Name one "socialist" country that has thrived and benefited the proletariat?
Punk, you quoted a Jack London cartoon to support your position and have never read his full body of works.
I "took"/ "earned" my "advantage", by being a "Capitalist".
Eugene Debs ("look him up as the father of unionism") was a fan and believer of Karl Marx's philosophies.
I personally find it more
hypocritical to demand from a company to pay more than you can produce.
UPS is a box monkey job.
Only three requirements. to be a driver. HS diploma, 21yrs of age and a clean felony record.
DIAD tells you where to go and tells you if you are not iat the right delivery zone.
You demand over $100,000.00 a year and $40,000.00 in benefits?
Right, the union made UPS profitable to pay your wage.

In the past, one (a driver) had to groom with a professional look because they represented the company to the public.
Those days are gone.
BTW, what are the other things?
Way over paid Punk/thug
Yes, I did take the advantages working for the company that paid my wage.