Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the useful ought to be ashamed of yourself sir. you better change your all about me attitude and man theup before that baby comes
Ok thanks for the useful ought to be ashamed of yourself sir. you better change your all about me attitude and man theup before that baby comes
No I don't agree but that is what will most likely happenThis I can't argue with.
But I'm not the IBT and don't support that move. It seems @MuricaMan01 does though.
No faith or loyalty only towards your own SELFISH wants, if this is the future of the union we can all kiss are futures good bye for a measly 70cent raise.
The majority of the work force (part-timers) know there is no future for them at thishole company.
We are over worked and underpaid and most of us are looking for an exit strategy as fast as possible.
A 70 cent raise is all that matters to me.
If you wanted part-timers who aren't so easily bought then you shouldn't have so easily sold them out.
Part timers sold out lmao iv heard it all now. Also if 70 cents matters to you, you have more issues then just a raise.The majority of the work force (part-timers) know there is no future for them at thishole company.
We are over worked and underpaid and most of us are looking for an exit strategy as fast as possible.
A 70 cent raise is all that matters to me.
If you wanted part-timers who aren't so easily bought then you shouldn't have so easily sold them out.
Part timers sold out lmao iv heard it all now. Also if 70 cents matters to you, you have more issues then just a raise.
Is there anyone from 804 that can give an update to what's going on with their supplemental status?
I have a kid on the way next month and I'm a mechanic in progression so I could use the almost 8 dollar raise.
Just so we are clear. You (hundreds) are affecting thousands of others across the country.
It's people like you that makes this union a joke
Yes these locals are babies with their "special" supplements in their formula bottles they suck on all day.
Yep totally. Coming from working my tail off everywhere else teamsters have it made from pay to benefits
I guess this thread turned into how many people can I trigger today
Yes it is lol. It's just amazing that nobody here realizes how good they have it.
Ok thanks for your response. Drivers throw us under the bus all the time so I have a hard time with the ones that talk big online when I just wanted a question ansered and the majority of drivers don't even care about mechanics anyway. You don't make payments on those tractors but I have to pay for my tools to even have a job. I'm new to the union yes. I joined to keep management off my back and keep my job in case something happens.You asked a legitimate question, and no, people should not have berated you for that.
Do you realize who was standing side by side with you, who had your back, helping you get that $8 raise?
All of us, including those "cry babies" as you labeled them in 804.
There are more than hundreds, but moot point.
They stood with you, now it's your turn to stand with them.
No, it's people like you.
We stood with you to get what you wanted, now to hell with everyone else.
Just vote in your sub-par contract so I can get my damn money.
Special Supplements?
What do you think you are?
There are more members in the smallest Supplement than their are mechanics in this Company.
And there are dozens of Supplements
You are the minority, but we still got your back, do the same for us.
Yes we do, because we stand together, we have each other's backs. A concept you have no clue on.
I deal with people like you all the time. A small annoyance, nothing more.
Yes we do.
But now it seems that you are going to get the perks of a Union job, without knowing how we got those perks, or without standing beside your brothers in 804 who stood beside you.
I'm sorry, but you don't deserve this job.
Ok thanks for your response. Drivers throw us under the bus all the time so I have a hard time with the ones that talk big online when I just wanted a question ansered and the majority of drivers don't even care about mechanics anyway. You don't make payments on those tractors but I have to pay for my tools to even have a job. I'm new to the union yes. I joined to keep management off my back and keep my job in case something happens.
Ok thanks for your response. Drivers throw us under the bus all the time so I have a hard time with the ones that talk big online when I just wanted a question ansered and the majority of drivers don't even care about mechanics anyway. You don't make payments on those tractors but I have to pay for my tools to even have a job. I'm new to the union yes. I joined to keep management off my back and keep my job in case something happens.
Was PT for over 5 years and paid my dues to go FT driver, PTers should be voting more now then ever to insure that they dont get sold down river. So what's your excuse for telling 804 to pass a sub par crappy contract? So you can get a 70 cent raise which equates 14 dollars a week with 20hrs? Man if your that hard up I would just give you 20 bucks so you can stop complaining about your retro check and telling others to eat aThe majority of the work force (part-timers) know there is no future for them at thishole company.
We are over worked and underpaid and most of us are looking for an exit strategy as fast as possible.
A 70 cent raise is all that matters to me.
If you wanted part-timers who aren't so easily bought then you shouldn't have so easily sold them out.
Any update on this metting?
You don't make payments on those tractors but I have to pay for my tools to even have a job.
What do you think the percentage of part time employees that are hired at UPS is, that actually manage to matriculate to a full time, top scale position?You do realize PT makes up the majority of us. Which means if they want to be heard they have the loudest voice.
Keep pretending it's FT against PT. 90% of us were PT before just like you. I get it though, it's always easier to blame someone else.
Also no future??? What does that even mean? You can become a FT employee just as easy as it was for me. If you don't want to be FT then that's fine but don't blame FT employees for that.
Not at UPS, or he wouldn't be getting an $8/hr raise???Sounds like you've been at it for awhile and probably already had a full compliment of tools, but I get your point.
So wait, the only reason you joined the union as a dues paying member is so management will back off and for job security?! Wow you are a real piece of work bud. You only care about yourself and it shows quite a bit. YOU are what's wrong with our union.Ok thanks for your response. Drivers throw us under the bus all the time so I have a hard time with the ones that talk big online when I just wanted a question ansered and the majority of drivers don't even care about mechanics anyway. You don't make payments on those tractors but I have to pay for my tools to even have a job. I'm new to the union yes. I joined to keep management off my back and keep my job in case something happens.
The majority of the things I said was only targeted at that 542 fellow anyway. And yes if you were a mechanic you would understand joining the union for such purposes. Yes I have been a mechanic for over 10 years and have a good bit of tools. I try to buy from harbor freight now though lol. And yeah I'm in progression. Most diesel shops starting pay in my area is over $30 an hour and I'm making less than that. That's why all the mechanics are excited about this contract, well the ones in progression anyway. But I fully understand the aggravation of having it pushed through with a mostly no vote due to not enough voters. It is not right at all. But that looks like the case this time around so we need to vote out the current union heads and get it right the next go round.Thank you.
I kind of thought that you did have a clue, but you didn't show it in your posts.
I know some drivers treat you like scum, but we all don't.
I have always got along good with all my mechanics and knew they also had a job to do.
Parts on order OK to drive does not mean that you don't care. Hell, most times your boss pushes you to keep the vehicles on road but won't stock parts.
I know you can't red tag a vehicle for comfort issues and sometimes we have to suck it up.
Not at UPS, or he wouldn't be getting an $8/hr raise???
I guessing he's in progression.