will be able to hold on to the obligation that we should all help American black people because of historic injustices. Lincoln, was a good man. Blah, blah, but 150 years later it's still a sense of victim hood and white supremacy that holds me back, brah.
You are far different than the typical middle class liberal, whose primary method of signaling is advocating for policies that ruin the areas they don't live in and the lives of people they don't socialize with. It's a great thing.


Well-Known Member
Even Trump thinks he's lost. When Clinton asked him if he will accept defeat he said It'll be a surprise.

He didn't say he was going to win. If he was a winner and believed he was going to win then he would have been all over that - screaming that he would win.


Strength through joy
Why just last week when hillary was with Al Gore, they were still contesting his lost to Bush in Florida, no matter how many recounts they got.
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