I see gay issues and trans issues as two different things. Gay people have been around for thousands of years and their presence in our current society is normal. I’ve got zero problems with them. They make great BFFs for women, great interior designers and there’s less competition for women around for straight guys like me.
Having to accommodate transsexuals and let them beat up real women on the field and in the ring....not so much.
Yes , homosexual behavior has been around for thousands of years and their presence is accepted ( approved behavior is the subject) in not only our society but many others . They make great BFFs for some and great workers and they are fireman and policemen and great neighbors, etc. You could say the same for heterosexuals and even trans. But this says nothing and means nothing about homosexual ( or trans) behavior being natural, normal, and right
The push from the homosexual camp is for approval of the behavior and not just an acceptance that the behavior exist. If you disagree that it is not approved behavior on any level, get a lawyer... the unequal treatment has begun.