
Well-Known Member
All of them? I thought some started out straight, then made the switch.
Uh oh you should prepare for the onslaught of racist bigoted anti-Christian rhetoric you’ve ever heard from the correcto himself for saying that. Even if you’re not a Christian lol

Naturally it’s because he does not have any evidence to support his opinion. After all he himself says he bangs married men. Were they born that way too? Most homosexuals are that way based on similar reasons.

Traumatic sexual events that happened to them as a child.

And almost to a T all homosexual men I have had as friends have over bearing and domineering cold mothers.

We are all products of our up bringing and the stimulus we received either positive or negative as children regardless of what correcto says.
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Well-Known Member
@El Correcto says queers are born that way.
You can't regret something you didn't have a choice in.
Awful lot of them that have a normal marriage and kids and then later discover they are really gay.
I guess I'm supposed to believe they were throwing up on their side of the bed as they had heterosexual sex?
perhaps they could only do it doggie style ?
They had to enjoy it enough to get a stiffy and complete the act?


Well-Known Member
Nope, I think a lot of them were just ugly and had no friends.
Everyone needs love, even ugly people. If you can't get it from a woman, I guess you improvise.
Probably right on many of them but there were some guys in high school I was really happy we’re gay, that way I didn’t have to compete with them to try and get some of the chicks. And they were snappy dressers and had no trouble talking to the girls.😂


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Remember when all those miners were stuck in that mine in Chile for weeks?

Miner returns home to his wife. She's eager to make love with him but he has a request. "Can we turn off the lights?" "Of course my love" she replies. Then he asks "Can we do it from behind?" "Absolutely my dearest." And then...."Can I call you Pedro?"