
Well-Known Member
yea im predicting the future. its in the process of failing. neither system worked, and they both funded social programs during their temporary existence. honestly america is not capitalist free market, its a mixed economy. but capitalism itself, the whole buying and discarding and buying doesnt work and will lead to its ultimate downfall.
Hasn't happened yet.


Inordinately Right
All this talk of civil war and Americans killing Americans... you know sometimes it’s good to get back to what really matters.. where I stick my penis and how god feels about it.
I feel the same way about homosexuality as I do about abortion. I don't want the government involved, and I would prefer white people not participate.

The big package

Well-Known Member
you can have economic development and social programs regardless of capitalism. capitalism is not even sustainable as practiced which means it has the same fate as failed state communist economies.
Your views on capitalism is so out of wack , it built the greatest country and economy in the world and until another country comes up with another system that makes them superior to us then I'll stick with the U.S plan


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why do you care?
When would you care?
At what point, if any , would you say, wait that isn't good?
Teaching in public schools?
Homosexuality getting minority status like race?
The gender identity s:censored2:t?
Males in female bathrooms?
Is there anything that would make you react negatively toward homosexual behavior?

El Correcto

god is dead
When would you care?
At what point, if any , would you say, wait that isn't good?
Teaching in public schools?
Homosexuality getting minority status like race?
The gender identity s:censored2:t?
Males in female bathrooms?
Is there anything that would make you react negatively toward homosexual behavior?
Why shouldn’t gay have minority status?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
When would you care?
At what point, if any , would you say, wait that isn't good?
Teaching in public schools?
Homosexuality getting minority status like race?
The gender identity s:censored2:t?
Males in female bathrooms?
Is there anything that would make you react negatively toward homosexual behavior?
You don’t think gay people should be teachers? Why not? You anti gay folk don’t make much sense.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You missed it dip s:censored2:t.
Taught in public schools as natural behavior.
Read what you wrote again. That’s not at all clear with what you wrote. At least you got in a personal attack though. This is probably why your arguments don’t make sense. You can’t clearly communicate your ideas. That tends to happen with bad ideas that are poorly thought out.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Read what you wrote again. That’s not at all clear with what you wrote. At least you got in a personal attack though. This is probably why your arguments don’t make sense. You can’t clearly communicate your ideas. That tends to happen with bad ideas that are poorly thought out.
A.Teaching the behavior .
B.Teachers that are homosexuals.
Maybe you need to read it again.
You can't read clearly communicated ideas.
That tends to happen when you have a thought process that operates poorly.

El Correcto

god is dead
A.Teaching the behavior .
B.Teachers that are homosexuals.
Maybe you need to read it again.
You can't read clearly communicated ideas.
That tends to happen when you have a thought process that operates poorly.
Just say what you want to say.
Those stupid fags don’t deserve any rights and it’s a crime to be gay.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Just say what you want to say.
Those stupid fags don’t deserve any rights and it’s a crime to be gay.
You are better than playing victim.
Not talking about fags.
Talking about ferret behavior, the fags agenda for approval and not just acceptance, and the dance society is doing with ferret behavior.