Lunch and 60/70hr rules.


Well-Known Member
one could argue that piont #1 about time off doesnt apply. sure we could walk away, but are we really resolved of all resposibility of our car and contents?

if someone hits you while on lunch and youre inside getting food, does the company really NOT hold that accident againstbyou?

If you are parked out of the way of traffic there is little to nothing that you can do if your car is hit while you are on your meal break and you would not be charged.

If you are improperly parked or the car is not secure you could be charged with an accident and/or held liable for any packages lost as a result of your negligence.


Light 'em up!
one could argue that piont #1 about time off doesnt apply. sure we could walk away, but are we really resolved of all resposibility of our car and contents?

You are not resolved, you are relieved...

And yes, in regards to the DOT regulations, you are off-duty.

if someone hits you while on lunch and youre inside getting food, does the company really NOT hold that accident againstbyou?

If you were legally parked, you will not be charged.

Although @UpstateNYUPSer already beat me to it in the above post.