El Correcto

god is dead
Animals have sex based on instinct, not choice . It's not the same argument as pedophiles.
Our morals never "evolved " out of pond scum. That would negate "absolute" truth, something that is right or wrong and always has been right or wrong and always will be right or wrong.
Sorry, not"comparing" physics to natural law. But what the physical universe has is rules that it obeys and must obey to function and operate properly, in fact , if it didn't , we would be dead. The same is true for nature, laws and rules are there and must be in order for it to function and survive.
Your inclinations and feeling argument to justify you homosexual activity as right ? Emotional arguments prove nothing. But, if the winner here was the one who cried the loudest and the most, you win hands down.
Where did our morals come from?
My view is that empathy is a positive trait for social animals that helped us be more unified in our approach to survival. Not only understanding cause and effect(Jerry getting punched in the face for stealing bob’s fish) but beable to empathize with bob’s action and realize Jerry is the bad person causing the conflict. This caused the group to agree that stealing fish causes conflict and that appropriate action will be taken for someone caught stealing. Establishing not only a moral code of no fish stealing but codifying it into tribal law, you will get punched in the face and humiliated for stealing fish. Ditto this for all other things we view as immoral, they cause conflict in our groups and social cohesion is important for our survival. The homo sapiens that failed to have a strong social cohesion were at a higher disadvantage than the ones that did. It was bred into us over time by the strong groups that maintained their bonds and survived together.

That’s just how I view it. I don’t believe in some great creator handing humans a moral code. If you want to have the moral code of B.C sand people, be my guest and hall your ass to Saudi Arabia. They still live under Abrahamic traditions and laws. Homos are bad, etc.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Where did our morals come from?


El Correcto

god is dead
Mental defect? Hilarious.
Consenting to what is wrong.
But, @Wrong is the poster child for homosexuals.
Toleration it is not enough.
If one is not in full acceptance mode, and complete agreement and hold the behavior as good, right, wholesome and normal and natural, the attack is on.
The arguments for the behavior and the whole campaign from the homosexual camp to get the stamp of approval from society has been a real show to watch.
I don’t care if you like homos or not.
Just don’t sit here and pretend you’re not coming at this from a religious prospective when you clearly are.

Just come here and say, my god says that homos are bad and I find them disgusting. I can respect your right to hold that belief. Just don’t expect a society built on all men are created equal that evolved toward civil rights to empathize with you when you go after their rights and target them.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don’t care if you like homos or not.
Just don’t sit here and pretend you’re not coming at this from a religious prospective when you clearly are.

Uh uh..I don't like homos..never said it, but you gotta be the victim, I know.
I am not pretending anything.I am not coming from a religious perspective. You clearly are the one who keeps trying to inject it.
I am looking out the window and accept what nature teaches.
You have to reject it to justify the behavior you are involved in.
But, stop embarrassing yourself with the arguments. Pitiful .

Just come here and say, my god says that homos are bad and I find them disgusting. I can respect your right to hold that belief. Just don’t expect a society built on all men are created equal that evolved toward civil rights to empathize with you when you go after their rights and target them.
More victim propaganda.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Where did our morals come from?
My view is that empathy is a positive trait for social animals that helped us be more unified in our approach to survival. Not only understanding cause and effect(Jerry getting punched in the face for stealing bob’s fish) but beable to empathize with bob’s action and realize Jerry is the bad person causing the conflict. This caused the group to agree that stealing fish causes conflict and that appropriate action will be taken for someone caught stealing. Establishing not only a moral code of no fish stealing but codifying it into tribal law, you will get punched in the face and humiliated for stealing fish. Ditto this for all other things we view as immoral, they cause conflict in our groups and social cohesion is important for our survival. The homo sapiens that failed to have a strong social cohesion were at a higher disadvantage than the ones that did. It was bred into us over time by the strong groups that maintained their bonds and survived together.

That’s just how I view it.
Absolutely hilarious.
Thanks .

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I don’t care if you like homos or not.
Just don’t sit here and pretend you’re not coming at this from a religious prospective when you clearly are.

