Let UPS show you the proper way to make employee morale bottom out

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Wow, I hope all that hate that you insist on projecting, makes you feel better about your life, yourself, whatever. I didn't come on here to cry. I came here to raise awareness to issues I care about. That's what forums are for. Every single one of you is here so that you can voice your ideas or thoughts to the others. That's literally the only reason we are all here. But you choose to attack and ostracize me, for that. Sure, it might not be 'breaking news' and maybe everyone already knows what I'm saying...but I'm pretty sure there isn't one person on the entire site that isn't aware of breast cancer...and 85% of the country still raises awareness for it EVERY YEAR for an entire month. If you don't care, then the least you could do is spare me the ridicule. I came closer to losing my life, over the issues I'm voicing, than any of you realizes. All I'm trying to do is keep it from happening to someone else.

That's all this is about.
If you weren't so caught up in trying to figure out my personal information or coming up with your next unnecessary insult, maybe you'd understand this.

Yes, I was burned pretty bad by this company, but my posts haven't been in any way 'whiny'. They have been informative and geared towards trying to save others from what I went through. Whether it's just by informing them of the lies I fell victim to, or whether that's by initiating positive changes within UPS (which has already started happening, btw. See the helpline thread).

Lastly, this avatar image is titled 'Gaia', which is simply a yin-yang 'mother earth' type spirit. Making me out to be some sort of child sacrifice promoter? Really? What is it that you guys think I have done to you? Aside from light-hearted jokes and an occasional lashing out after being ganged up on all-day, I've played way nicer than any mortal being should have. I'm ashamed of stooping to your level on occasion, but I'm only human. Here's a higher rez pic, anyways.
View attachment 163144
@cheryl @bbsam @Operational needs @Gumby @Wilson1397 @Future @Turdferguson @Brownslave688 @Article 3 @burrheadd @FrigidFTSup
Why does it have to be your personal company for you to care if your employer is blatantly breaking laws or causing people to snap so hard that they murder a few of your co-workers and then themselves? Obviously, your situation is better than mine was, so we're just not going to see eye-to-eye on the severity of the hostile atmosphere. However, you are acting like I'm risking something by simply typing some words on some websites. The only thing about this that's been detrimental to my mental health, is the back-lash from you members. Outside of that, I've been feeling a lot better. Especially after finding out that it's actually working.
Dude, it’s a job. One that anyone is free to walk away from at any time. Life is too short to obsess over a job like this. You have let UPS drive you crazy. Get over it. Move on and get another job.


Huge Member
I really think @Gary Host needs to get laid !!!!!!


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Informing others of the dangers associated with taking on a position with a company that views you as expendable if not productive to their standards is one thing.

Constantly bringing attention to your plight may be cathartic for you, might bring mental peace to you, but rehashing it and stabbing everyone in the eye with it is what leads to the ridicule and rebuttals you are receiving.

Find a shrink and pour out to them to your heart's content. You will receive a much more satisfying response.

The five phases are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Hope you make it to phase 5.

Gary Host

Tactical Mouthpiece Ops
You can do it in one sentence: "Be smart when using company email."
We knew sending that email was risky, but what you don't understand is that we had exhausted all other complaint avenues and felt that at any moment one of us Supes could get scapegoated for something totally out of our control, anyways. Two Supes had just been canned for doing what I had been complaining about from day 1. That could have just as well been me and I'd still be here, now, without ever sending that email.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
We knew sending that email was risky, but what you don't understand is that we had exhausted all other complaint avenues and felt that at any moment one of us Supes could get scapegoated for something totally out of our control, anyways. Two Supes had just been canned for doing what I had been complaining about from day 1. That could have just as well been me and I'd still be here, now, without ever sending that email.

To protect yourself from possibly being wrongly terminated at some point in the future, you got yourself rightly fired now. Congratulations.

Gary Host

Tactical Mouthpiece Ops
To protect yourself from possibly being wrongly terminated at some point in the future, you got yourself rightly fired now. Congratulations.
'rightly' is relative, but the email in question was actually a collection of complaints regarding safety, hub security, national security, among other things (those were mostly in the attachments not shown), so it technically wasn't legal (right) for them to fire someone over that email. Think what you want, it just wasn't.

That's why they had to launch a 2 week investigation just to determine if a 'wrong' was even committed (which they then just made up policy violations to even make that happen. See recording when he asks about what social media site he had allegedly used and when...only to have HR lady completely filibuster her way around answering it) and then when it came time to explain it to the authorities, they had to make up even more lies about why they did it.

Article 3

Wow, I hope all that hate that you insist on projecting, makes you feel better about your life, yourself, whatever. I didn't come on here to cry. I came here to raise awareness to issues I care about. That's what forums are for. Every single one of you is here so that you can voice your ideas or thoughts to the others. That's literally the only reason we are all here. But you choose to attack and ostracize me, for that. Sure, it might not be 'breaking news' and maybe everyone already knows what I'm saying...but I'm pretty sure there isn't one person on the entire site that isn't aware of breast cancer...and 85% of the country still raises awareness for it EVERY YEAR for an entire month. If you don't care, then the least you could do is spare me the ridicule. I came closer to losing my life, over the issues I'm voicing, than any of you realizes. All I'm trying to do is keep it from happening to someone else.

