Für Meno :)
Im glad you posted all of that.... hopefully everyone will read how unconcerned about these situations you are. Maybe in Canada the criminals are soft and care about people more than our criminals. Very naive to say how safe you feel as if nothing will happen to you. But like I said, if you are ok with it then I am too. Talking about shop owners just handing over their money and calling the cops. I know it is only money and property which can be replaced, but it goes deeper than that. This is someone taking something that isnt theirs and coming on to MY property to do harm (maybe not physical, but thats not the point). I promise you the bad guys have guns up there, maybe they are just nicer? If a criminal doesnt worry about breaking the law by robbery, what makes you think they care about breaking the law to get a gun? It may be harder to get since there are fewer guns, but they can get them. In that you may be right with more guns=more gun killing. But less guns=less crime? Less crime just because getting a gun is harder? Use your reports and statistics like you do, but I have the choice to carry if I like, you dont. You say you dont need one. It only takes one criminal with an illegally obtained gun to change that (they do have them if they really want it). If they outlawed handguns here, you think those people in LA are going to feel any safer?
Question: Is there any cause for you that you would be willing to die for if need be?
I actually co-owned a corner store here in Edmonton with my brother.
We knew, before we even opened, that we would get robbed at some point or time.
That's even here commen sense to assume that.
And we have once (in those 2 years). I'm honest and must say, I wasn't present when the robbery took place.
I came in, maybe 2 minutes after it had happened (from getting store supplies), cops 1 min. behind me.
I must admit, my brother was shaken up a little, he didn't even think the robbery was for real (thought someone was playing an aprilsfool joke on him).
We even made a half page in our local newspaper (Edmonton Sun), because I decided to tell them our story.
BUt, can't say, he or we were in streesed out over it.
We did get better, quicker and more alarms buttons set up, and also improved our surveliiance cameras.
And, yes, we didn't take our job as sleek as it once we thought it was.
But, thats part of the job. JUst like UPS drivers need to watch out for thier vehicle and the content at all times.
Fedex vehicles have stickers "we carry no cash" on thier doors.
But, yes, in the end insurance paid us out (rather quickly I add, too). The robber hasn;t been found though. Police had a trace dog on site... but it just lead to the backalley and went cold (meaning he had a getaway vehicle sitting there).
Reason we sold a year after that: Just not enough income to support the both of us. (and trust me - never get into business with family - doesn't work well).
There would be a lot of causes I would die for.
I would die for a lot of close people of mine, that have family and kids that love them. Take thier place instead (if it came to that)
Even volunteer, to be the hostage at a bank robbery or something like that.
I'm single.
Besides, I do believe in some sort of an afterlife(have my reasons). And being a good person all my life, may or may not pay out one of these days).