Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Why would any of your feeder drivers complain to you? You have no power to do anything anyway, I bet your workers really like you alot. I would love to hear them talk about your management skills while your thinking they love you. To bad that buffalow bill guy dont work for you, both of you would make a great team.


Long Time Member
The point is, the 3 crewmembers would still be alive if UPS did their own work. Who made the decision to get rid of all the aircraft? Did they think the recession was going to last for 10 years? We obviously don't have enough aircraft to cover the recovery.

So...UPS killed these people?

Was it management that did this?????


Well-Known Member
Why would any of your feeder drivers complain to you? You have no power to do anything anyway, I bet your workers really like you alot. I would love to hear them talk about your management skills while your thinking they love you. To bad that buffalow bill guy dont work for you, both of you would make a great team.

Do you ever answer a question or simply spin it to negative union versus management? Not all management/employee realtionships are as bad as you make them out to be. Go back and look at the questions I asked you with regards to the TSA. There are reasons that the TSA does their job the way they do that you do not know about or do not need to know about.


Well-Known Member
Brown one, the only UPS Aircraft you ever see is the pic in your cube and the models on your desk. You have no idea how USPCO operates and how the FAA,TSA, NMB and NTSB interact with the operation. You only see NDA and Int volume raking in the profit each quarter. You do better on UPSInc boards dealing with issues that you have a little clue about, not on the Air board where you have NO clue.


Long Time Member
Sorry, did you say something fxdwg? I don't converse with scabs!

Hey Einstein. Your reply can be categorized as "conversing". You airline mechanics are a joke. Everyone can see through your spin and lie tactics. Don't you realize that? But to your comment about the three people dying because UPS did not operate that particular route: if UPS operated every flight in the world, would there never be another accident? Hey, it was your stupid comment, now I'm calling you on it.


Well-Known Member
Come on DOLdwg not all mechanics are a joke! We're just trying to make a living like you.
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Well-Known Member
Interesting information I have to share today. I was talking to a group of Union brothers from the Louisville Hub and they had some kind words about the mechanics. Turns out management isn't the only people that think your overpaid and lazy. One of the kids even said you guys deserve everything you get. He said years of watching tv in your break room has finally caught up to you. It sounds like you guys have been taking advantage of a fair days work for a fair days pay. We are just trying to follow our contractual obligation that states "a fair days work for a fair days pay."


Active Member
Interesting information I have to share today. I was talking to a group of Union brothers from the Louisville Hub and they had some kind words about the mechanics. Turns out management isn't the only people that think your overpaid and lazy. One of the kids even said you guys deserve everything you get. He said years of watching tv in your break room has finally caught up to you. It sounds like you guys have been taking advantage of a fair days work for a fair days pay. We are just trying to follow our contractual obligation that states "a fair days work for a fair days pay."

LOL. Why does that not surprise me.


Well-Known Member
I got a feeling your not telling the truth. Wait and talk to him in 2013 when his paycheck wont cover his health care payments.


Well-Known Member
Interesting information I have to share today. I was talking to a group of Union brothers from the Louisville Hub and they had some kind words about the mechanics. Turns out management isn't the only people that think your overpaid and lazy. One of the kids even said you guys deserve everything you get. He said years of watching tv in your break room has finally caught up to you. It sounds like you guys have been taking advantage of a fair days work for a fair days pay. We are just trying to follow our contractual obligation that states "a fair days work for a fair days pay."
UPSSOCKS since your in SDF go to the hanger and all the ACMX stagging areas and count the tv's....I'll bet you won't find any. Tell that kid to go get an education and get out of that Hub! Couple years of hard work and education and he can join us lazy 43 dollar mechanics. You can do the same thing UPSSOCKS....Why bust you a## 16 hrs a day for pennies?

One more thing UPSSOCKS do you honestly believe the Mighty UPS would pay us 43$ an hour to watch tv , and then offer us 48$ on their "last and final offer" to do the same?


Well-Known Member
UPSSUCKS is just an idiot. He reads airline books and maybe even sees a plane fly over, but he is in North Bay with package cars only. He has a picture of an airplane in his cube and maybe a model on his desk, but he sees NDA and Int volume filling his pockets. He has no idea where SDF is or what happens here, he just gives us his 2 cents worth of nothing.


Well-Known Member
Dude, we all get a blast from your idiotic posts. Everyone at work bursts out laughing at you doldwg self, you cant figure out what we are talking about you. We are laughing at you, not with you.
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Well-Known Member
Doldwg, why did you give up your 401k match. I love my 401k match and think all hourly's deserve it. Since the low level sups and mgr gave theirs up it is more for us hourly's to have.


Well-Known Member
What's up with the release? In the meantime, ask for more negotiations, but quit stalling, that's not what I'm paying you for!!!


Well-Known Member
Doldwg, why did you give up your 401k match. I love my 401k match and think all hourly's deserve it. Since the low level sups and mgr gave theirs up it is more for us hourly's to have.

Match??? The match is nothing. It's worth about $3,000. I get a bonus every year that it is equivalent to about ten years worth of the match. Once the hourly's start paying for benefits, I hope they do get the match. It's a win for UPS in the long run.
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