
Well-Known Member
I’ll get you up to speed.
@TheBrownFlush is a bisexual or homosexual Christian who thinks he made the right choice being with women and living a moral Christian life(even though he cheated on his wife, probably with a man). He lives vicariously through his gay alter ego Tommy. He pretends he spoke at Tommy’s gay wedding as his best man and such.

When his wife isn’t around he likes to come on here and discuss being gay with me in an attempt to cope with his decision to live out probably 50+ years of his life in a lie due to his religious up bringing. He could of just been a cute twink giving it up, but instead he is a bitter old man with no joy left in his heart after years of self rape in a Christian marriage to a woman. He takes it out on gay men who don’t suffer that same fate.
in the matrix they illustrate that our choices cost us something either way. maybe TBF lost more with his decisions fighting his gayness than running with it. unfortunately it couldve been a lose lose either way.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Tommy is a creationist, he believe the Christian god created the universe(without evidence) and that he dictated the laws of nature(homos are sinful).

Anytime you see him speaking about natural law he is referencing his bible studies.
Tommy should stick to Pinball!



Nothing to see here.... Move along.
I’ll get you up to speed.
@TheBrownFlush is a bisexual or homosexual Christian who thinks he made the right choice being with women and living a moral Christian life(even though he cheated on his wife, probably with a man). He lives vicariously through his gay alter ego Tommy. He pretends he spoke at Tommy’s gay wedding as his best man and such.

When his wife isn’t around he likes to come on here and discuss being gay with me in an attempt to cope with his decision to live out probably 50+ years of his life in a lie due to his religious up bringing. He could of just been a cute twink giving it up, but instead he is a bitter old man with no joy left in his heart after years of self rape in a Christian marriage to a woman. He takes it out on gay men who don’t suffer that same fate.


Well-Known Member
I’ll get you up to speed.
@TheBrownFlush is a bisexual or homosexual Christian who thinks he made the right choice being with women and living a moral Christian life(even though he cheated on his wife, probably with a man). He lives vicariously through his gay alter ego Tommy. He pretends he spoke at Tommy’s gay wedding as his best man and such.

When his wife isn’t around he likes to come on here and discuss being gay with me in an attempt to cope with his decision to live out probably 50+ years of his life in a lie due to his religious up bringing. He could of just been a cute twink giving it up, but instead he is a bitter old man with no joy left in his heart after years of self rape in a Christian marriage to a woman. He takes it out on gay men who don’t suffer that same fate.
Or you could just be a perv. 🤔


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You are blinded by religion, now post your source for natural law tommy.
Religion is not in the discussion
Two without looking:
Natural law, a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society-

Natural law
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law that purports to be based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independent of positive law (the enacted laws of a state or society). According to natural law , all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by nature or reason."

Natural law is seen and observed. Seasons. Horticulture. You don't plant corn and expect green beans. Tides. The earth tilting on it's axis. Night. Day. Evaporation, rain. Natural laws have been set in motion. (universal physical law)
In the animal kingdom (instinct and no choice and no conscience ) dogs do not mate with cats. Females have babies. Only males and females in the animal (Nature, natural world, law...not unnatural, against law of nature) kingdom copulate.

In the human animal when natural law is violated,(we are the only animal who can choose), when we violate Natural law, animal behavior is noted. That is behavior without regard to what is right and natural. (law)

You never responded to the beastiality post.
Using your reasoning to justify homosexuality as right, you went your feelings and inclinations. So you would affirm the guy who is into having sex with his horse would be right because he has inclinations and feelings for his horse? If not , why not.

El Correcto

god is dead
Religion is not in the discussion
Two without looking:
Natural law, a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society-View attachment 308953
Natural law
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law that purports to be based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independent of positive law (the enacted laws of a state or society). According to natural law , all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by nature or reason."

Natural law is seen and observed. Seasons. Horticulture. You don't plant corn and expect green beans. Tides. The earth tilting on it's axis. Night. Day. Evaporation, rain. Natural laws have been set in motion. (universal physical law)
In the animal kingdom (instinct and no choice and no conscience ) dogs do not mate with cats. Females have babies. Only males and females in the animal (Nature, natural world, law...not unnatural, against law of nature) kingdom copulate.

In the human animal when natural law is violated,(we are the only animal who can choose), when we violate Natural law, animal behavior is noted. That is behavior without regard to what is right and natural. (law)

You never responded to the beastiality post.
Using your reasoning to justify homosexuality as right, you went your feelings and inclinations. So you would affirm the guy who is into having sex with his horse would be right because he has inclinations and feelings for his horse? If not , why not.
Lol you really cut God out of their definition of natural law. Must be feeling insecure about your position.
Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law that purports to be based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independent of positive law (the enacted laws of a state or society). According to natural law theory, all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by "God, nature, or reason."

Yeah Tommy I know about natural law. I know what your view of natural law is steeped in. Christianity, creationism. Whenever you dive into philosophy there really isn’t an objective truth.

My view of natural law comes from an atheist perspective. That even without God, humanity has an intrinsic “moral” code that evolved with us, that helped us maintain our groups and bettered our chances at survival. Even our very primitive societies had laws, to different degrees for different regions and people’s. Man wouldn’t of survived in a state of complete lawlessness because our groups would of not functioned and we would of been on our own never forming societies.

