Early retirement package? Why again? The game is set up for as many people as possible to NOT make at least partial retirement as possible AND it's getting worse. Remember, 55 is NOT full retirement. It is a partial benefit retirement with full healthcare.
It used to be, UPS saved enormous costs by losing people before they reached full retirement. Go ahead leave before 62 take your stock you have enough! They begged you.
Now the age is 55. I have seen so many uncomfortable moves made to people when they reach 54 to 56 years of age it would make your head spin.
There are many age related savings UPS has been successful in adapting without a whimper of lawsuit. Who in their right mind would take UPS on?
They only promote people in their 30's and only hire people in their 20's. Please wake up and take a look around. Do your own stroke count!!
Take a look at how old the people are who are demoted, Take a look at who replaces the demoted individual if you can see through the 3 or 4 way move and swaps that invariably means a promotion for a 20 or early 30 something. Take a look at who are the ones that are out on stress and anxiety disability or worse. Over 40? I know the answer.
Make note which ones are quitting. Note how old the people are that are being moved without being promoted and then note who is being moved AND promoted!
Yes many younger management are leaving, but guess what? If it's a 50/50 split UPS does not have anything to worry about when it comes to EEOC and reaps the benefit of putting another less costly employee in place of hopefully not reaching even a partial retirement!
Do you really truly believe the pressure coming from above is accidental or not planned? Here's an idea, lets combine jobs and ask that the same work gets done. No one will have a clue it is designed to get as many older management to fall as possible....unless someone is smart enough to look (normally only the managment out west are smart enough to look and NOT BE AFRAID).
Lets make the manager run the local sort and preload but not provide any more resources, maybe even take some away!! This started in the south (I have record from Selma, Alabama. The sups were given a driver line of 30 and the local sort.) The older employee leaving is BONUS!
Performance problem? Integrity matters? Guaranteed a factor....but isn't it odd the number of integrity and performance issues seem to multiply as you are overworked, humiliated or berated? Why so many over 40's with this malady? do your homework. I guarantee you will see a trend that no one is looking at but the people who account for cost from retirees and older management.
I think you need to do your own evaluations about the ERO and what the REAL package is.