That is all you got? Bravo! I just have to laugh at your nonsense because either way your screwed.
1)If you don't run we all will know your full of

. (High probability)
2) If you do run your gonna have to put your reputation up against a long time Teamster who dedicated his life to helping the members. I can't wait to see where you stack up and I will really enjoy when the tables are turned so we can see if you can take what you dish out about people's character. There will be no hiding on the Internet like your accustomed to.
Now understand one thing. I don't want you to lose out of hatred, I want you to lose so your ego gets put in check. I want you to realize that all the time wasted the past 5 years hating on PK could have been used to uplift him and our local. You see it takes more guts to work with people whom you don't agree with than just trying to vote them out. It's a shame you fooled yourself into this mess but I got my popcorn ready to see how it all unfolds. Cheers!