The beatings will continue until the morale improves...
Morale is low and Production is Up ....stocks are at an all time high of $85 and some change... hmmm what do you think the higher up are thinking?
I really cannot tell you how many hourly slow down when they see supervisors working... It is a non confrontational method of enforcing the contract language.
Been a couple of weeks and it feels like things are worse. We had a PT sup just walk out mid sort and have multiple sups interviewing at other jobs. Things are so bad here we are down about 10-12 sups between both buildings and all sorts and can hardly get anyone promoted. It's all about getting more money from less resources and the employees are done with it too. We have a manager that treats everyone like a kid, is very condescending when he talks to management and constantly yells and screams about how they are not doing their jobs when he is the one that has cut the staffing so low that it CAN'T be done. How can you keep up your morale when you are being degraded daily and are busting your butts to just keep the belt on?
We had three drivers recently go management, two personally told me they wish they never did, all within 1 year.Can anyone name ONE sup below center manager that wouldn't be a driver in a heart beat? Thats my down and dirty judgement of how management morale really is.
We had three drivers recently go management, two personally told me they wish they never did, all within 1 year.Can anyone name ONE sup below center manager that wouldn't be a driver in a heart beat? Thats my down and dirty judgement of how management morale really is.
You know things are desperate when OMS staff are being made into on-road supervisors.
One step up from driver?
Not to be disrespectful to the OMS staff........but certainly not one step up in regard to wages.....
Hell, that would apply to supervisors too!
Hoaxster....I actually feel very bad for many of the newer full-time supervisors at UPS (they tell me no pensions...significant health premiums, etc.) The young FT supervisors that I talk with plan on using UPS as a stepping stone to a better job. Excellent resume builder in my opinion.
I sincerely think that is the plan from Corporate HR.
Consultants were telling UPS this is what they should do in the mid-90's and it seems to have come to fruition.
UPS is just another Corporation and that is the way of corporations.
Not wrong ... just different.
We had three drivers recently go management, two personally told me they wish they never did, all within 1 year.
Only an idiot would give up a FT driving job in order to go into management in todays UPS. Pay cut, benefit cut, more hours, forced relocations, no job security, no pension, no realistic hope of advancement with integrity....yeah, sign me up!
Only an idiot would give up a FT driving job in order to go into management in todays UPS. Pay cut, benefit cut, more hours, forced relocations, no job security, no pension, no realistic hope of advancement with integrity....yeah, sign me up!