That's all this is about.
If you weren't so caught up in trying to figure out my personal information or coming up with your next unnecessary insult, maybe you'd understand this.

Yes, I was burned pretty bad by this company, but my posts haven't been in any way 'whiny'. They have been informative and geared towards trying to save others from what I went through. Whether it's just by informing them of the lies I fell victim to, or whether that's by initiating positive changes within UPS (which has already started happening, btw. See the helpline thread).

Lastly, this avatar image is titled 'Gaia', which is simply a yin-yang 'mother earth' type spirit. Making me out to be some sort of child sacrifice promoter? Really? What is it that you guys think I have done to you? Aside from light-hearted jokes and an occasional lashing out after being ganged up on all-day, I've played way nicer than any mortal being should have. I'm ashamed of stooping to your level on occasion, but I'm only human. Here's a higher rez pic, anyways.
View attachment 163144
@cheryl @bbsam @Operational needs @Gumby @Wilson1397 @Future @Turdferguson @Brownslave688 @Article 3 @burrheadd @FrigidFTSup
Paraphrase: TLDR

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
'rightly' is relative, but the email in question was actually a collection of complaints regarding safety, hub security, national security, among other things (those were mostly in the attachments not shown), so it technically wasn't legal (right) for them to fire someone over that email. Think what you want, it just wasn't.

A UPS email address was used to send confidential information to one or more non-UPS email addresses. Good way to get fired.

That's why they had to launch a 2 week investigation just to determine if a 'wrong' was even committed (which they then just made up policy violations to even make that happen. See recording when he asks about what social media site he had allegedly used and when...only to have HR lady completely filibuster her way around answering it) and then when it came time to explain it to the authorities, they had to make up even more lies about why they did it.

OK they had 1 less reason for the firing. Still fired.

I read the email you posted in the other thread. The guy admitted that his performance wasn't where it should be, admitted to turning in falsified work, blamed others, admitted to posting internal stuff on an external website, and was unprofessional in general. The last line was, " The few of us still on the payroll are all actively looking elsewhere for employment as well as a future." Looks like you guys will have a lot more time for that now!

Gary Host

Tactical Mouthpiece Ops
A UPS email address was used to send confidential information to one or more non-UPS email addresses. Good way to get fired.

OK they had 1 less reason for the firing. Still fired.

I read the email you posted in the other thread. The guy admitted that his performance wasn't where it should be, admitted to turning in falsified work, blamed others, admitted to posting internal stuff on an external website, and was unprofessional in general. The last line was, " The few of us still on the payroll are all actively looking elsewhere for employment as well as a future." Looks like you guys will have a lot more time for that now!
We had created a throw-away gmail account because we debated sending that email anonymously (because of the obvious risk). Again, we had been required to use our personal gmail accounts, already, for what they called 'CEAS audits' and our terminal mgmt not only knew this, but required us to (even though it's 'against company policy'). I'm telling you, the list of daily activities we had to do EVERY DAY that were against the law or against policy, was insane. Every time we would raise an issue, it was like talking to a brick wall. No matter who we went to or what method we choose, we got either no response or a very 'not-so-anonymous wake-up call' from using the helpline. We figured using that email to be the only way to stay anonymous while getting past the layer of local mgmt that we thought was squashing all our helpline and oral/email complaints. Ultimately, we feared the spam filters wouldn't allow it to get through to the large quantity of mgrs. so, after two more of us bit the dust from the constant scapegoating, he took a leap of faith by signing his name to it and hoping that UPS would at least abide by the law. I don't know why you're believing a word that lady said after I just told you they made that stuff up. Nowhere was there ever 'confidential information' posted, and the only time anything hit that gmail account, was when we thought we were going to send it from there. It never went anywhere and the company was never exposed to any sort of risk, liability, or loss. They are put at more risk every time one of their drivers goes driving. They made that up.

Also, this was in the making for weeks, by several people. So, not all of it necessarily applied exclusively to who sent it. Not one time was performance mentioned as a reason for the termination. None of our performances were where they should have been, but that doesn't mean it wasn't 'good enough'. Frankly, it was. It just could have been better, if we hadn't been being beat down and always feeling helpless. The lifespan for supes is so short that, yes, every one of my co-workers were actively looking for another job. Things have to be pretty damn bad if they can't hold onto people at $18/hr even when they don't have any sort of relevant experience or a college degree. In this case, they literally hired a homeless guy off the street because they go through so many people they don't have a choice. This is all because of all the bs and illegal stuff they offload onto us, but instead of addressing some of these issues...they just keep the vicious cycle going. Not attempting to improve anything, and scapegoating the supes when upper-mgmt wants an answer.

Lastly, sure, some would say it's unprofessional, but that doesn't mean it wasn't still a legally protected complaint. OSHA statutes will protect even intense profanity laced out-bursts, if it's about the worker not wanting to violate safety laws. You have to damn near punch your boss in the face to lose protection. Safety is serious. They know that some mgrs are gonna play things down and threaten termination if the employees aren't willing to overlook issues, which can lead to seriously tense situations.