Let UPS show you the proper way to make employee morale bottom out

Gary Host

Tactical Mouthpiece Ops
In his Avatar underneath the so called Hindu god there's a child killed with the tongue hanging out of it's mouth like the above pic.
I turned it upside down do it's easily seen:
View attachment 162880
Nice pic of child sacrifice.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch....
Wow, I hope all that hate that you insist on projecting, makes you feel better about your life, yourself, whatever. I didn't come on here to cry. I came here to raise awareness to issues I care about. That's what forums are for. Every single one of you is here so that you can voice your ideas or thoughts to the others. That's literally the only reason we are all here. But you choose to attack and ostracize me, for that. Sure, it might not be 'breaking news' and maybe everyone already knows what I'm saying...but I'm pretty sure there isn't one person on the entire site that isn't aware of breast cancer...and 85% of the country still raises awareness for it EVERY YEAR for an entire month. If you don't care, then the least you could do is spare me the ridicule. I came closer to losing my life, over the issues I'm voicing, than any of you realizes. All I'm trying to do is keep it from happening to someone else.

That's all this is about.
If you weren't so caught up in trying to figure out my personal information or coming up with your next unnecessary insult, maybe you'd understand this.

Yes, I was burned pretty bad by this company, but my posts haven't been in any way 'whiny'. They have been informative and geared towards trying to save others from what I went through. Whether it's just by informing them of the lies I fell victim to, or whether that's by initiating positive changes within UPS (which has already started happening, btw. See the helpline thread).

Lastly, this avatar image is titled 'Gaia', which is simply a yin-yang 'mother earth' type spirit. Making me out to be some sort of child sacrifice promoter? Really? What is it that you guys think I have done to you? Aside from light-hearted jokes and an occasional lashing out after being ganged up on all-day, I've played way nicer than any mortal being should have. I'm ashamed of stooping to your level on occasion, but I'm only human. Here's a higher rez pic, anyways.

@cheryl @bbsam @Operational needs @Gumby @Wilson1397 @Future @Turdferguson @Brownslave688 @Article 3 @burrheadd @FrigidFTSup


Well-Known Member
Don't worry kid, you'll do better for your next employer. In the meantime there is not a single person on the thread or site who can do a thing to help you Why? The two most important words in the English language.......consenting adult.......For the first time in your life try becoming one.
Wow, I hope all that hate that you insist on projecting, makes you feel better about your life, yourself, whatever. I didn't come on here to cry. I came here to raise awareness to issues I care about. That's what forums are for. Every single one of you is here so that you can voice your ideas or thoughts to the others. That's literally the only reason we are all here. But you choose to attack and ostracize me, for that. Sure, it might not be 'breaking news' and maybe everyone already knows what I'm saying...but I'm pretty sure there isn't one person on the entire site that isn't aware of breast cancer...and 85% of the country still raises awareness for it EVERY YEAR for an entire month. If you don't care, then the least you could do is spare me the ridicule. I came closer to losing my life, over the issues I'm voicing, than any of you realizes. All I'm trying to do is keep it from happening to someone else.

That's all this is about.
If you weren't so caught up in trying to figure out my personal information or coming up with your next unnecessary insult, maybe you'd understand this.

Yes, I was burned pretty bad by this company, but my posts haven't been in any way 'whiny'. They have been informative and geared towards trying to save others from what I went through. Whether it's just by informing them of the lies I fell victim to, or whether that's by initiating positive changes within UPS (which has already started happening, btw. See the helpline thread).

Lastly, this avatar image is titled 'Gaia', which is simply a yin-yang 'mother earth' type spirit. Making me out to be some sort of child sacrifice promoter? Really? What is it that you guys think I have done to you? Aside from light-hearted jokes and an occasional lashing out after being ganged up on all-day, I've played way nicer than any mortal being should have. I'm ashamed of stooping to your level on occasion, but I'm only human. Here's a higher rez pic, anyways.
View attachment 163144
@cheryl @bbsam @Operational needs @Gumby @Wilson1397 @Future @Turdferguson @Brownslave688 @Article 3 @burrheadd @FrigidFTSup
Cool picture but honestly not much we can do to change it, just like many other things in life.

Gary Host

Tactical Mouthpiece Ops
Don't worry kid, you'll do better for your next employer. In the meantime there is not a single person on the thread or site who can do a thing to help you Why? The two most important words in the English language.......consenting adult.......For the first time in your life try becoming one.
Brother, I don't want help. I want to help

Gary Host

Tactical Mouthpiece Ops
I'm not being negative. Just some things aren't worth the effort. It's a job not my personal company. I make the best of it and live me life
Why does it have to be your personal company for you to care if your employer is blatantly breaking laws or causing people to snap so hard that they murder a few of your co-workers and then themselves? Obviously, your situation is better than mine was, so we're just not going to see eye-to-eye on the severity of the hostile atmosphere. However, you are acting like I'm risking something by simply typing some words on some websites. The only thing about this that's been detrimental to my mental health, is the back-lash from you members. Outside of that, I've been feeling a lot better. Especially after finding out that it's actually working.
Why does it have to be your personal company for you to care if your employer is blatantly breaking laws or causing people to snap so hard that they murder a few of your co-workers and then themselves? Obviously, your situation is better than mine was, so we're just not going to see eye-to-eye on the severity of the hostile atmosphere. However, you are acting like I'm risking something by simply typing some words on some websites. The only thing about this that's been detrimental to my mental health, is the back-lash from you members. Outside of that, I've been feeling a lot better. Especially after finding out that it's actually working.
Many people put up with more crap and make far less. Nobody is forcing anyone to work at UPS. It's not a chain gang.