Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
If I may.

We are saved by the Grace of Jesus.
Who took upon Himself our sins, and gave Himself as the Perfect Sacrifice in reparation of our sins, thus restoring our relationship with God. Accepting His Grace requires us to take up our own cross and follow Him. Following Him means to put into practice the example He set, which includes good works.

A simple, yet deceptively complex question.
Actually, it is straightforward.

We are saved by the Grace of Jesus ... period.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It is by Grace.
Please show the scripture where we are saved by grace ALONE ... might be a little tough especially since you are a red letter Jesus words only scholar ... hilarious.. you’re a textbook false teacher
Actually, it is straightforward.

We are saved by the Grace of Jesus ... period.
Thats nice. So when you bold letter it , that makes it so ?? Lol.. Get the passage that says that we are saved by grace and that’s all. Some authority from scripture with what you spout makes it so , not you running your mouth in bold print.
God forbid if any part of my redemption lay in my hands.
I won't argue this type of matter here.
Anything else, jock up, some balls may be flying around.
Florman...the Bible is very clear that you play a part in your redemption. .. God has do his part and we must do our part.
Air is a free gift but you have to breath to get it. Salvation is a free gift and the scripture instructs one how to receive it
Why do you equate disagreement and honest discussion with arguing?? When it comes to my salvation ... What sayeth the scripture?


Well-Known Member
Florman...the Bible is very clear that you play a part in your redemption. .. God has do his part and we must do our part.
Air is a free gift but you have to breath to get it. Salvation is a free gift and the scripture instructs one how to receive it
Why do you equate disagreement and honest discussion with arguing?? When it comes to my salvation ... What sayeth the scripture?
I choose not to argue doctrine here, discussion is argument, face to face is different.
I won't do it, non believers read all we post.

What sayeth the scripture?
Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.


Well-Known Member
What about the unbaptized?
Which baptism?
There are seven mentioned, the baptism that counts is the one where God places a believer into Christ's body.

If one is referring to water baptism, look no further, no one took the thief on the cross down and dunked him.

Jesus told this same thief, "today you will be with me in paradise."


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Which baptism?
There are seven mentioned, the baptism that counts is the one where God places a believer into Christ's body.

If one is referring to water baptism, look no further, no one took the thief on the cross down and dunked him.

Jesus told this same thief, "today you will be with me in paradise."
Thief died under a different law than you.
No one today or for the past 2000 years can be saved like the thief .
The blood of the new covenant went into effect after the Lord's death.


Well-Known Member
Exactly when was the thief on the cross taken down and immersed in water?

If he wasn't, how could my saviour tell him, "today you will be with me
in paradise."?

Simple question.