
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If a nonbeliever isn’t interested, why waste your breath? Move on already.

That’s even biblical I believe. Something about casting pearls before swine.

I think we can all agree that our adulterous, swindling, cheating president could use some ministering.
If I was a non- believer, I would be interested in what you are teaching.
Remain in your sin, It's all good.

You're not casting pearls. You're casting a bucket of slop and lies. The pigs are lapping it up.


Well-Known Member

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
If a nonbeliever isn’t interested, why waste your breath? Move on already.

That’s even biblical I believe. Something about casting pearls before swine.

I think we can all agree that our adulterous, swindling, cheating president could use some ministering.
Admonish the sinner.
Matthew 10:14.


Staff member
If I was a non- believer, I would be interested in what you are teaching.
Remain in your sin, It's all good.

You're not casting pearls. You're casting a bucket of slop and lies. The pigs are lapping it up.

The difference between you and I is that I understand the relationship between God and man. God is perfect. Man is not.

God will let the individual know at his core exactly what He finds objectionable. And most likely it won’t come from berating the sinner from the pulpit.

Remember who Jesus broke bread with, whom he accepted. That’s where the Kingdom of Heaven resides. Come on in. You’ve been gone a while.