
Well-Known Member
You’re really all in on this jew god lore. The thought of death must of really traumatized your little ass.
You've ask me before why I hate gays. I challenge you to find one statement I've made that would support this notion. I've said their actions are wrong, as many of mine are, I've called it sin, as I've called myself a sinner.

I've read multiple times you degrading Jews, why do you hate Jews? Exactly what has a Jew done to you to cause this hate. It's obvious, time for a you too, @DriveInDriveOut stand and be recognized.

Here's a platform, exactly why do you both hate the Jew, exactly what has one done to harm you specifically.
I'm tired of the Jew bashing from both of you.


Well-Known Member
Accepting His Grace requires
Fred, I love you, you understand what I mean.
When you gave your daughter a gift was anything required in return?
If a future act is required, the gift is not a gift.
You're smarter than me, lead me.

I won't argue with you as well. I perceive you as a brother in Christ

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Fred, I love you, you understand what I mean.
When you gave your daughter a gift was anything required in return?
If a future act is required, the gift is not a gift.
You're smarter than me, lead me.

I won't argue with you as well. I perceive you as a brother in Christ
If God gave you a talent, would you repay His gift by not using it?


Well-Known Member
If God gave you a talent, would you repay His gift by not using it?
Of course, it's not a repayment however.
Scripture says all believes are given a spiritual gift, I haven't been able to assess mine yet, but I have one. Quite possibly I've used it unawares.
No way I can repay Grace however, if I could it wouldn't be Grace, it would be something I could have done on my own.

I hope the new knee is progressing.
I enjoy reading what you post, you don't speak in riddles.

El Correcto

god is dead
You've ask me before why I hate gays. I challenge you to find one statement I've made that would support this notion. I've said their actions are wrong, as many of mine are, I've called it sin, as I've called myself a sinner.

I've read multiple times you degrading Jews, why do you hate Jews? Exactly what has a Jew done to you to cause this hate. It's obvious, time for a you too, @DriveInDriveOut stand and be recognized.

Here's a platform, exactly why do you both hate the Jew, exactly what has one done to harm you specifically.
I'm tired of the Jew bashing from both of you.
You’re not my brother riddler sorry, no offense.


Well-Known Member
I only discuss these things with my family, you’re not my brother. Sorry not trying to mean that’s just how it is.
I see, I hurt your feelings.
Just consider it a return of favor. I answered your question about, "why I hate gays," it's only fair you reciprocate and explain why you hate Jews.

El Correcto

god is dead
No hate here, but since you know, answer my question.
Why do you hate Jews?
I just hope you remember me and my absolute certainty of where you are heading while dying.
maybe flipping through your bible for some last minute good boy points, getting closer to god while laying in the icu or whatever :censored2: hole you end up in. I want what I said to you to at least flicker through your thought process while coming to terms with your death.

All those promises of eternal life were nothing more than misconceptions built on Jewish myths and superstition from ancient civilizations too stupid to know better. I just hope in those final moments you can accept what is actually about to happen to your ass and maybe comprehend what you are advocating for when opposing people’s right to be with whoever they choose to be with during their only moments of existence


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Are you saved by Grace, or is it Grace plus works? Is something required of you after salvation?
The Bible teaches something is required of you before salvation (obedience ) and something is required of you after salvation (faithful life)

Nothing is more clearly revealed in the Scriptures than our dependence on God’s grace for redemption. Paul said to the saints at Ephesus, “by grace are ye saved” (Eph. 2:5). Everyone who is permitted to enter heaven will be there by grace.
Grace does not circumvent Jesus Christ. It is folly to imagine that God’s saving grace may somehow take a circuitous route that by-passes Jesus Christ. “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). God demonstrated His loving-kindness for sinful man in the gift of His Son. In Christ “we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Eph. 1:7). Saving grace is found in Jesus, not out of Him. Paul said to the Corinthian Christians, “I thank my God always on your behalf for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1:4). The grace that saves comes to man by or through, not apart from, Jesus Christ.

Grace does not ignore the Gospel. The good news of justification through Christ is referred to as “the gospel of the grace of God” and “the word of his grace” (Acts 20:24, 32). To preach the gospel is to distribute saving grace. The saints at Colosse were reminded of “the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth” (Col. 1:5,6). It was not until the gospel was preached in Antioch that people turned to the Lord and the grace of God was “seen” in that locality (Acts 11:19-23).

Grace does not permit access apart from faith. “Access” is that which gives admittance, entrance, or introduction. One must show faith in Jesus Christ in order to gain access into saving grace. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Rom. 5:1,2). Since faith comes by hearing God’s word (Rom. 10:17), one must hear the gospel to enter God’s favor. “For by grace are ye saved through faith . . .” (Eph. 2:8). God provides salvation through undeserved favor; man accepts that provision of grace by means of faith.

Grace does not rule against baptism for the remission of sins. The faith which gives access into grace is active trust-confidence expressed in cheerful obedience. God requires that we show faith by being baptized, and that demonstration of faith is unto the remission of sins. “Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead” (Col. 2:12). Peter preached repentance and baptism “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38). But he acknowledged that it is “through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” that we shall be saved (Acts 15:11). Salvation by grace requires faith, and faith requires baptism unto the forgiveness of sins.

Grace does not give license to sin. The law of Moses was given to show the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Under the law sin abounded. “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. . . ” (Rom. 5:20). Does this mean that the more men sin, the more grace will be shown? Or, as Paul worded the question, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” He answered, “God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Rom. 6:1,2). The triumph of God’s grace over sin is not to be interpreted as a license for the Christian to indulge in unrighteousness. “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof” (Rom. 6:12). “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly . . .” (Tit. 2:11,12).

