Its not the initial hiring that creates the problems, its the way they keep promoting them higher and higher up the corporate ladder.

Its not the initial hiring that creates the problems, its the way they keep promoting them higher and higher up the corporate ladder.
Ohhhhh, now that explains a lot, like how you got your job. Thanks for the info.Forget the union. You should be be kissing EEOC's *****, since they're the reason we have to hire the occasional "mentally challenged" person.
that was a cut and paste of the original article from brown..........I found out on fri that we are supposed to be getting tele' some time next year. I just chuckled. If it works out the same as when we were supposed to get PAS, we won't get tele' for at least another 2 yrs.
Nice job Sober, 'up the corporate ladder', LMAO!
Hellfire, if you'd break up that post a little better, I might have read the whole thing. Take some tips from Sober and few others. Use paragraphs.
Oh, I see.that was a cut and paste of the original article from brown..........
that was a cut and paste of the original article from brown..........
he was also intentionally trying to sabotage the operation by keeping so strictly to trace even when it made sense at times to break it.
I've been having some interesting conversations with drivers about the new Telematics system. It turns out that the Denver Metro South building is the first building in the Rocky Mountains to get the new system. What I find most interesting when I talk to these people is the level of fear I hear in their voices and see in their eyes.
Many of these drivers have really never experienced the severe harassment the company is capable of, because they kept that, all magical production over/under number, in line. They have been able to rob, cheat , and steal, (and some just actually had a decent time study), in order to make that number.
Now they live in great fear, because the boss has taken away their bag of tricks. The interesting thing is the way the company is going to implement the system. The regular center managers are not even looking at the system. It's I.E. that goes over all of the information, then sends a packet down to the managers and says "hey, look at what your dirt bag driver is doing, clean it up!" The manager is then forced to deal with what ordinarily would not be a problem.
Most drivers do their job. When they get held up by a customer, or a traffic delay, or any of the myriad of things that can happen through they day, they just automatically hurry up to get back on track for the day. Most drivers know what is expected of them, and they simply care, and do their job. Now they'll get beat up no matter what.
Not only is the company taking all of the incentive away to make up time, they intend to discipline drivers even though they maintain an acceptable level of production. They will discipline for excessive speed. They will discipline for improper backing. They will discipline for bulkhead doors being open. They will then go back and discipline for any excessive, (in their eyes), lost time that shows up on the report. Their attitude being that any lost time is a theft from the company.
I have decided to adjust my Lord and Master Theory in name only. The stupidvisor, (who could never have done this job in the first place), that sits behind the computer, is now the Tyrant and Master. He or she is the guy with the whip. Back to the fear I see. I have no prediction how the new technology will play out on a day to day basis. My feeling is that it's a new toy, that will be totally abused by the zealot management of this company to justify the cost and expense of the system, and to make a name for themselves.
Eventually I feel that new people coming in will be trained in beating the system, but for now the existing driver is left to wonder what the hell the Tyrant and Master will nail them for today. I feel it is going to be the first major cause of turnover in the driver ranks I've seen in thirty years. People are not going to deal with the stress daily and quit.
I also feel that the turnover will come from the company using the system to kill off the people that simply can't change years of habit. Of course the most interesting thing to watch is what will happen to the already fearful, jump and run, hotdogger, who are the reason and cause of the system being implemented. The problem I see is that the union has no teeth.
The system can simply be used, and the discipline given, without much intervention. What am I, (as a steward), supposed to say? It's all right there on the paper. The new system weakens our union within UPS more than any other technology. It makes the Union obsolete. There will be nothing to discuss.
My feeling is that our contract has just been reduced to a useless book. Nothing in there applies to life at UPS under Telematics. The only usable language will be the hours languages. The company has established that anyone can be disciplined under "other serious offenses", for anything, and that is where they will go. That is where the drivers will be marched out the door.
You will see the company attempt to create a 2 tiered system of pay in the next contract with their idea being that they can properly train the new driver to function under the system better than they can adjust the behavior of the current crop of drivers. That, along with a reduction in pay and benefits, will give them the incentive to clean house on the old drivers using the system.
We will have Red Circle drivers, (the guys that survived somehow). Again all of this is based on todays situation. My hope is that someone smarter than me within the Union will see the writing on the wall, and be planning for the possibility of the future. My doubts come because I have continued to watch our reactionary union system, move slow as molasses, to respond to the changing technology within our industry.
The corporatist that run our company are way ahead of our union with their plans for the future. Ok enough gloom and doom. My feeling about what may change all of the above is the rank and file, that will be forced into becoming solid Union people. Hopefully they will turn to the Union as their only means of protection, and that is their only hope for the future. The Union loses touch with its rank and file members unless the rank and file have an occasion to rise up, usually to counteract abuse of some form or another.
Our Union (in my opinion), should be down there several times a week to let the people know where to turn. It will also educate our Union officers to the issues involved with the new Technologies. That will help when the day comes to negotiate our contracts. Their being around will also give our members a sense of safety, and will show our members who they can turn to. Whom they can count on when they are afraid.
It can be one of the most important Union strengthening techniques available to our officers. It will strengthen the officers Politically within the Union, as well as strengthening the Union in the negotiating process. If the officers don't jump on the bandwagon that is presented before them, the Union will become a footnote in history. I've seen them rise to the occasion before. Let us hope we see it again.
I just wonder when ups will come out with their supervisor version of telematics?
our numbers have dropped on the average of 2 sporh
Simply put: Telematics is latin for "those with nothing to hide have nothing to worry about." Or is that Korean?
I suspect a Japanese proverb is going to be more applicable:Simply put: Telematics is latin for "those with nothing to hide have nothing to worry about." Or is that Korean?