Well-Known Member
It's my understsnding he had a pacemaker with a de-fibrillator function that was inactivated.
Pacemakers aren't disqualifying......a de-fib is.
I believe the disqualifying doctor wrote a letter of protest regarding the disqualifying but to no avail.
The company is gonna do what they damn well please and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. The company is above the laws that apply to everyone else.
Once again......we need to wake up.
Pacemakers aren't disqualifying......a de-fib is.
I believe the disqualifying doctor wrote a letter of protest regarding the disqualifying but to no avail.
The company is gonna do what they damn well please and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. The company is above the laws that apply to everyone else.
Once again......we need to wake up.