
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No, homosexual behavior will never be an issue with my, my family, or the society in which I live.
Nor do I find it to have a negative impact on anything or anyone.

I do not appreciate others trying to force me to approve of their lifestyles. But that is not something that is a "gay" issue.

I would not teach it to my children. They will be able to figure things out for themselves.
From a personal standpoint, I believe that a family unit built with one man and one woman is superior for most things. That is how I will live my life, and that is the example I will give to my children.
But they will ultimately get to choose how they wish to live, and I will love them regardless.

I do not judge those who choose differently. We are all imperfect. And everyone should be able to choose what works best for themselves.

I'm going to focus on fixing issues that *I* have, rather than trying to focus on fixing perceived problems in others.
Coming from a somewhat religious background here, I'd direct you to Matthew 7:3-5 on this one.
I disagree. But you are consistent.
As for the text,( note here that you are than one who brought up scripture, this will be used against me when Wrong screams victim) the point is judging righteously or rightly.. don’t let things get in your way that would hinder good judgment... point here in keeping with the thread?Nature teaches us what is right and natural. What is getting in the way of Wrong seeing that or judging it rightly?? His choice to go against what it teaches.


Staff member
I disagree. But you are consistent.
As for the text,( note here that you are than one who brought up scripture, this will be used against me when Wrong screams victim) the point is judging righteously or rightly.. don’t let things get in your way that would hinder good judgment... point here in keeping with the thread?Nature teaches us what is right and natural. What is getting in the way of Wrong seeing that or judging it rightly?? His choice to go against what it teaches.
I appreciate your civil discourse. :)

That said, I think your appeals to nature leads to a pretty dark place if we follow them far enough.

Sick and hurt animals are left to die in nature.
The strong take whatever it is they want.

Your deification of nature here seems idealized. In reality, life as found in "nature", is short, brutal, and unforgiving.

Not something I would like to see replicated by us.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Wonderful. I’m glad you have finally accepted there is nothing wrong with being gay.
So, you are admitting that beastiality is right based on the same reasons you gave for your homosexuality ( feelings and inclinations) .. ok
I appreciate your civil discourse. :)

That said, I think your appeals to nature leads to a pretty dark place if we follow them far enough.

Sick and hurt animals are left to die in nature.
The strong take whatever it is they want.

Your deification of nature here seems idealized. In reality, life as found in "nature", is short, brutal, and unforgiving.

Not something I would like to see replicated by us.
Sick and hurt animals left to die and the strong left to take what ever they want is because of instinct. Animals do not have a conscience and feel bad for eating the weak. The human animal has a conscience. Many, just as this thread reveals, have been seared, resulting not only in animal behavior ( no conscience of right or wrong)) but approving that which is unnatural ( against natural law)

El Correcto

god is dead
I disagree. But you are consistent.
As for the text,( note here that you are than one who brought up scripture, this will be used against me when Wrong screams victim) the point is judging righteously or rightly.. don’t let things get in your way that would hinder good judgment... point here in keeping with the thread?Nature teaches us what is right and natural. What is getting in the way of Wrong seeing that or judging it rightly?? His choice to go against what it teaches.
No it’s not. It’s attacking hypocrites. You know, like the Christians that condemn gay marriage while remarrying for the fifth time.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Animals can’t consent.
So what is wrong with being gay?
Not addressing the animal and you know it ( giving you the benefit of doubt) addressing the human engaged in beastiality .. he has feelings and inclinations to do so .. same reasons gave for engaging in homosexual behavior.. if the reasons you give justify homosexual behavior.. the same would hold true for someone engaged in beastiality.. if not, why not?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No it’s not. It’s attacking hypocrites. You know, like the Christians that condemn gay marriage while remarrying for the fifth time.
There you go again ( Reagan) bashing Christians to help with your victimhood... Since you (not me) brought it up.. from the scripture adultery and homosexuality are equally condemned.


Well-Known Member
No it’s not. It’s attacking hypocrites. You know, like the Christians that condemn gay marriage while remarrying for the fifth time.
The Bible makes it very clear that just being a Christian is not a guarantee of salvation. One must live the Christian life too, or perish. And part of being a Christian is sharing the good news of salvation in Christ. And that no matter what one did before one can turn away from that, believe that Jesus is the son of God, be baptized, be in a saved state at that moment, and continue in that state as he strives to live the Christian life. Or one can refuse to accept that, continue in what they were doing before, and ultimately stand before God to be judged, as we all will. No point in going around in circles, you believe or you don't. You try or you don't.

El Correcto

god is dead
The Bible makes it very clear that just being a Christian is not a guarantee of salvation. One must live the Christian life too, or perish. And part of being a Christian is sharing the good news of salvation in Christ. And that no matter what one did before one can turn away from that, believe that Jesus is the son of God, be baptized, be in a saved state at that moment, and continue in that state as he strives to live the Christian life. Or one can refuse to accept that, continue in what they were doing before, and ultimately stand before God to be judged, as we all will. No point in going around in circles, you believe or you don't. You try or you don't.
I don’t respond to threats, during your prayers let god know he can kiss my ass.

El Correcto

god is dead