Looking For A New Owner


Well-Known Member
I was in contact with the owner of this website yesterday regarding it being off line. She made mention that she is ready to let it go, hopefully to somebody that will respect what Cheryl tried to do. If anybody is actually serious, you have to think that it cost a little money for things like server space, maybe a subscription to the forum software, and perhaps the services of tech support if you need it. I imagine it pays for itself with Google Ads, but it's not going to be a big money maker for a niche market. If anybody is really interested, shoot me a private message.
I’ll buy it.


Well-Known Member
i would consider it because i want to preserve what we as a community have built here. I have been here in one form or another since the early days and I'm sorry many of you missed those days and the great folks we had then. this current group is in many ways more knowledable and more demanding but also good. there are some though that i now have muted so i dont have to read their crap but taking ownership would mean i have to read their postings. I have some website skills I have built three myself and currently maintain an educational website that i am building to preserve the history of cast iron toys. Believing the site should be maintained by the best most skilled website administrator available there is one here that should have the first option. The registration fee to keep the domain name registered is a cost but generally not outrageous. with that said Cheryl built a site that is probably far ahead of what i have dealt with so i would have to get myself up to speed on the software used to maintain this forum. Google ads revenue is nice but not needed unless there is some other significant cost I'm not aware of. If the ownership came to me I would have to have the support of the current mods to take it seriously. One of my thoughts would be to bring back the chat room. The sunday night chats we had here were a great way to build a community though i think the corner bar has been a nice substitute. In any case I am not aggressively pursing it but i would consider taking it to preserve what we have here. I don't want to see this page end its been a lot of fun over the years.


Well-Known Member
I agree.

Her appreciation for her mother’s project is admirable, as is the intrinsic value she seems to see in it.

Where she loses me is when she thinks the site is worth a fortune and is a living memorial to her mother, yet has been worth none of her time at all.
We lost many members in the last couple years because of the abandonment of this website and no administrator. A rudderless ship.


Pineapple King
Me and the current site owner are an order of magnitude off on price currently.

I appreciate the offers and support. So much.

But the amount that would be required is insane. She’s not even in the same ballpark, figure wise.
That's a shame....it's like that green Beanie Baby Bear someone bought for $6.99 back in the day and was offered $100 for it at the peak hype and said no I'm going to make $10,000 off this thing one day. This site while fun is no more than a couple hundred dollar domain name at best. At this point it would be easier to have someone set up a Browncafe 2(or whatever)and everyone move over there.


Well-Known Member
That's a shame....it's like that green Beanie Baby Bear someone bought for $6.99 back in the day and was offered $100 for it at the peak hype and said no I'm going to make $10,000 off this thing one day. This site while fun is no more than a couple hundred dollar domain name at best. At this point it would be easier to have someone set up a Browncafe 2(or whatever)and everyone move over there.
This is true. The only thing lost would be the vast catalog of information. Not necessary, but it would be sad to lose.