Let The Bidding, Begin!


I was told today, don't know if the guy was kidding, by another driver, that he wants my route. I'm honestly really comfortable where I am, even though I have tons of pkgs, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


Unknown Acrobat
No, it means I may have other scenery to post, LOL. Hey, did you get the memo about designing a logo for the Brown Cafe Cruise T-Shirts? Another question, are you going?

No, I didnt get that Steve, but I would be more than willing to do this for all of you. I will not be able to go.

Post some info on what you all of you might want and I will see what I can whip up!

screamin chicken

Well-Known Member
every year here, and all the drivers keep there routes. I have thought about bidding the downtown route since it goes out with 90-122 stops and that driver stays out until 8-9 but I know as soon as I put my name on it there will be 140-150 because they disbatch the driver not the routes.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
We do two year bids here. I am fourth on the list and I picked my route again Friday night. Like previously mentioned, lots of drama about who is going to bump who. The guy over me was wanting my gravy route, but he changed his mind at the last moment. It stinks to get bumped, BTDT.


Well-Known Member
That sounds pretty stupid. From my experience most customers stay with UPS because of the relationship they have with THEIR driver. As soon as we started mixing routes up and moving drivers areas, customers started leaving, what a surprise. We only bid on vacant routes here, so ill have to wait 7 years or so till i get a decent route.


Well-Known Member
That sounds pretty stupid. From my experience most customers stay with UPS because of the relationship they have with THEIR driver. As soon as we started mixing routes up and moving drivers areas, customers started leaving, what a surprise. We only bid on vacant routes here, so ill have to wait 7 years or so till i get a decent route.

I personally like the bidding process and would not like to stay on the same route for all 30 years. I enjoy the area that I am on now and just re-bid it. I go out with 120 to 140 stops, 350-450 pkgs, 26 pickups, and 55 miles and am usually punched out and gone by 1830 to 1845 with a 0915 start.

I have also found that a change of scenery tends to force me to re-focus on the methods and space/vis and to work on developing positive relationships with my new customers.

There are pros/cons on both sides of this issue but I personally like the 2 years bids.


Well-Known Member
No. You would bump in when you return from comp.
I don't know if comp is the same but I was out on disability. I called our shop steward to see what to do about getting my bid in, he told me I get a bump when I get back. When I got back, UPS said too bad, you missed your chance(I believe UPS was correct). What a POS this shop steward is, didn't even try to clean up his mess.


Well-Known Member
They weren't really tranferred. Our center took 3 routes from another center. They were originally in our center, as well.

Nope, the list is up already. Someone bumped the shop steward from his cushy route. I'd hate to have to go in the office with him, now.:wink2:
It's every two here. That's ridiculous-it should be the same nationwide