Just come here and say, my god says that homos are bad and I find them disgusting. I can respect your right to hold that belief. Just don’t expect a society built on all men are created equal that evolved toward civil rights to empathize with you when you go after their rights and target them.
This is the problem with Tommy. It’s not enough to say you respect his right to believe gays are immoral Devil people. He demands that you totally accept his view as the correct, natural, moral belief, nothing less will satisfy him.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
This is the problem with Tommy. It’s not enough to say you respect his right to believe gays are immoral Devil people. He demands that you totally accept his view as the correct, natural, moral belief, nothing less will satisfy him.
Can you show me where that is stated oh great Budda Belly.
Looking at the comments, I'd say Wrong is the one who isn't satisfied until total acceptance is had.

El Correcto

god is dead
Uh uh..I don't like homos..never said it, but you gotta be the victim, I know.
I am not pretending anything.I am not coming from a religious perspective. You clearly are the one who keeps trying to inject it.
I am looking out the window and accept what nature teaches.
You have to reject it to justify the behavior you are involved in.
But, stop embarrassing yourself with the arguments. Pitiful .

More victim propaganda.
No you don’t. You project your preconceived notions of the world formed by your Christian faith onto what you see out your window.


Staff member
Gonna step in here with my unrequested libertarian sales pitch.

This is why schools should be privatized.

If you want your kids to go to a school that teaches that homosexuality is wrong, that should be your right.
If you want your kids to go to a school that teaches that homosexuality is fine, that should also be your right.

If life is so uneventful that you have time to care about who is sticking what into whom, you have issues.
If life is so uneventful that you need everyone to pat you on the head and tell you that your what sticking into whom is acceptable, you also have issues.

This is a nonissue. Imho.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No you don’t. You project your preconceived notions of the world formed by your Christian faith onto what you see out your window.
Again? It’s all you. Let it go. You don’t need to keep trying to inject religion into this. You’ve got plenty of fodder to continue playing victim.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
This is a nonissue. Imho.
So, homosexual behavior will never be an issue with you, your family, or the society you live in and it has no negative impact on anything or anybody? You accept it as normal and and natural behavior and would teach it to your children as being just as wholesome and rewarding as heterosexual behavior?

El Correcto

god is dead
Gonna step in here with my unrequested libertarian sales pitch.

This is why schools should be privatized.

If you want your kids to go to a school that teaches that homosexuality is wrong, that should be your right.
If you want your kids to go to a school that teaches that homosexuality is fine, that should also be your right.

If life is so uneventful that you have time to care about who is sticking what into whom, you have issues.
If life is so uneventful that you need everyone to pat you on the head and tell you that your what sticking into whom is acceptable, you also have issues.

This is a nonissue. Imho.
Yeah the nonissue is what you highlighted, people’s opinion on it. The issue is how government reacts to the opinion when it comes to religious freedom vs gay civil rights. That’s the debate, not whether Tommy will ever quit viewing homos as sinful abominations or me wanting some stamp of approval from every Christian in the country.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
What’s wrong with being gay?

Your being gay brings those not confident in their own sexuality one step closer to Satan every time they start thinking about what kinds of dirty things must be going on in your gay sex dungeon that daddy (God) really wouldn't like.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yeah the nonissue is what you highlighted, people’s opinion on it. The issue is how government reacts to the opinion when it comes to religious freedom vs gay civil rights. That’s the debate, not whether Tommy will ever quit viewing homos as sinful abominations or me wanting some stamp of approval from every Christian in the country.
More victim tears.
Civil rights for all.
Special minority status for homosexuals? Lol


Staff member
So, homosexual behavior will never be an issue with you, your family, or the society you live in and it has no negative impact on anything or anybody? You accept it as normal and and natural behavior and would teach it to your children as being just as wholesome and rewarding as heterosexual behavior?
No, homosexual behavior will never be an issue with my, my family, or the society in which I live.
Nor do I find it to have a negative impact on anything or anyone.

I do not appreciate others trying to force me to approve of their lifestyles. But that is not something that is a "gay" issue.

I would not teach it to my children. They will be able to figure things out for themselves.
From a personal standpoint, I believe that a family unit built with one man and one woman is superior for most things. That is how I will live my life, and that is the example I will give to my children.
But they will ultimately get to choose how they wish to live, and I will love them regardless.

I do not judge those who choose differently. We are all imperfect. And everyone should be able to choose what works best for themselves.

I'm going to focus on fixing issues that *I* have, rather than trying to focus on fixing perceived problems in others.
Coming from a somewhat religious background here, I'd direct you to Matthew 7:3-5 on this one.