Looking For A New Owner


Pineapple King
All you need to buy is the Domain name if that's what you want to keep this site going otherwise all it takes is another name for everyone to know to go to. Truly much easier I'm sure to keep this name going. You will need someone with decent computer skills to set it up and keep it going as an Administer controls. Server space is the only real cost(unless you want to pay for better forum software). I'd be curious as to what she would want for the domain name.


nowhere special
Very true when this website started Facebook and Twitter and things were not even around yet. Now, people post all their private information out in the open with their name attached to it. Plenty of people will get in trouble because of social media at work.
When I first started posting on social media a long time ago it was in its infancy and I wasn't very concerned about protecting private information but that changed to now where I am kind of fanatical about security.


Well-Known Member
When I first started posting on social media a long time ago it was in its infancy and I wasn't very concerned about protecting private information but that changed to now where I am kind of fanatical about security.
It’s getting wild out there protect yourself these companies are scraping for every bit of your information. You are the product.
All you need to buy is the Domain name if that's what you want to keep this site going otherwise all it takes is another name for everyone to know to go to. Truly much easier I'm sure to keep this name going. You will need someone with decent computer skills to set it up and keep it going as an Administer controls. Server space is the only real cost(unless you want to pay for better forum software). I'd be curious as to what she would want for the domain name.
Apparently before she passed away she renewed the domain name for a few more years


Pineapple King
I know at one time they definitely did. Not so sure anymore, but it would be chump change to them to get rid of the website and hold onto the right to the name. They’re petty
I know they shut one down years ago...united package smashers....that was set up by a disgruntled customer.