Looking For A New Owner


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
That's a shame....it's like that green Beanie Baby Bear someone bought for $6.99 back in the day and was offered $100 for it at the peak hype and said no I'm going to make $10,000 off this thing one day. This site while fun is no more than a couple hundred dollar domain name at best. At this point it would be easier to have someone set up a Browncafe 2(or whatever)and everyone move over there.
What is a good price in your opinion?
Look at the numbers kid



Well-Known Member
What is a good price in your opinion?
i'd have to see the google ads revenue. for me it would have to pay back in a three year window and I cant imagine it being anywhere near that figure. Google ads or adsense or whatever they're using would have to pay around 2500 a month and while I am guessing i would think they're probably drawing maybe tops 100 or 2 a week?

there is so much competition from all of the social media options out there that it would be very risky to put out that kind of cash for it .


Well-Known Member
Look at the numbers kid

View attachment 494979

This website probably lost 75% of the value in the last two years because it went down to a handful of users
the stats you show dont look bad but i have to wonder how its being tabulated. Is a guest being counted that has the page loaded but is not physically on his/her pc looking at the page? I can leave tabs open and often do even though i may be away from my pc for most of the day.