You think the Christian God just farted us all out in his image with a moral code he set for us. You're comparing that code to physics, the changing of the seasons by earth’s tilt, the rotation around the sun as day and night, heterosexuality is right and homosexuality is wrong.
Take a wild guess Einstein at which one of these you’ll never see in a physics textbook as a fact.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So whats everones take on beastiality? Asking for a friend..
Feelings and attraction is all that matters.
No law is broken.
Just go with it. Right @Wrong ?
@Wrong .. waiting... The guy who is in the stall with his horse? His inclinations and feelings are the reasons he gives for what he does. Same reasoning you give for engaging in homosexual behavior.
Consistent thinking would demand any behavior is right if based on one’s inclinations and feelings.

El Correcto

god is dead
@Wrong .. waiting... The guy who is in the stall with his horse? His inclinations and feelings are the reasons he gives for what he does. Same reasoning you give for engaging in homosexual behavior.
Consistent thinking would demand any behavior is right if based on one’s inclinations and feelings.
An animal cannot consent to sex. It’s the same argument as pedophiles. Even if the animal or child seeks out the sexual attention it doesn’t make it right to use them for your sexual needs. I also just find it repugnant.

So no, it’s not the same reasoning I use to argue the harmless effects of consensual gay relationships between adults. We’ve been over that talking point probably 3-5 times already Tommy.


Staff member
An animal cannot consent to sex. It’s the same argument as pedophiles. Even if the animal or child seeks out the sexual attention it doesn’t make it right to use them for your sexual needs. I also just find it repugnant.

So no, it’s not the same reasoning I use to argue the harmless effects of consensual gay relationships between adults. We’ve been over that talking point probably 3-5 times already Tommy.
I was with you for the most part up until this point.

But a quick google for definition leads me to this:
Screenshot (23).png

If they seek out sexual attention, they would by definition, be consenting.
You can argue that they don't have the mental capacity to be able to be informed enough to make that call.

But then that seems to open up the argument that he could argue that homosexuals don't have the mental capacity to consent either...

Not taking a side here.
I don't in the slightest care what anyone does in their free time with a consenting adult, just not sure how to frame that argument without having multiple standards here.

El Correcto

god is dead
I was with you for the most part up until this point.

But a quick google for definition leads me to this:
View attachment 308981

If they seek out sexual attention, they would by definition, be consenting.
You can argue that they don't have the mental capacity to be able to be informed enough to make that call.

But then that seems to open up the argument that he could argue that homosexuals don't have the mental capacity to consent either...

Not taking a side here.
I don't in the slightest care what anyone does in their free time with a consenting adult, just not sure how to frame that argument without having multiple standards here.
How do you arrive at gays don’t have the mental capacity to consent? That they are on par with a child?


Staff member
How do you arrive at gays don’t have the mental capacity to consent? That they are on par with a child?
For clarification, I'm absolutely not saying that.

I'm just saying that *some* people here, without necessarily tagging them here seem to think that homosexuality is a mental defect.
And so yes. They might say that your lifestyle demonstrates a lack of mental capacity to consent.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
An animal cannot consent to sex. It’s the same argument as pedophiles. Even if the animal or child seeks out the sexual attention it doesn’t make it right to use them for your sexual needs. I also just find it repugnant.

So no, it’s not the same reasoning I use to argue the harmless effects of consensual gay relationships between adults. We’ve been over that talking point probably 3-5 times already Tommy.
Animals have sex based on instinct, not choice . It's not the same argument as pedophiles.
Our morals never "evolved " out of pond scum. That would negate "absolute" truth, something that is right or wrong and always has been right or wrong and always will be right or wrong.
Sorry, not"comparing" physics to natural law. But what the physical universe has is rules that it obeys and must obey to function and operate properly, in fact , if it didn't , we would be dead. The same is true for nature, laws and rules are there and must be in order for it to function and survive.
Your inclinations and feeling argument to justify you homosexual activity as right ? Emotional arguments prove nothing. But, if the winner here was the one who cried the loudest and the most, you win hands down.

El Correcto

god is dead
For clarification, I'm absolutely not saying that.

I'm just saying that *some* people here, without necessarily tagging them here seem to think that homosexuality is a mental defect.
And so yes. They might say that your lifestyle demonstrates a lack of mental capacity to consent.
These people make all kinds of stupid arguments.
“This presumption applies to all adults, including those with an intellectual developmental disability, mental illness, and other disabilities. It does not matter whether an adult is actually able to make good decisions or not. Unless state law provides otherwise, an adult will have the legal right to make all of her own decisions until a judge rules that the adult is not able to give her own consent and appoints a guardian. If there is no guardian and no special state law granting someone other than a guardian the right to give consent, and the person with a disability is unable to give consent, no one will be able to consent on behalf of the person with a disability.”

once you get that far off the rails, which I’m surprised we haven’t been here yet, what’s to say these dum dums should have a legal right to consent while suffering from religious delusions?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
For clarification, I'm absolutely not saying that.

I'm just saying that *some* people here, without necessarily tagging them here seem to think that homosexuality is a mental defect.
And so yes. They might say that your lifestyle demonstrates a lack of mental capacity to consent.
Mental defect? Hilarious.
Consenting to what is wrong.
But, @Wrong is the poster child for homosexuals.
Toleration it is not enough.
If one is not in full acceptance mode, and complete agreement and hold the behavior as good, right, wholesome and normal and natural, the attack is on.
The arguments for the behavior and the whole campaign from the homosexual camp to get the stamp of approval from society has been a real show to watch.