
nowhere special

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

As if it isn’t bad enough the LGBTQXYZ agenda is being forced down our throats in every movie, TV show or newspaper, HBO is now trying to trick people into watching a gay love story.

Try imagining our buddy @El Correcto is Bill (Nick Offerman), the badass gay doomsday prepper who has finally found love in that episode and see if you can get through it that way. :)

El Correcto

god is dead

As if it isn’t bad enough the LGBTQXYZ agenda is being forced down our throats in every movie, TV show or newspaper, HBO is now trying to trick people into watching a gay love story.
The fireflies want to kill Ellie, it’s the only way to make the cure and Joel goes off on a warpath killing his way to Ellie and rescuing her only for her to end up hating him once she grows up a bit. It’s a good father/daughter type story.

Fireflies come back for revenge on Joel the daughter of a doctor he murdered beats him to death with a golf club right in front of Ellie. Ellie who is now a lesbian then goes a warpath with her girlfriend and murders all the fireflies involved in the incident, except for the one who killed Joel. The one who kills Joel has a big redemption arc while Ellie is murdering her friends and befriends a trans kid living with a bunch of religious cultists, rescuing the little trans kid from her family and cult.
When Ellie and Abby(Joel’s killer) meet they have a big throw down that ends in a stand off with Abby holding Ellie’s pregnant girlfriend hostage. Ellie gives up on revenge and agrees to go their separate ways.

Abby then searches for more fireflies with Lee(the trans kid) only to get enslaved. Ellie decides she can’t live without revenge and abandons her family to go after Abby one last time. Ellie shoots her way through the slaver camp and ends up rescuing Abby and Lee, deciding she doesn’t need her revenge after all.
Abby and Lee sail off into the night and Ellie ends up a broken mess with no family living alone on a farm, missing her finger so she can no longer play the guitar Joel gave her properly losing another part of Joel, but she ends up forgiving Joel for not allowing her to become the savior of humanity by sacrificing herself in part 1.

El Correcto

god is dead
There now you can stop @ing me crying about the gay agenda. It is a very gay story, filled with gay characters.
Save yourself 50+ hours of rage and read the comment.