
Well-Known Member
Can I count on your help?

The Continental Army is about to fail, if we just get reinforcements, I'm almost positive we can take over the airports...


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Jesus never said that.
Hope this helps for the 100th time....
Hope this helps... Jesus said this

He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.--Matthew 19: 4-6

No man can leave father and mother and cleave to a husband and do what Jesus is saying here.
No woman can leave father and mother and cleave to a wife and do what Jesus is saying here.


Well-Known Member
Hope this helps for the 100th time....

There's nothing in there about homosexuality.


You're really reaching here, Tommy.

Jesus hang with the lepers, the whores, the cast-outs, the less-thans.

Jesus didn't care about 'the gays', he embraced them.

Probably washed their feet, or shared his food with them.

Get over it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There's nothing in there about homosexuality.
So Male and Female doesn't register for ya? Ok. Can't help you.
Jesus hang with the lepers, the whores, the cast-outs, the less-thans.
Jesus didn't care about 'the gays', he embraced them.
He sure did. Just like He embraced the adulterers , liars, thieves, murderers and all those in sin. You're wrong about him not caring about gays..he gave them the same instruction he gave all those in sin.." I tell you, except you repent , you shall all likewise perish."--Jesus...Luke 13:3 ( not the floweriest thing is it?)


Well-Known Member
So Male and Female doesn't register for ya? Ok. Can't help you.


He sure did. Just like He embraced the adulterers , liars, thieves, murderers and all those in sin. You're wrong about him not caring about gays..he gave them the same instruction he gave all those in sin.." I tell you, except you repent , you shall all likewise perish."--Jesus...Luke 13:3 ( not the floweriest thing is it?)

There's nothing in there about homosexuality, also, that passage is clearly 'fluffed' up by someone else.

IDK, someone who actually knows the Bible come in and school this guy, he's misrepresenting Jesus.

WTF do you think is gonna cut your lawn, genius?


Texts like what you just posted... did Jesus actually say that?

I'm not convinced he did.

But, fine, if Jesus said that, than great, seems to me he was talking about a man and a woman.

What did he say about a man and a man?

What did he say about a woman and a woman?

If that's the best passage you can come up with to put anti-gay words in Jesus' mouth, ok .. . l m friend a o


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
What did he say about a man and a man?

What did he say about a woman and a woman?

If that's the best passage you can come up with to put anti-gay words in Jesus' mouth, ok .. . l m friend a o
Uh..That they CANNOT be joined as one.
UH..That its impossible for the same flesh to be joined as one flesh.
Uh..That ONLY a man and woman can be JOINED by God.
Uh..that would necessarily exclude man and man, woman and woman.
It's real easy to


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s kind of sad at this point.

He has spent probably 100+ hours ranting about gay people, it’s like his :censored2:ing Skyrim.
WrongDong...Come on... Rant? Where?
Mostly responding to be whatever you feel like being is right and ok @BrownArmy
Same old stupid :censored2:.
100+ ?..You must be talking about how many times @BrownArmy asks the same thing and spouts nothing.
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