Grace does not offer unconditional security. Just as our entrance into saving grace is conditioned on our willingness to show faith in Jesus Christ, our remaining in that grace is conditioned on our willingness to continue in faith. The Hebrew writer warns us that one may “fail” or “come short” of the grace of God (Heb. 2:15). The Galatians were called “into the grace of Christ” but afterward accepted false teaching that “removed” them (Gal. 1:6,7). Paul wrote to them, “ye are fallen from grace” (Gal. 5:4). This explodes the theory of once in grace, always in grace.

Grace does not save on the basis of human merit. The Bible sometimes uses the word “work” to convey the thought of activity that earns, or effort that deserves reward. In this sense Paul used the word when he wrote, “Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt” (Rom. 4:4). Our salvation is based on faith, not something earned or deserved, “that it might be by grace” (Rom. 4:16). This is why boasting is excluded. “Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:9). Actions in exercise of faith are sometimes called “works” (James 2:24), but they are not in the category of efforts that earn or merit. No man deserves salvation. God’s grace saves and shows our inability to reach heaven by our own might, ingenuity, or deserving. God owes us nothing; we owe Him everything.
I have used this negative approach to show some of the revealed limitations which God places on grace. Hopefully, this will point out that God’s saving grace is not a mystical catch-all for whatever odds and ends. the speculators in theology may wish to conceal. And let us stay with revelation, giving no honor to speculation.

The disciples commissioned to preach this by Jesus" He that believes and is baptized shall be saved"- Mark 16:16
Peter in the first gospel sermon ever preached Acts 2:37 "What shall we DO to be saved?" 38 "Repent and be baptized FOR the remission of your sins.
Lot of grace in the making of a Christian.


Well-Known Member
I just hope in those final moments you can accept what is actually about to happen to your ass and maybe comprehend what you are advocating for when opposing people’s right to be with whoever they choose to be with during their only moments of existence
I don't personally care who you are with.
I do find it troubling that the LGBTQ salad feels the need to make the rest of society conform to their whims and every demand.
Just live your life with who you want to live it with, just don't demand to change our entire culture to suit your appetites.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don't personally care who you are with.
I do find it troubling that the LGBTQ salad feels the need to make the rest of society conform to their whims and every demand.
Just live your life with who you want to live it with, just don't demand to change our entire culture to suit your appetites.
And I don’t care where you think you’re going after you die or where you think the universe came from.

I do find it troubling that the Abrahamic faith salad feels the need to make the rest of society conform to their whims and every demand.
Just live your life with who you want to live it with, just don't demand to change our entire culture to suit your appetites.


Well-Known Member
And I don’t care where you think you’re going after you die or where you think the universe came from.

I do find it troubling that the Abrahamic faith salad feels the need to make the rest of society conform to their whims and every demand.
Just live your life with who you want to live it with, just don't demand to change our entire culture to suit your appetites.

I've never really cared about anyone's sexual preferences. I think that the "in your face" part of the LGBTQ movement has made ppl speak more on it than they otherwise would have. It's a great political tool to drive wedges of division anywhere they can I suppose. Race, sex, sexuality seen to be hot items in recent years. I agree that all Abrahamic faiths are useless except to those who seek control over masses of ppl. I've studied all of them to some degree just to gain insight, including islam, islamic mysticism, pre-islamic lore you name it I've probably at least checked it out.

I can't remember who said it but they said, "do you remember your fear of being born? No, because you didn't exist. It's likely the same in death ". Even babies, as vulnerable as they are seem to be fearless because they haven't had fear beaten into their heads in the same way adults have. Fear is an excellent manipulator, which is why politicians aim to keep ppl in a constant state of it.

To some degree I can understand the dogmatic aspects of religion. Telling little Timmy that grandma is "just rotting in the ground and you never see her again" is kinda harsh. I think the developers of religion at least had the insight to know ppl would grow to understand, not rely on it. I think religion was more intended to be a vehicle to get you from A to B, while some ppl merely get into the vehicle and think they've already arrived without ever going anywhere


Well-Known Member
And I don’t care where you think you’re going after you die or where you think the universe came from.

I do find it troubling that the Abrahamic faith salad feels the need to make the rest of society conform to their whims and every demand.
Just live your life with who you want to live it with, just don't demand to change our entire culture to suit your appetites.
That was original, do you have trouble forming your own ideas or was mine that persuasive?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
That was original, do you have trouble forming your own ideas or was mine that persuasive?
@Wrong , while articulate and intelligent, refuses to look squarely at what has been presented. Doing so would somehow legitimize it in his mind, thus making ignoring it justified.
God loves each of us the only way He can, which is with His totality. Unrepentant sin is the only thing that interferes with our reception of that love. Thus, admonishing the sinner properly is actually an act of love on our part. Because of our own sinfulness, we have no standing to condemn.

El Correcto

god is dead
You still haven't answered as to why you hate Jews.

I understand they are from Abraham, they just won't kill you for berating and hating them.

I see you hold no hatred towards the other group from Abraham, the Muslims, or maybe you're afraid to verbalize it, you do stand the chance of being harmed if you do so after all.

View attachment 309594?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
One question for you, I don't argue with one I perceive to be a brother, I'll let it lie after this.
Are you saved by Grace, or is it Grace plus works? Is something required of you after salvation?
Same question presented two ways.

Simple question, if anyone asked me I wouldn't be offended.
It is by Grace.