So Male and Female doesn't register for ya? Ok. Can't help you.
He sure did. Just like He embraced the adulterers , liars, thieves, murderers and all those in sin. You're wrong about him not caring about gays..he gave them the same instruction he gave all those in sin.." I tell you, except you repent , you shall all likewise perish."--Jesus...Luke 13:3 ( not the floweriest thing is it?)
There's nothing in there about homosexuality, also, that passage is clearly 'fluffed' up by someone else.
IDK, someone who actually knows the Bible come in and school this guy, he's misrepresenting Jesus.
WTF do you think is gonna cut your lawn, genius?
Texts like what you just posted... did Jesus actually say that?
I'm not convinced he did.
But, fine, if Jesus said that, than great, seems to me he was talking about a man and a woman.
What did he say about a man and a man?
What did he say about a woman and a woman?
If that's the best passage you can come up with to put anti-gay words in Jesus' mouth, ok .. . l m friend a o