50 years ago? Which diseases would that be? We got vaccinated as children. There has been no pandemic on this scale since the Spanish Flu except maybe polio and it wasn't as contagious.
There's no point in bringing up the scale of covid. We have zero way to know the true scale of the pandemic because the numbers have all been made up, mostly from excessive testing, using tests that were admittedly unable to differentiate between the cold, flu, or covid.
They tried to cause this type of panic with swine flu in the late 60's and 70's, people weren't having any of it. They shut down the vaccine for swine flu after it killed only 9 people, and was proven to cause GBS and other neurological disorders.
They tried causing this hysteria in the 80's with HIV, but people weren't having it.
They tried in the 90s with avian flu.
They tried in the 2000's with sars cov 1, zika, west nile, etc.
But they finally had more than marginal success with a relatively harmless virus. I wonder what's changed in the intervening years.