
Well-Known Member
Wow in that pile of nonsense I found what we are actually discussing.
Okay this is good let’s expand on this a little bit.
The Supreme Court refused to say this when it comes to religious business owners, even though religious arguments can’t be used to discriminate against women who are not following sexual morality such as having a baby without a husband.

That is the current limit of lgbt civil rights, religious people using it as an excuse to discriminate against them and deny them rights granted to everyone else, even other sinners.
SCOTUS addressed a specific case. You wanted them to address all possible contingencies and make a ruling that would give you a favorable outcome in every scenario. Sorry, doesn't work that way.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
They most certainly are. :censored2:ing Baptists go door to door here also. I should set out some Claymores.
No they're not. Jehovah Witness deny that Jesus is God (Deity).. That rules them out as being Christians.
Baptist aren't Christians. They're Baptist.
They're are no Baptist or the Baptist Denomination anywhere in the Bible.
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El Correcto

god is dead
They most certainly are. :censored2:ing Baptists go door to door here also. I should set out some Claymores.
These people are in deep denial about their cult.

El Correcto

god is dead
SCOTUS addressed a specific case. You wanted them to address all possible contingencies and make a ruling that would give you a favorable outcome in every scenario. Sorry, doesn't work that way.
It absolutely could have and should have. They made it a point to exclude that in their ruling.
It’s not a favorable outcome, it’s the equality under law you claim gays have wrongly.

El Correcto

god is dead
Yeah you did.
No you should really work on your reading comprehension good bud. Let me help you with that.
Just because your gay employer understand what Christianity is doesn’t mean they can fire you for being one.
Just because your RELIGION says it is righteous to murder gays, doesn’t mean they could fire you for it under law.


Well-Known Member
It absolutely could have and should have. They made it a point to exclude that in their ruling.
It’s not a favorable outcome, it’s the equality under law you claim gays have wrongly.
Again, they addressed a specific case. You wanted more but didn't get what you wanted. That's life.


Well-Known Member
No you should really work on your reading comprehension good bud. Let me help you with that.
Just because your gay employer understand what Christianity is doesn’t mean they can fire you for being one.
Just because your RELIGION says it is righteous to murder gays, doesn’t mean they could fire you for it under law.
Nope, it's not happening. Just your conjecture because you want to stamp out all references to Christianity in any public setting while at the same time you want gays to be able to say or do anything without consequence.

El Correcto

god is dead
Nope, it's not happening. Just your conjecture because you want to stamp out all references to Christianity in any public setting while at the same time you want gays to be able to say or do anything without consequence.
No I don’t want Christianity stomped out, I want fundamentalists stomped out. I want secular government and society that protects everyone’s rights equally to be part of society. Christians included.

Sorry you feel differently, guess we are just gonna be in “disagreement”.

El Correcto

god is dead


Engorged Member
No I don’t want Christianity stomped out, I want fundamentalists stomped out. I want secular government and society that protects everyone’s rights equally to be part of society. Christians included.

Sorry you feel differently, guess we are just gonna be in “disagreement”.
Separation of church and state. SECULAR, as The Founding Fathers intended.


Well-Known Member
No I don’t want Christianity stomped out, I want fundamentalists stomped out. I want secular government and society that protects everyone’s rights equally to be part of society. Christians included.

Sorry you feel differently, guess we are just gonna be in “disagreement”.
And if someone believes being gay is wrong he's a fundamentalist.