Your forgetting NOT a single 22.4 person can be put to work UNLESS all RPCD are all working!
22.4's can only be max of 25% for the amount of RPCD that each building have.
22.4s will not be scheduled to work any Mondays so technically the entire RPCD force could be laid off on Mondays.
For Wednesday-Friday; your statement is correct. All RPCD's must work before a 22.4.
Tuesdays are subject to change. If UPS goes to a Wednesday thru Sunday 22.4 week; which they have every right to do; then an unlimited number of RPCDs could and will be laid off on Monday and Tuesday since No 22.4 would be working on a Monday or Tuesday.
The low seniority drivers will not be bumped to 22.4s. But; I think UPS's methodology leads them to believe that many RPCDs will be starved out from only working 24-32 hours per week. UPS hopes these shafted RPCDs will bid into 22.4 just to reach a guaranteed 40 hours.
Many of the laid off RPCDs will not reach the required hours for a full years' pension credit. This is another reason a low seniority driver may bid to 22.4.
It is all bad. The Union did not fulfill their duty of fair representation during contract negotiations. If they had; these issues would have been addressed as they were in the NorCal and other supplements.