Live paychecks


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
180 days. I check the dates every so often. The worse that can happen is the check has to be reissued. I am sure the boss may have something to say though.
I’m not going to question your methods, obviously your system is working for you. But, why wouldn’t you just throw all those checks into a savings account. Seems like more work than necessary to keep tabs on the dates of those checks.

Netsua 3:16

I have 2 bank accounts, one just checking for my auto deposit and spending money.
Every Friday I budget for the next week and move x into a separate account.
Disperse Bill paying money into that other checking and whatever I’m banking for the week into savings.
I went from broke 3 years ago to owning a house, decent car paid off, and a year plus cushion in my savings using this method.
If you’re still getting live checks, they have to be able to cut you a green check if they are late. I don’t care what the weather is like, I have bills that need to be paid. I’ve been where you are, I don’t know what’s going on with you that you can’t open a bank account, and I don’t care. Places like GreenDot don’t ask no questions. You can pick one up at a gas station. They are prepaid cards that you can set up direct deposit for. I used it for years and only dumped it and went with a bank when I fell on better times. Good luck.
I appreciate the suggestion. I'll look into it, sounds like it could work well for my current situation.


Never bought my own handtruck
I’m not going to question your methods, obviously your system is working for you. But, why wouldn’t you just throw all those checks into a savings account. Seems like more work than necessary to keep tabs on the dates of those checks.
Better yet, if you don’t need that money, it could earn way more for you properly invested.

Netsua 3:16

I appreciate the suggestion. I'll look into it, sounds like it could work well for my current situation.
Money’s easy brother, it really is. Once you figure out how little spending money you need to survive on a day to day basis everything changes. I was flat ass broke all throughout my 20’s, living it up with coffee stand mochas everyday, eating out to lunch, big spending nights at the bar. The rest of the time was spent wondering where all my hard earned money went.
Nowadays, security is the only thing that matters. Nothing in life is permanent man, we all get caught flat on our ass from time to time and money is all we have to keep the ship floating

Netsua 3:16

I still eat out once a week or so, I still buy UFC pay per views, I still indulge, but Mon-Fri I don’t spend a dime. My gas tank is full, my lunch is packed, I don’t even touch my debit card 80 days out of 100.
Not saying everybody should be like me, but if you do want to worry less about money, seriously, all it takes is effort


Kill me now
I’m not going to question your methods, obviously your system is working for you. But, why wouldn’t you just throw all those checks into a savings account. Seems like more work than necessary to keep tabs on the dates of those checks.
Seriously if you’re that good at not spending you might as well invest it