Well-Known Member
political defense of government wrong doing. to be expected
Was Trump wiretapped?
political defense of government wrong doing. to be expected
ya but just the tipWas Trump wiretapped?
I hear a lot from you so what ground are you occupying?Stop occupying the low ground and you'd hear a lot less.
So what does that tell you? It tells me that contents of the Steele dossier and other evidence corroborated each other.
I know a lot of folks would like to say the Steele dossier is completely false but I don't know what there is to support that claim.
But, this is just Kabuki.
Distract, deflect, throw ninja smoke bombs.
See Ben Carson.
back to Pelosi and schumer? if the Obama administration weaponized the fBI and the fisa court then it explains why those two are trying so hard to distract.
if not then all americans should have no problem with a transparent review of FISA court decisions during a presidential election.
you guys want to chase the possibility of Russian interference but have no problem ignoring the possibly a secret judicial process may have interfered in our elections.
Was Trump wiretapped?
Are you for real?
Is this opposite day?
Search Ben Carson
are you? don't let politics cloud your judgement
I have brilliant surgeon. were you singing his praises?
Click newsI have brilliant surgeon. were you singing his praises?
Guy, whatever misdeeds HRC employed, if there's any 'there' there, by all means, let's root it out. I'm not a Hill-dog fan, I didn't vote for her, I know she's shady as...
But that's not what we're talking about.
I disagree with your premise that the FBI was in the tank for Clinton, and employed political means to kill the Trump candidacy. Not only does that not align with facts, it makes very little sense.
Yes, let's not let politics cloud our judgement - you constantly deride the Trump critics for putting too much stock in the Russia collusion scenario, but it seems to me you're doing the same thing with Nunes' memo.
Hope springs eternal.
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I forgot Tom Price. Had to resign for cruising around in private jets at taxpayer expense. The fish rots from the head, lots of cabinet members taking their ethics cues from Trump.Show me where government officials are enriching themselves and we should go after them. But not Hillary. She may have gotten rich beyond what anyone has done before, but we don't touch a Democrat icon.
I forgot Tom Price. Had to resign for cruising around in private jets at taxpayer expense. The fish rots from the head, lots of cabinet members taking their ethics cues from Trump. inability to pay attention is distracting.
I have serious concerns about a FISA court being misled and or abusing its power intentionally. you have chosen to show no interest in investigating that possibility to ensure we don't have a secret government doing what they please with total impunity.
that puts you on the liberal left side of this issue that is trying to squash this issue in every way imaginable.
you words say no your actions say yes